Chapter 1384: The president is fine again (70)

Chapter 1384 The president is fine again (70)

The heart that Mother Xu had been carrying suddenly fell.

She nodded, "Yes, you are right."

Now there is only news of getting married.

The two are not married yet.

No one knows what will happen before marriage, so maybe that lunatic Chu Mingzhe suddenly doesn't like Xu Cha anymore.

After all, lunatics are always illogical.

Mother Xu and Fu Jiangwei chatted for a while about other things.

Father Xu came back from the outside, glanced at the two chatting, said nothing, and went back to the room to rest.

Mother Xu ignored him, with a bit of contempt in her eyes.

Useless things.

Since Xu Lin and Xu's father had a **** head fight and torn their face, Xu's mother had no good face towards Xu's father.

And Xu Lin, life is more comfortable.

Although Father Xu stopped giving him pocket money.

But, he can take it himself!

Spend as much as you want, no one cares about him anymore.

This kind of life is simply extremely comfortable.

He even felt that he should have lived this life earlier.

Father Xu could no longer stop him.

Under the doting of Xu's mother, Xu Lin became more and more excessive.

Father Xu was very disappointed.

The relationship between the Xu family members is extremely rigid.

After Father Xu returned to the room, he did not go to rest as usual.

Instead, he found all the money he had saved in the past few years.

Xu Lin took part of it from him.

Of course, there are other parts that Xu Lin did not discover.

After Father Xu took the money, he thought for two seconds, then took the property certificate from the safe, and left the room without any hesitation. When passing the living room, Mother Xu glanced at him and continued to chat with Fu Jiangwei.

did not take Father Xu's outing to heart.

Mother Xu didn't know at the moment.

Once Father Xu left, he never came back.

three days later.

Mother Xu was dressed up at Xu's house and was about to invite her little sister for afternoon tea, when a dozen strangers suddenly broke in, so frightened that she screamed to call the police.

The man headed by    looked at her fiercely.

"Call the police? Go and report it! Your house is mine now. Even if the police come, they will be on my side."

Mother Xu, "??? You are talking nonsense! This house is obviously mine!"

The man waved the real estate certificate in front of Xu's mother, "Did you see it? Mr. Xu has already sold the house to me! Give you one day, get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Mother Xu was shocked.

"Impossible! He can't sell the house!"

She was so startled that she went to the security guard.

As a result, before she called, the security guard had already come to Xu's house and confirmed what the man said.

The house has indeed changed owners.

Xu's mother panicked to call Xu's father, but she couldn't get through.

After all, she hadn't seen Father Xu for two or three days.

At first she thought it was something in the company.

and many more!


Her company!

The house was sold, what about the company?

Ten minutes later.

Mother Xu broke down and cried.

There is only an empty shell left in the company. To put it simply: Father Xu ran away with the money...

Mother Xu called Xu Lin crying.

And Xu Lin was having fun with some friends outside.

When Xu Lin came back, Mother Xu had already been thrown out of the house because of the trouble.

Xu Lin, "Why is this happening? What about that old thing? When he left, didn't you notice something was wrong?"

Mother Xu blushed.

"Lin'er, think of a way to get our house back first!"

Xu Lin obviously doesn't care about this issue.

He cares more about money.

"How much money do you have? Give me first."

Mother Xu, "I don't have any money! That old man took all the money away, he just won't give us a way to live!"

(end of this chapter)