Chapter 1387: Demon Lord, please be gentle (1)

Chapter 1387 Demon Lord, please be gentle (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

The    Charm Card has been upgraded to Silver Level 5.

Snack Card is upgraded to Silver Level.

Wealth Gold Card Level 6 is upgraded to Gold Card Level 7, and you have Level 7 Wealth.

also has the Lucky Supreme Card. 】


Xu Shi often heard Qiqi tell her about the various grades, and Cha Cha didn't have any changes in her expression.

Qiqi suddenly said solemnly.

[Host, there is a plane next that needs you to challenge, you can choose to refuse, of course, even if you refuse, it will not have any effect. 】

"What plane?" Hearing Qiqi say this, Cha Cha was a little curious.

【The plane of fairy and demon, this plane is very special, because there are immortals and demons, and the power of immortals and demons is uncontrollable.

And we belong to outsiders, so in order for you to better integrate into that world, you will lose your memory after entering the plane of immortals and demons. When the time is right, you will remember some things that happened. 】

"Losing memory? Isn't that the new me?"

【right. 】

Cha Cha thought for a while, "It sounds interesting, what about you? Will you go to the Immortal Demon Plane with me?"

【Of course I will go with you, but I may appear in other forms, maybe I can become a human too! 】Speaking of this, Qiqi has some expectations.

"Well, then let's go to the Immortal Demon Plane!"

【it is good! This is arranged. 】


Thousands of years ago, the fairy and the devil fought, and the life was ruined.

All parties suffered heavy losses.

After that, they used the magic sea as their realm, and each lived quietly in their own realm, and had nothing to do with each other.


Demon Venerable translocation.

After the new Demon Venerable Asura came to power, he frequently appeared on the boundary of the sea of ​​demons, deliberately provoking troubles, seemingly deliberately provoking a war between immortals and demons.

"You said, does the Demon Venerable really dare to hit the Heavenly Palace?"

"You shouldn't dare! The previous Demon Venerable was so powerful, and he didn't get any benefits back then."

"You are wrong. Although the demons didn't get any benefits back then, our immortals didn't take advantage either."

In that battle, both immortals and demons paid a great price.

was a heavy casualty.

"Tell me about it in detail."

Several little fairy maids were discussing, and suddenly heard a sweet voice with curiosity and doubts.

The    fairy maids were startled, turned their heads, and saw the little princess who was looking at them curiously with round eyes.

Those beautiful eyes were filled with curiosity.

But...they didn't dare to talk about it in front of the little princess.

"Little princess, why did you get here? The Empress will be worried if she can't see you."

The maids were a little panicked.

The little princess is the favorite princess of the emperor and the empress.

But little princess...

is different from normal people.

Cha Cha tilted his head, as if he suddenly thought of something serious, "I'm playing hide-and-seek with the fourth sister, and I can't let her find me, so you can't say you've seen me, you know?"

Immortal maids, "...I know."

Seeing their sincere expressions, Cha Cha nodded with satisfaction, and then moved to another place to hide.

She didn't know that the immortal maids muttered again after she left, "The fourth princess is bullying the little princess again."

"Shh! You can't talk nonsense."

The four masters will lose their temper when they take the initiative, and if they are heard, they will not have good fruit to eat.

Cha Cha went around in the Heavenly Palace, but couldn't find a good hiding place. After thinking about it, he summoned his own spirit beast.

"Seven seven, come out."

As the sound fell, a spirit beast jumped out. The spirit beast was completely white, and its furry claws covered its mouth and yawned, "Are you unable to find your way again? Or was someone bullied again?"

(end of this chapter)