Chapter 1398: Mozun please be gentle (12)

Chapter 1398 Demon Lord, please be gentle (12)

After Shura left the palace.

The magic soldiers sent by    came back to report the news.

"Reporting to Demon Venerable, there seems to be a change in the heavens. There are a large number of heavenly soldiers moving around the Demon Sea, but it doesn't look like an attack, it looks like someone is looking for someone..."

"Well, let's go down and keep guarding." Shura turned his head and took a deep look at the direction of the bedroom.

The little princess of heaven.

is a pity.

If he had another identity, he wouldn't mind keeping him by his side.

However, she can make his mood up and down... This is not a good thing, he frowned and turned away.


Cha Cha was locked up in the bedroom for several days.

Never saw Shura again.

Fortunately, there are beasts to accompany her.

"Beast, you say, Luo Luo... No, did you think the Demon Venerable forgot me here?"

Qiqi, "...I shouldn't forget you here. After all, this is his bedroom. One day, he will come back."

"Oh, good, beast, do you want to try again and see if you can rush out."

Chacha stared at the beast and beast. She felt that the beast and beast were very powerful, but in this enchantment, the beast and beast couldn't rush out, so she was very sad.

Qiqi sighed and charged at the barrier again.

It really can't do anything about it.

"If someone else sets up the barrier, there may be a chance to rush out, but after all, this is set by the Demon Venerable. I... can't beat him, and the barrier will naturally be broken..."

Can't break through the barrier, and no one plays.

One person and one beast, very lonely.

"Beast, it's so boring here!"


"Is there any fun?"

"No... how about, little princess, try your cultivation again? Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle."

Qiqi felt that since she met Shura now, her IQ was slightly better than before, so why not try again?

If you are lucky!

Chacha said hesitantly, "Well...that's fine, just...I'm more worried that you will leave me."

Qiqi, "No way."

Although the host was angry with the gods who taught her before, it will always accompany the host.

Chacha nodded, "Mmmm."

Her beasts are the cutest!

Qiqi thought for a while, "Let's learn invisibility first, this is the easiest."

Invisibility is easy to learn and easy to learn.

Those powerful celestial beings can not only hide themselves for a long time, but also help others to become invisible, hide their voices and various scents on their bodies, making them completely invisible...

Of course, the host will definitely not be able to achieve this effect.

It doesn't ask much of her either.

Learn invisibility first.

Even if you are invisible for a few minutes, it's okay. As for the smell, sound, etc., as long as you can't see her with the naked eye... it's a success.

Qiqi is full of confidence. After all, its host has performed very well and perfectly in the previous plane.

Qiqi, "Don't be nervous, read the formulas with me, then concentrate on it, concentrate, don't be afraid, you can try it a few more times, anyway, we have more time.

After learning invisibility, we can also learn another teleportation, and then learn a change shape later, all of which can save our lives..."

Chacha saw that the beast was so serious, she became more and more ashamed.

For a thousand years, I can't even do a stealth technique.

She is so useless.

She must study hard!


Maybe she was not born to learn this material.

An hour later.

Qiqi looked at the host who had not made any progress, and her heart became a little heavy.

Its host is really just slow to respond!

Is it possible that we have to get that body back and restore it to normal before it can become a talent? ?

Cha Cha stumbled and studied for another hour, but still no progress was made. She gave up and sat on the ground with the beast.

"Beast Beast, I don't want to work hard anymore, I still honestly inherit the fairy family magic tool left by my father..."

(end of this chapter)