Chapter 1414: Mozun please be gentle (28)

Chapter 1414 Demon Lord, please be gentle (28)

Shura deeply felt that he was causing trouble for himself.

He stared depressedly at his future magic concubine.

fell into deep thought.

"I ask you, do you want to be by my side, or do you want to go back to heaven."

He didn't know why he was obsessed with this issue, but he just wanted to know what place he occupied in her heart...

Cha Cha was stunned.

The head melon is spinning quickly.

After a long while, she asked weakly.

"Can't we have both?"

Shura, "???"

Chacha, "I-I can take you back to the heaven! There are many interesting things in the heaven. In addition to the cranes, there are other things that can be eaten secretly, such as peaches, lotus seeds in Yaochi, and..."

"Your crane meat should be ready soon, I'll take a look." Shura stood up abruptly and interrupted her.

He turned and left with an unnatural look.

Chacha is unknown.

what happened again? ? ?

Shura frowned and closed the door.

The world between him and her is far, far away.

Her world is too clean.

And he didn't really want her to be integrated into his world.

Shura suddenly felt that marrying her as a concubine and kidnapping her was the right thing to do.

She couldn't even properly understand what the Demon Concubine meant.

But he wants to marry her back to the demon world in such a high-profile manner, will she regret it later? Will you hate him?

There was even a moment when Shura felt that he was ill. He was a dignified devil, why should he think about these messed up things? If you want to marry, you can marry, the big deal is to take one step at a time.

Unfortunately, he still has reason.

Shura was quiet outside for a while.

pushed the door open again.

Chacha saw him coming back, opened his mouth, and shrank back.

"What do you want to say?" he asked.

Cha Cha snorted, "Didn't you say that the crane meat is almost ready? I just wanted to ask you..."

Shura, "Well, is there anything else to ask?"

Chacha, "...No, I don't know if I should ask. If I ask if I shouldn't, you will be angry again."

She was uneasy.

The poor little appearance made his breathing stagnate.

Shura calmly said, "I'm not angry."

Chacha, "Then can I let the beast and the beast eat the crane meat with me?" In the past, the beast and the beast also ate with her.

"Yes." Shura explained patiently without pausing, "I remember that I said, marry me to be my magic concubine, your spirit beast, I won't touch it again."

Cha Cha nodded, "Oh oh."

She just wanted to make sure.

What if he regrets it again?

Qiqi jumped out of the space and jumped into Cha Cha's arms. The little spirit beast the size of a palm gave Shura a wary look.

Asura suddenly asked again, "Would you like to marry me to be a concubine?"

"??? Yes! Didn't you say that if you were not a concubine, you would kill me and kill my spirit beast? I-I want to live a few more days..."

Although she is a salted fish, salted fish doesn't want to die so quickly.

Shura felt like he was stabbed again.

Everything now, he deceived.

She doesn't know anything at all.

"Come here." His voice was cold, and after listening carefully, you would find that his voice trembled a little more.

Chacha hugged the beast and walked up to him obediently.

Shura raised his hand and paused.

stopped in mid-air for a long time, then put it down again.

never mind.

The little face is white and pretty.

If he continued to pinch it, the little fool would look at him aggrievedly again.

"You wait here, the crane meat will be brought to you by the devil, I still have things to deal with."

Leaving this sentence, Shura fled.

Cha Cha subconsciously put his hand on his chest.

"Beast, what do I think is weird?"

Qiqi, "Don't you feel weird? I just feel my saliva is flowing... I haven't eaten crane meat for a long time..."

(end of this chapter)