Chapter 1431: Mozun please be gentle (45)

Chapter 1431 Demon Lord, please be gentle (45)

Tianling faced her questioning.

bowed his head and thought for a while, but he really couldn't refute.

But he can explain.

And he doesn't understand at all, why a little fool can be so tossed.

"Your Majesty, I can explain, I..."

Cha Cha hummed.

seems to be greatly wronged.

"Things have happened, and you still want to reverse black and white and refer to a deer as a horse?

No no no, you don't need to explain.

It's all my fault today, God of War, you should have demolished my palace, it's my fault, my beasts shouldn't stop you, and I shouldn't complain.

I'm sorry, I was wrong, you don't have to do it, I, I will take the initiative to demolish my palace. "

Cha Cha wiped away his tears and waved away the Emperor of Heaven.

Wronged, he walked to his palace, and his little hands had little strength to pick up the gate of the palace.

"I'll dismantle the door first... woo woo..."

Qiqi, "???" For a while, it didn't know how to evaluate the host's operation.

However, today's host seems to have turned into a little slasher in the blink of an eye? ? ?

IQ is just like rubbing up.

was stunned to make Tian Ling speechless.

Of course, this is the truth! ! !

Before this, the host of his house could not speak well.

As soon as he finished his sigh, he saw that its host was too weak to pull off the gate of the palace. With a plop, the gate of the palace did not come down, and he sat down on the ground.

There was a blank look in his black and white eyes.

What the Emperor of Heaven saw was a distressed one.

He strode forward, crossed Tianling, and hugged his little daughter into his arms, "My dear, the father is here. Even if the father tries his best, he will not let you be wronged again!"

"God of War, Ben Gong wants to compete with you."

has not spoken is a diva.

looked at Tianling calmly.

On weekdays, it’s okay to open one eye and close the other.

Now, the bullying has come to her daughter.

What about next time?

Do you dare to attack the Heavenly Emperor next time, or start with her this Heavenly Empress?

Tian Ling, "...If the minister agrees, I'm afraid I will get a reputation for bullying women. The Queen of Heaven should go back and rest. I believe that the Emperor of Heaven will handle such trivial matters."

After    days, "???" You look down on me? Is it such a small thing that my daughter is being bullied?

Chacha, "???"

She struggled to leave the arms of the Heavenly Emperor.

Originally had exaggerated ingredients in it.

However, at this moment, her eyes were full of anger.

pointed at him with slender fingers, "Do you think you are the **** of war and can talk to my queen like this?

You deceive people too much! I tell you, one day, I will step down your War Temple! Let your name of the **** of war disappear between heaven and earth! ! ! "

I tell you, I'm really pissed!

What God of War? It's a spicy chicken thing!

When she turned around, she worked hard to learn the immortal method, and the first thing she did was to kill Tianling.

Chacha's voice fell, and the whole world fell silent.

The immortals shivered and did not dare to make a sound.

How can the little princess dare to say anything? Can this be said nonsense?

God of War that really is not afraid of anyone...

Even if he goes too far, they usually knock out their teeth and swallow in their stomachs.

Tianling looked at her with a half-smile.

"The little princess is really brave, but it's a pity, if you want to beat me and trample me under your feet, maybe the little princess will be reincarnated to have this chance.

You don't have this chance in your life. "

Saying she is a fool is really not smart.

The Emperor of Heaven must respect him by three points, what is she?

When you call her a little princess, do you really think of herself as a little princess?

"Tianling!" The Heavenly Emperor's face was terrifying.

The Queen also glared at him.

Cha Cha gnashed her teeth and looked at her beast, "The beast has grown bigger!!! Kill him to death for me!!!!!!"

(end of this chapter)