Chapter 1424: Mozun please be gentle (38)

Chapter 1424 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (38)

After the Emperor left.

Shura appeared in front of Chacha again.

Before he could open his mouth, Cha Cha rushed over and bit her aggressively.

has a big meaning to bite him as an enemy.

Seven Seven, "..."

He is the big beast.

He didn't eat your big beast.

This is so special...

Big misunderstanding.

Sura's patience was okay, and he dragged the little girl off him without haste.

He wasn't angry, he just thought it was funny.

"Your big beast is still fine, if you do anything to me, I can't guarantee that your big beast is still intact!"

When Shura said that, he glanced at Qiqi sharply, the threat was self-evident, this stupid spirit beast almost revealed his identity.

If it wasn't for the arrival of the Heavenly Emperor just now, interrupting the spirit beast's words.

almost let the little fool know that he is a black spirit beast.

Since the little fool doesn't know his identity, and his head hasn't turned around, let her know for the time being.

The threatened Qiqi, "..." It's too difficult for me.

I'm going to shut myself off!

Why make it difficult for a beast.

It is just an ordinary and unremarkable poor beast.

Chacha's eyes lit up when he heard that the big beast was fine.

She tugged at Shura's clothes in surprise and asked, "Then where did you get it!"

The big beast disappeared, and the Shura appeared, oh!

Shura glanced down at the hands that were tugging at his clothes.

slender fingers patted the back of her fair hand, "Let go."

Chacha, "Oh." Just let go.

"That big beast, it..."

Shura interrupted her speechlessly.

"Big beasts are very good, they will naturally appear when they should." He replied very perfunctorily.

chacha, “…”

Her little head turned and asked again, "No, didn't you say before that I can't see big beasts? How can I see them again? Which of your words is true???"

Shura glanced at her.

The little head melon is not full of water.

"Then do you want it to disappear completely or to be safe?" He looked at Chacha with a half-smile.

Chacha immediately returned to him, "Of course I hope the big beast is safe."

Shura hummed, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Well, so why are you asking so many questions? Don't be afraid to bother me and kill that big beast."

Chacha, "..." is so cruel.

She asked a few more questions, the big beast might be dead?

"Then I won't ask..." She nodded shyly.

If you don't ask, don't ask, or you will harm big beasts.

Qiqi watched helplessly as his tea was being fooled around, but there was nothing he could do.

for a moment.

Chacha seems to have thought of something.

tilted his head to look at it, "Beast Beast, before Father Emperor came, did you tell me that Big Beast Beast is not your elder? You..."

Sura suddenly said, "I also don't think that big beast has a junior as stupid as you."

Qiqi, "..."

Cha Cha, “…”

I can't chat today.

Chacha wanted to save face for her beasts, but she looked at Shura who was full of ferocity, "..." Well, forget it.

Beasts are very powerful, she just knows it, no need to explain to Shura.

She changed the subject cowardly, "Then what, shouldn't you be in the Demon Realm? Why did you suddenly run to the Heaven Realm!"

The celestial beings in the heavenly realm hate demons very much, and he actually avoided the guardians of the heavenly realm and broke into her! ! !

Although the Celestial Soldiers in the Celestial Realm are not his opponents, the various formations in the Celestial Realm are not something that the Demon Race can casually break into.

If he was like him and could break in at will, wouldn’t the heaven be in chaos?

(end of this chapter)