Chapter 1438: Mozun please be gentle (52)

Chapter 1438 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (52)

The immortals looked at Tianling who was rushing towards the palace in shock, "???"

couldn't help sighing in the bottom of his heart, tsk, God of War is really not a thing, the palace deserves to collapse.

Bullied the little princess and smashed the little princess' palace?

The Queen touched her head.

"It's okay, my mother will give you one later. You sleep with my mother tonight. As for your palace...don't be sad, just now, Tianling's palace collapsed, and his loss is even greater."

Cha Cha, "... collapsed?"

Was that loud noise she just heard the sound of the palace collapsing?

Her big beasts are too powerful! ! !

Her eyes were shining brightly, it was a joy!

The immortals looked at this expression, and then looked at her side, there was only a white spirit beast.

For some reason, a terrible thought suddenly appeared.

"..." A group of panicked.

Could it be another good thing done by that black spirit beast?

This melon can’t be eaten, and if you eat it again, their immortal life will not be guaranteed, so let’s hurry up and withdraw.

The Emperor waved his hand, signaling the immortals to step back.

The immortals got the order and disappeared in a second.

Tian Di looked at Cha Cha, "Does the collapse of Tianling's palace have anything to do with you? What about your black spirit beast?"

When    was suddenly asked, Cha Cha lowered his head and panicked a little.

"I, I just asked the big beast to overturn his palace. I didn't expect... the big beast was so powerful that it collapsed immediately!"

Finally, Chacha raised his head excitedly.

Seeing Tiandi's sullen face, she lowered her head weakly.

It seems that the big beast is too powerful...

Tiandi looked at Tianhou in a complicated mood.

"In this way, you let the two spirit beasts follow you all the time, you know?" he said seriously.

Tianling lost face in front of all the immortals, and now even the palace has collapsed, Tianling will definitely avenge this revenge.

He is now more worried that his daughter will be in danger.

However, as long as the spirit beast is always by her side, there will be no problem.

"Well, I understand that the father is afraid that I will be revenge. I understand." Tian Ling is so stingy, he will definitely not give up.

Heavenly Emperor raised his eyebrows, "You're quicker to react now."

He didn't talk to Cha Cha anymore, he left with Tianhou.

There are still a lot of things to deal with right now.

Now that things have gotten to this point, they also have to think about the next countermeasures.

It is even more necessary to prepare for the worst.

If one day Ling really did something, they had to be prepared...

Chacha stood there, watching their leaving figures, and whispered, "Beast, am I in trouble? Will Tianling rebel?"

Qiqi, "...No trouble, Tianling did it himself, and it has nothing to do with us. Besides, even if there is no such thing, Tianling will rebel sooner or later."

After all, the title of God of War in the Heavenly Realm has been held for tens of thousands of years, how could it be possible for Tianling to remain under the Heavenly Emperor all the time?

"Okay." As soon as Cha Cha responded, he saw the big beast appear in front of him.

"!!! Let's go in!" She stretched out her hand to greet the two spirit beasts and said after entering the palace, "Big beast, you... You really collapsed Tianling's palace?"

"Hmm." The big beast was lying on the ground without raising his eyelids in response. It just collapsed a palace. Anyway, he had already fought against Tianling, so it doesn't matter if he offends him again.

Besides, he couldn't blame him for being ruthless.

I can only blame Tianling for not having long eyes.

Bullying his little fool?

Ah! Do you really think that little fool has no backstage?

His little fool can only bully him.

Now that a palace has collapsed, it is just a warning to Tianling not to provoke his little fool.

Otherwise, next time, he doesn't care whether Tianling is a **** of war or not, and directly sends Tianling to the West!

(end of this chapter)