Chapter 1408: Mozun please be gentle (22)

Chapter 1408 Demon Lord, please be gentle (22)

Shura hummed and turned to leave.

I didn't realize how much of a hole this sentence dug for my future self.

Chacha hugged the beast and made it hurry back to space.

's arms were suddenly empty, and the beasts had already entered the space in fear.

Seven Seven: It's scary to death!

This development…

In the future, it should hug itself obediently.

The host is still so stupid now, what should I do if I can't keep it?

lost in thought...

At that time, Cha Cha's pretty face was calm, but the thoughts in his mind began to slowly turn around.

It's too unsafe for the beast to follow her.

She thought of a way to make the beast run away.

Sura's temper is uncertain. If one day, he wants to attack her beasts again, what should he do?

Cha Cha tilted his head to think, this time he learned to be smart.

didn't dare to talk to the beasts, he lay on the couch by himself, slowly turning his small head with a small capacity.


The next day.

Didn't wait for Chacha to think of another way.

The    Demon Race suddenly had a storm.

Asura stared at her with cold eyes, and there were many vicious demons around, which made her look dazed.

"??? What, what's wrong..." She was a little flustered.

"Mozun, in my opinion, it's better to kill the little princess in the heavens directly, and let the heavens know that our demons are not easy to mess with!"

"What are you talking about? Now that His Highness Xiuhun has been taken away by Heaven, if we kill her, what will our Highness do?"

"Mozun, let's have a long-term plan!"

Several demons to discuss together.

Chacha captured key information from these few sentences.

Cultivation of the soul was captured by the heavens?

Cultivation of the soul became a hostage in the heaven.


She raised her little hand weakly, "Can't you take me for a soul repair?"

Shura raised his eyebrows and gave her one more look.

"Aren't you stupid?"

Chacha, "..." Isn't this normal operation?

One of the demons followed and said, "Mozun, in fact, we are not at a disadvantage if we exchange her for His Highness Xiuhun."

After all, the little princess in the heavens is a fool.

His Royal Highness Xiuhun is young and promising, with a bright future.

Shura said expressionlessly, "How come it's not a loss?"

He raised his finger and pointed at Cha Cha, with a casual attitude, "This little fool was picked up by my deity from the sea of ​​magic, in other words, it was my deity who saved her!

The heaven repays grievances with virtue and captures the soul of cultivation? Now you still want the deity to hand her over for soul cultivation? How does this make sense? "

Several demons were angry when they saw the demons.

They didn't dare to speak out.

Speaking of which, the heavens are indeed too much.

The demons mixed into the spies of the heaven, and then reported the little princess of the heavens in the demons to the heaven.

Heavenly Realm grabbed their Highness Cultivation Soul with a backhand.

is so irritating!

It was clearly their Demon Lord who saved the little princess in the heavens!

The Celestial Clan did not thank you, but they still acted like this.

is simply deceiving too much!

"If you want me to say, it's better to transfer troops and fight with the heavens. Our demons have never had anything to be afraid of."

Shura didn't answer him, staring at the little fool with a gloomy expression.

Cha Cha, "..."

A little panic, and a little scared.

Wouldn't he have killed her in a fit of rage...

After all, I offended him just last night, and it happened again today...

for a moment.

she said weakly.

"Or... I'll go and explain to Emperor Father that it was you who saved me, not you who caught me..." Well, as for him wanting to eat him, she didn't mention it, Xiuhun wanted to kill her, she also not to mention...

"If you explain, he will believe it? Do you think I'm as stupid as you?" Shura satirized speechlessly.

Does she really think the heaven is so easy to talk to?

Chacha shook his head, "You are not stupid at all, you are very smart! No, you are very smart!"

The little girl picked up nice words to tell him.

(end of this chapter)