Chapter 1378: The president is fine again (64)

Chapter 1378 The president is fine again (64)

Chu Mingzhe sighed while thinking about how to coax people.

Snacks? sugar? milk tea?

Let her fight? Curse?

he thought quickly.

Before he could come up with the result, just after leaving the company, he met two people who gave away.

Xu's father, Xu Lin, ran over on a rampage.

Chu Mingzhe hurriedly pulled Chacha back into his arms, hugged her tightly, and turned away.

Father Xu couldn't hold back his strength, so he threw himself in the air again and fell directly to the ground.

Chu Mingzhe glanced at the two people on the ground.

condescendingly, "Mr. Xu is really haunted."

Father Xu shrank when he heard Chu Mingzhe's voice, quickly got up from the ground, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Mr. Chu, I just want to meet my daughter, I really have no other intentions."

"Unfortunately, you don't have a daughter for a long time, and a statement severing the father-daughter relationship, does Mr. Xu think that it can be saved now?"

Chu Mingzhe's voice was cold.

When he talked to Cha Cha, he was always gentle. At this moment, even Cha Cha was stunned when he heard his voice, as if he hadn't seen Chu Mingzhe like this for a long time.

She tilted her head and stared at Chu Mingzhe's profile for a while.

Forget it, since he looks so good-looking, she doesn't care about him, and she also thinks she is small, um, give him a step down later.

Father Xu hesitated.

Chu Mingzhe is right.

But no one can be unmoved by huge interests.

Now it is clear that Chu Mingzhe is very close to his daughter, which is unusual.

With such a big benefit, how could he think he didn't know it?

Father Xu continued to struggle.

"Mr. Chu, I did something wrong at the beginning, but I regret it too. I can't sleep because of sadness every night. Chacha is my own daughter. I cut off my relationship with her, and my heart is bleeding.

But under those circumstances, I couldn't give up the entire Xu family for her.

Chacha, you have to understand me!

Think about your mother and your younger brother. If I hadn't cut off the relationship at that time, our entire Xu family might have died long ago.

You don't want to see Xu Lin and your mother because of your accident, right? "

Cha Cha calmly patted the back of Chu Mingzhe's hand.

She looked at Father Xu and said seriously.

"You're right.

So, in order for me not to implicate the Xu family in the future, it is better for you to stay away from me.

If I fall out with Chu Mingzhe again one day, won't you cut off the father-daughter relationship with me again?

It's too troublesome to repeat this repeatedly.

It is better to cut it clean at one time. "

Father Xu, "???"

Xu Lin, who didn't have time to speak, "..."

What... so ruthless!

Xu Lin gritted his teeth and was very angry.

He has a bad temper, and he has been humbling for so long today, and he has also experienced being kicked out by the security guard. He has never been so embarrassed.

No matter how tolerant he was, he couldn't help it.

Seeing that Father Xu had to be saved.

Xu Lin grabbed him.

"Didn't you hear what she said? If she wants to break up with us, she obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with us anymore, so why do you have to hold her back!

Could it be that our Xu family can't live without her? ? ? "

During this time, it is still good!

I really don't understand why I came here to be humble.

Besides, maybe one day Chu Mingzhe will not want to make tea, and at that time, Xu Cha may even run to the Xu family and cry to them.

Father Xu almost fainted due to Xu Lin's anger.

Oh shit.

Why does he have such a slow-moving son?


He raised his hand angrily and slapped him.

Xu Lin was also annoyed.

He has been slapped twice by Father Xu today.

(end of this chapter)