Chapter 1416: Mozun please be gentle (30)

Chapter 1416 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (30)

When Chacha opened his eyes again.

found that everything in front of him was familiar.

Familiar room, familiar heaven.

"???" She blinked, her mind full of question marks.

Isn't she in the magic palace? How can I dream of returning to the heaven after eating the crane meat?

Is it because she misses the heaven too much?

Why do you have such a dream?

"Daughter? Daughter, you are awake!" Before she could react, she fell into a warm embrace.

Cha Cha called out dully, "Queen Mother?"

"Hurry up, hurry up and tell Your Majesty!" The queen looked at her good daughter with relief, and her warm palm fell on her cheek.

"Do you know how your father and I spent the days you were missing? You kid...all thin...hey, seems to be getting fat again??"

Tianhou pinched her little face.

is a little puzzled.

Does the    Demon World treat prisoners so well?

Tianhou carefully looked at Chacha.

"That bad devil Shura, did he bully you?"

A demon who actually wants to marry her daughter to be a demon concubine!

Bah, who wants to be a concubine!

Doesn't her daughter deserve a post?

Chacha shook his head, "No, mother, am I dreaming?"

Everything in front of me is so real.

She was a little stunned.

"Of course you're not dreaming, you're back in the heavens now!" Tian Hou corrected.

Why is this kid getting more and more stupid?

Cha Cha tilted his head, trying to understand the current situation.

"The queen, what happened? Why did I return to the heaven? Didn't Shura say that he wanted to marry me as a concubine? He..."

"Daughter, don't mention the word Shura again in the heavens, a mere Demon Venerable, dare to think of my heavenly princess, is he dreaming?"

The Emperor heard the news, and he heard the words of his daughter as soon as he came over, and his anger surged up.

This time, it is still a matter of Asura knowledge.

Obediently send his daughter back.

Otherwise, he must let Tianling lead the heavenly soldiers to fight the demon world!

"After this time, don't play anymore. Do you know how worried your father and mother are about you? The magic sea is so dangerous, and you are not allowed to go there again."

Heavenly Emperor sighed.

Chacha hesitated.

wanted to speak out.

It was obviously the fourth sister who pushed her down.

It wasn't that she accidentally fell into the sea of ​​magic.

However, she seems to have no evidence.

"Where's Fourth Sister?" She thought about it and asked.

Heavenly Emperor, "Since you disappeared, she has been thinking about it in her palace, and she should have been thinking about it, but she didn't like you, and you accidentally fell into the sea of ​​magic.

Fortunately this time, you were lucky enough to be taken as a hostage by Shura, and we also have soul cultivation in our hands, otherwise..." His daughter almost became Shura's magic concubine!

I feel angry just thinking about it.

Cha Cha thought for a while, "Oh, that's it! Then can I go see Fourth Sister?"

"Yes, but you can take good care of your body first, and it's the same when you go to see her in a few days." The Emperor looked at his daughter carefully, and after making sure that her daughter was not stupid or injured, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The next thing needs to be handled by him.

He didn't stay long and left.

Leave Tianhou to accompany her to talk.

Cha Cha stubbornly said that he was fine and insisted on going to see the Fourth Princess.

"My mother will accompany you, okay? Or let your fourth sister come to your place?"

"No, I'll go over by myself." Cha Cha said firmly.

The Queen couldn't beat her, so she had to agree.

Guessing that nothing will happen, Tianhou didn't think about anything else, she just thought she wanted to talk to the fourth child.

One more sentence by the way.

"Your fourth sister seems to be sincere in admitting her mistakes these days."

(end of this chapter)