Chapter 1391: Mozun please be gentle (5)

Chapter 1391 Demon Lord, please be gentle (5)

Chacha looked in shock at the fourth princess who had agreed to play games with her.

How can you suddenly push her down?

The little head is full of questions.

The imbalance of her body made her careless, and she subconsciously shouted, "Beast."

Seven Seven, "???"

I just thought for a while in the space.

Why were you pushed into the sea of ​​magic?

Qiqi jumped out a little impatiently, the body like a dumpling suddenly enlarged, like a tiger, carrying the host that made it worry-free on his back.

"You hold me tight."

Chacha hugged it according to the words, and sighed uncontrollably, "Wow, you are so amazing! You can still run wild in the sea?"

"Not only can I run wild in the sea, but I can also fly in the sky!"


It is a dignified beast that has become her mount.

But what can be done?

own host, in addition to pet, can only pet.

Chacha felt that the beast was a little impatient, and whispered, "The beast can't swear."

Beast·Qiqi·Beast, "... um."

The attitude of    is very perfunctory.

Therefore, Chacha went along with the hair of the animal.

Her beasts are amazing!

Can run, fly and swim.

at the same time.

The fourth princess was crying with the **** of war Tianling, "My little sister is playful, she insists on coming to the magic sea, I couldn't persuade me, I never thought that she would fall into the magic sea in a blink of an eye, brother Tianling, what do you say? How is this good?

In case the father and mother find out, how should I explain to them..."

The fourth princess crying is called a pear flower with rain.

Tianling frowned as he looked at the devilish sea of ​​devilish energy.

Magic Sea is like no other place.

"The fourth princess saw the little princess fall into the sea of ​​magic with her own eyes?"

He now just wants to make sure of this.

The little princess has no immortal power, so if she falls into it, she will surely die.

The chance of surviving by luck is very small...

"Yes." The Fourth Princess responded and cried again.

looks very sad.

Tianling turned his head to look at Tianbing, and ordered, "You all go to secretly look for the trace of the little princess. This matter can't be a big deal for the time being."

After finishing his words, he said to the Fourth Princess, "Please go to the Emperor of Heaven with me, please explain what happened."

Four Princesses, "Okay."


The demonic energy lingering in the sea of ​​magic retreated after encountering the spirit beast.

Cha Cha watched this scene curiously.

couldn't help but touched the beast's head again.

"Beast, why are you so powerful!"

Qiqi sighed and replied, "Born."

As soon as it reaches this plane, it is very powerful, and it can be considered natural.

"Oh." Cha Cha pouted, then why didn't she know anything?

My heart is stuck, and I can't learn.

She was very unhappy.

Qiqi noticed her mood changes, and reluctantly advised her, "Don't be unhappy, I am yours, which means that my abilities are also yours."

Chacha hugged it and wanted to fly happily.

"Beast, you are so nice! You are the best beast!"

Her tone was soft and outrageous.

Qiqi suddenly reminded, "We are now entering the realm of the Demon Race, be careful."

Chacha, "Ah? Demon clan? Is that the powerful demon clan?"

Qiqi, "...Yes."

Chacha is a little puzzled.

asked, "Beast, then why didn't we just go back to the heaven?"

Qiqi, "???" The host can actually ask such in-depth questions now? This made it shocking.

In fact, the host is not that stupid, and knows how to ask it such a question.

Qiqi casually found a reason to fool a host of his own.

Well, the host is very good at fooling around.

It can fool the host with its conscience.

(end of this chapter)