Chapter 1360: The president is fine again (46)

Chapter 1360 The president is fine again (46)

Cha Cha sat on the bed, his thoughts drifted away.

Suddenly, she spoke.

"Qiqi, is there any way to make Young Master Chu appear again, I haven't said goodbye to him yet, he has the right to know what's going to happen."

Mr. Chu knew he would disappear.

has already said goodbye.

Young Master Chu doesn't know anything.

This is not fair to him.

He has the right to know.

[Yes, but, after Chu Mingzhe has a deep sleep, he can let Young Master Chu appear. 】

"Okay, then tomorrow, wait until I have a good chat with Chu Mingzhe." Cha Cha thought seriously.

Qiqi saw her dignified expression, and comforted her a few more words to make her feel at ease.

This night, Cha Cha didn't sleep well.

tossed and turned, and occasionally let out a sigh.

the next day.

She appeared in the restaurant in a bad state of mind.

Chu Mingzhe looked concerned.

Worrying inquiry.

Chacha shook his head, "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well."

Chu Mingzhe heard this and immediately began to reflect on whether he disturbed her last night.

"Eat, don't forget we'll have a good chat later." Cha Cha noticed that he was distracted and reminded him.

"it is good."

The old man keenly felt that the atmosphere between the two was not quite right.

He wisely weakened his sense of existence.

After breakfast.

Chu Mingzhe followed to Chacha's guest room.

"Don't be nervous, relax a little, it's not a big deal."

Cha Cha smiled helplessly.

"Well." Chu Mingzhe was still a little embarrassed.

The relationship between the two had already eased, but after last night, it has become strange again.

Chacha didn't say anything else, and went straight to the topic.

The two sat down facing each other.

"I can get you back to normal."

Her words affirmed.

Chu Mingzhe didn't have any doubts in his eyes, he was only a little surprised, and even he was very calm.

Chacha continued, "You always don't remember what happened before. After returning to normal, those memories will return to your mind, and at the same time, those split personalities will no longer appear alone."

"Well." Chu Mingzhe was always calm.

It seems that no matter how amazing her words are, he can remain calm and rational.

Chacha suddenly began to feel distressed.

"After you go into deep sleep, I will make adjustments for you, so you just need to go into deep sleep as quickly as possible.

But...before that, I may let Young Master Chu appear and say goodbye to him. I think he has the right to know about this matter, but in the same way, I also need your consent..."

"He really should have known.

Besides the eighteen-year-old me, there should be another person, right? "Chu Mingzhe asked, there was no excess emotion on his face.

Chacha's questioning about him was a little unexpected, "Yes, that Mr. Chu knows a lot, he knows what will happen, and I have said goodbye to him."

"Well." Chu Mingzhe responded, and the moment he lowered his eyes, there was a dark light in his eyes.

He was indeed jealous that they could get along well with Cha Cha.

But at this moment, he was more apologetic, because that was the personality that only appeared when he was madly trying to escape...

took away a lot of pain for him...

"What am I going to do next?" he asked.

"Work normally, wait until the evening, take a good rest, and enter a deep sleep." Cha Cha patiently said.

She also noticed the change in Chu Mingzhe.

She didn't know how to comfort her.

can only reach out and hug him.

Cha Cha whispered, "Don't think too much, it's time to get things back on track."

Chu Mingzhe, "Well."

(end of this chapter)