Chapter 1367: The president is fine again (53)

Chapter 1367 The president is fine again (53)

Next, Chu Mingzhe stabilized a lot.

It's almost time for Chu's house.

Cha Cha wakes up leisurely.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at her environment again.


She remembered that Chu Mingzhe hugged her, and then... His embrace was very comfortable, and he fell asleep quickly when he was tired and sleepy.

And then……

She stared at Chu Mingzhe's blushing profile.

It was vaguely like being slapped in the face.

Suddenly, Cha Cha stretched out his hand with a guilty conscience and compared it with Chu Mingzhe's profile.

"I slapped you?" she asked weakly.

Chu Mingzhe, "Well."

There is not much emotion on the man's face.

But he confirmed that she had attacked him.

The little girl was very annoyed.

hurriedly reached out to help him rub his face, "I fell asleep, definitely not on purpose... Don't care about me! Does it still hurt?"

she asked as she wondered why she slapped him.

Is it so dishonest to sleep by yourself now? Hit someone while asleep?

But last night, she didn't do anything to Chu Mingzhe! Why did you come to him today? Cha Cha was confused.

Chu Mingzhe saw her thinking and quickly pulled her thoughts back.

"If you rub a few more times, it won't hurt."

"Huh? Knead a few more times? Okay!"

The tips of his white fingers covered his cheeks, and his movements were gentle and slow.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long.

The car stopped and arrived at Chu's house.

Chacha pulled Chu Mingzhe out of the car, "I'll ask the housekeeper to find ice cubes for you to apply."

"Help me." Chu Mingzhe grabbed her wrist and whispered to her, "It's not serious, so there's no need to let the housekeeper and the old man know."

Cha Cha was stunned.

soon understood Chu Mingzhe's painstaking efforts.

He must have felt that if the old man knew that she had done something to him, the old man would have a bad impression of her.

This painstaking effort is too rare.

And it made Cha Cha feel more and more guilty.

She nodded, "Then wait for me in the room for a while, and I'll find you soon."

"Okay." Chu Mingzhe responded, looking at the little girl who was very nervous about him, a warm feeling surged in his heart.

Time was silent for a few seconds.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "If you don't let go, how can I find ice cubes?"

Chu Mingzhe quickly let go.

is a little embarrassing.

Cha Cha turned around and ran to the kitchen.

After taking the ice cubes, let the servant bring dinner upstairs.

Well, she and Chu Mingzhe haven't had dinner yet!

I didn't feel hungry just now, but now I suddenly feel very hungry.

She glanced at the hot meal, went upstairs with a sigh, and put ice cubes on Chu Mingzhe first.

After applying it, have dinner, then take a bath and sleep, it's beautiful!


Wait a minute, she seems to have forgotten something.

Still waiting for Chu Mingzhe to sleep deeply...

This is embarrassing, can she leave this thing behind for a while?

She is too hard.

Qiqi, [I think it is more convenient to knock him unconscious directly. 】

Cha Cha, "We have to be gentle, don't be like this, but I think what you said is very reasonable, anyway, insomnia is not easy to cure, or you should be knocked out first, solve the problem, and then slowly heal him later. Insomnia……"

Qiqi, [Yes! 】

Light wax for Chu Mingzhe for a second!


When   Chacha helped Chu Mingzhe to apply ice.

Round eyes rolled around.

This appearance is clearly a guilty conscience.

Chu Mingzhe faintly felt that something was wrong, he asked, "Don't you want to do something to me again?"

Chacha's hand holding the ice cubes, paused, "...I, I'm giving you an ice pack! How can I do anything to you?"

She looked at Chu Mingzhe eagerly.

looks good.

This appearance made Chu Mingzhe's heart tremble, "..."

looks very guilty.

(end of this chapter)