Chapter 1369: The president is fine again (55)

Chapter 1369 The president is fine again (55)

As soon as Chu Mingzhe came out of the bathroom, he looked at the little girl eagerly.

He was stunned.

I feel a chill in my back for some reason.

"Are you OK?"

he asked subconsciously.

Chacha shook his head, "I'm fine."

She got up from the bed and stared straight at Chu Mingzhe.

"I have something to discuss with you. After you hear it, no matter what you think, don't get angry, okay? Well...I allow you to refuse."

Chu Mingzhe responded, "Okay."

Although I don't know what she's going to say.

However, his instinct told him that he could not refuse her.

Chacha smiled and waved at him, "Come here!"

Chu Mingzhe walked over helplessly.

The two are very close.

Chacha said softly, "Look, you haven't been able to sleep deeply, in this case, it means that the things we said before can't continue.

So, I have a new idea.

I'll knock you unconscious, and then call out Master Chu to meet, and finally let you return to normal... What do you think? "

Chu Mingzhe looked at her with dull eyes, as if she did not expect her to have such an idea.

"you sure?"

Chacha nodded eagerly, his eyes shining brightly.

"I'm sure and sure."

knocking people unconscious, she has done it many times!

And if she remembered correctly, she seemed to knock Chu Mingzhe unconscious several times, but he didn't remember it himself.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little guilty.

Chu Mingzhe thought for a while.

For a long time, he nodded, "Okay."

"However, do you know how to knock me out? Would you like to teach you a trick first?" He asked with concern.

I'm a little worried that the little girl can't do it.

looks so soft and well behaved.

Soft and weak, he didn't fight at all, and he probably didn't touch anyone else.

Chacha is a little embarrassed.

"You don't need to teach me tricks, I've knocked you out without you knowing!"

Chu Mingzhe, "???"

Chacha, "Close your eyes, I move quickly and it won't hurt."

After the words were finished, she raised her hand, and her movements were neat and tidy.

Before Chu Mingzhe could react, he was knocked unconscious with a palm.

She looked at Chu Mingzhe who had passed out on the bed.

A guilty conscience rose in my heart.

I always feel that this plane has attacked him too many times.

Alas, I will try not to knock him unconscious in the future.

Chacha, "Qiqi, let Young Master Chu come out."

Seventy-seven, [Ok. 】

In order to let the host feel its power.

Qiqi quickly moved the data belonging to Young Master Chu.

【You can wake him up. 】

Cha Cha reached out and pushed Chu Mingzhe who had passed out.

Sure enough.

After half a minute.

The person who opened his eyes again has become Young Master Chu.

Chacha is very happy, it seems that Chu Mingzhe will be able to return to normal soon, Qiqi is getting more and more powerful.

Young Master Chu opened his eyes, first looked at the surrounding environment, and then stared at Chacha.

Suddenly, he looked at Chacha with tears in his eyes, and complained, "Don't you love me? How can you sleep in the same bed with that dog man Chu Mingzhe while I'm away?

Lonely men and widows! How can you break my heart like this! "

Young Master Chu looked at the extra quilt with hatred in his eyes.

He is not stupid.

Especially now that he is still wearing pajamas, and Cha Cha is also wearing pajamas.

This scene is clearly what happened.

Young Master Chu felt that his sky was about to collapse.

Why does this happen?

What did that dog man do to her?


It must be that dog man Chu Mingzhe who lied to her! ! !

Seeing that there was a dark tide in Young Master Chu's eyes, Cha Cha hurriedly comforted him.

(end of this chapter)