Chapter 1381: The president is fine again (67)

Chapter 1381 The president is fine again (67)

However, Qiqi is still a simple one.

It did not expect.

after an hour.

Chu Mingzhe sent another message to Chacha.

Chu Mingzhe: Insomnia, you can't sleep without you around.

Qiqi saw Cha Cha staring at the news, and hurriedly reminded.

【Conspiracy! He just wants to deceive you! This is an outright conspiracy! 】


Chacha muttered.

Put down the small snacks in your hand.

To be honest, she really has no resistance to such Chu Mingzhe.

Chacha explained to Qiqi seriously.

"Qiqi, don't think about him like this, he's miserable, and now his insomnia has finally gotten better, I can't give up on him just because he said something wrong.

I have been insisting on treating his insomnia for a long time, and I cannot give up suddenly.

I have a beginning and an end. "

77, 【? ? ? 】I closed myself.

Chu Mingzhe that dog man is shameless!

Cha Cha stood up and hugged the quilt and was about to open the door to find Chu Mingzhe. When he walked to the door, he felt that something was not right.

She frowned, turned around, and put the quilt back in place. Qiqi was overjoyed, [You figure it out! Men just can't get used to it.

Chacha shook his head, "No, I just think that I want to save face, so let Chu Mingzhe come to me on his own initiative."

In order to maintain face, I can't take the initiative to find him!

Qiqi, […] Sorry, I should continue to self-isolate in the little black room.

Chacha returned a message to Chu Mingzhe: Come here, let's talk.

Chu Mingzhe's eyes lit up when he received the reply.

Quickly left the room and came to the guest room. Chu Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that the door of the guest room was unlocked.

Little cute temper, he still figured out a little bit.

Like tonight.

He can be sure that after Xiaocute takes the snacks, she will not be in a hurry to sleep, but will eat the snacks for a while, and she must be sleeping very late.

He sells miserably at the right time...

Chu Mingzhe came to Chacha.

whispered, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

Chacha didn't lift his head, "Looking at the face of the snacks, I don't care about you anymore."

"Then I'll prepare more snacks." Chu Mingzhe took her words and acted boldly. He sat beside her and helped her organize the snacks.

"It's very late, why don't we rest?" His voice was weak, and then he said, "I might not be able to sleep tonight... I don't know why, but I have insomnia again."

Chacha glanced at him.

knew that he was selling miserably on purpose.

But, no way, who made him look good!

She is soft-hearted.

I can't see how badly he sells.

"Well, go to sleep."

Chu Mingzhe saw that she didn't say anything else, so he restrained the despair in his heart, and hurriedly got on the bed, for fear that Little Cutie would drive him out again.

Cha Cha didn't say a word and lay beside him.

The bed in the    room is much smaller than the bed in Chu Mingzhe's room.

The two of them were lying on the bed, a little crowded.

Suddenly, Cha Cha thought of one thing.

"You didn't bring the quilt over." Before, she and him used to cover a quilt separately.

Excessive things, Chu Mingzhe did not dare to do.

But tonight, the timing is just right, and Chu Mingzhe will naturally grasp it.

He leaned close to her, reached out and tugged at the quilt.

"Just give me a little quilt."

Cha Cha, "... OK."

Give him a little.

It was very late, and she didn't want to go down to find another quilt.

Just make do with it?

Chu Mingzhe seemed to be taking an inch, and in just a few minutes, he got into her quilt openly, and it was with the consent of Little Cute.

Qiqi looked at Chacha, who was quilted, […]

Heart hurts!

(end of this chapter)