Chapter 1410: Mozun please be gentle (24)

Chapter 1410 Demon Lord, please be gentle (24)

Soon, only Shura and Chacha were left in the room.

Cha Cha whispered, "I've figured out how to praise you, do you want to listen?"

Wet eyes, shining brightly.

I don’t know if I was scared.

Shura snorted, reached out and rubbed her head expressionlessly, "I don't want to hear it now, wait until tomorrow night, and then praise me well."

"Oh, tomorrow night." The little girl nodded.

There was a little more doubt in his eyes, "However, why is it tomorrow night?"

Sura was serious, "Because tomorrow, I want to marry you as a concubine."

"What is the Demon Concubine?" Cha Cha tilted her head, not quite understanding, and her head couldn't keep up with his thoughts.

If there was something she didn’t understand before, she could call Beast Beast.

But now, she can't call the beast, she has to protect the beast and can't let it appear in front of Shura.

Shura thought for a while.

This matter must be explained to her well.

"That's what you meant to marry me."

Cha Cha, "??? Marry you? Why should I marry you? Is there any benefit for me?"

"Benefits? Of course there are." Shura couldn't hold back, and pinched her little face again. The little fool was heartless, and even when he heard about the big event of marrying him, he didn't have much reaction.

Such a stupid person, can the Emperor of Heaven protect him for a lifetime?

That's all, it's better for him to protect him.

Cha Cha rubbed his face, and a mist of grievance appeared in his eyes.

His pinch hurts!

I don't understand why he always pinch her face...

"After you marry me, the demons will salute you when they see you, and your status in the demons will also rise. Apart from me, the demons are your biggest.

Oh, and your spirit beast, you don't have to worry about me any longer. After all, you are mine, and I am yours. We will all be family from now on. "

Shura didn't think there was anything wrong with coaxing a little fool.

His conscience not only does not hurt, but he feels very happy.

Chacha's IQ has risen a little after all.

I know that I raised a question.

she asked, "What if I disagree?"

Shura looked at her meaningfully, "Disagree? Then you and your spirit beast may not see the sun tomorrow."

After the words were finished, Shura felt that the IQ of the little fool might not be able to understand this sentence, so he explained it bluntly again.

"What I mean by that sentence is: if you reject me, I will kill you, and then kill your spirit beast, understand?"

Chacha nodded cowardly, "Ming, I understand." She didn't want to die yet!

She still has a lot of delicious food to eat.

She still wants to go back to heaven to see her father and mother!

"I, I, I promise you." The little fool was forced to agree.

Qiqi in the    space, "..." Unexpectedly, the Demon Venerable is also a shameless beast!

Shura, "Well, wait here obediently, and don't go anywhere."

The fact that he wants to marry the little princess of the heavenly realm will definitely cause a **** storm in the demon realm and the heavenly realm. I am afraid that the heavenly realm will not let him marry someone so easily, and it is likely to send troops to stop it.

So, he figured out a way to resolve this matter.

After half an hour.

Not only the demon world, but also the heavenly world.


Demon Lord Shura wants to marry the little princess of the heaven.

This news, it can be described as waves on the flat bottom, with a loud noise, thunder fell from the sky, and all the demons and immortals were split into a coke outside and tender inside.

This development is simply fantastic.

Celestial Immortals:

Demon Venerable actually wants to marry the little princess?


This is clearly looking down on their heavenly realm and deliberately mocking the heavenly realm!

No, it must be started! Can't let go of the demon world!

Demons of the Demon World:

Are we going to live in peace with the heavens?

Do not! It must be the Demon Venerable who was bewitched by beauty! ! !

(end of this chapter)