Chapter 1443: Mozun please be gentle (57)

Chapter 1443 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (57)

The four princesses wanted to marry the **** of war in the heavens.

In addition to having a good impression of Tianling, she wants to enjoy the feeling of being on top.

And now, Tianling lost to a spirit beast.

The urgent desire to marry Tianling disappeared in an instant.

She lowered her head and thought carefully.

always thought this was a bit strange.

She clearly remembered that the father and mother wanted to marry that little fool to Tianling.

Since this is the case, why would the spirit beast beside the fool be allowed to conflict with Tian Lingqi?

There must be something she ignored.

She felt that she had to figure this out.

Four princesses waved away the fairy maid and went directly to Tianhou to ask questions.

"Don't you want to marry Chacha to Tianling? Why would you allow the spirit beasts around Chacha to defeat Tianling? Ruined the reputation of Tianling's God of War?"

Queen, "??? What nonsense are you talking about?"

When did she want to marry Chacha to Tianling?

She is not sick, how could she send her daughter to the fire pit?

The Fourth Princess saw her and refused to admit it.

A somewhat crazy idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

It was like a sudden solution.

"Or... the mother thinks that this will pull Tianling down from the altar, so that he will be willing to marry that fool back?"

The fourth princess looked at her with a sneer.

I didn't expect that the queen mother actually planned such a thing in order to let that fool marry the God of War.


She is now beginning to suspect that the spirit beast was able to defeat Tianling because of a premeditated plan.

Tianhou looked at her unreasonable daughter, raised her hand and slapped her.

"You wake up!

Do you know what you are talking about?

Open your mouth and shut your mouth and call your sister an idiot? When did you become so mean? "

The fourth princess covered her face, her eyes were red, "Of course I know what I'm talking about! It's you, you don't want to answer my question, you're clearly guilty, you just want that fool to marry Tianling!

She is not worthy of Tianling at all, she is not worthy of it! Only I can marry him! "

Tianhou was silent for a moment, "..."

Looking at the somewhat crazy daughter, she didn't know what to say.

She doesn't even know why she thinks this way.

Tianhou sighed deeply.

"I never thought of marrying Chacha to Tianling, not because Chacha is not worthy of him, but because in my eyes, Tianling is not worthy of her!"

What if he is a **** of war in the heavens?

Her daughter deserves better.

The pupils of the four princesses dilated, and she felt like she heard a big joke

"Mother, you actually said that Tianling is not worthy of that fool? I heard the conversation between you and the father, I heard what the father said to you, if I hadn't heard those, how could I have So sure?"

Tianhou frowned and just wanted to reprimand.

Suddenly the conversation changed, "Are you sure you heard the whole conversation? Not just one sentence?"

Four Princesses, "???"

"You were in the room with your father that day, and you said you wanted to find a suitable husband for that idiot... Said to find a suitable husband for Cha Cha, and Tian Ling was mentioned later..."

"You made a mistake." The Queen interrupted her speechlessly.

"It was true that Tianling was mentioned, but it was said that he was as powerful as Tianling and could protect her, not Tianling.

Although   Tianling is a **** of war, his mind is not pure and he is not worthy of my daughter. "

The words fall.

The queen suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

connects what happened before.

She looked serious, and there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"Did you push Chacha into the sea of ​​magic because of this?"

If this is the case, her daughter is considered a waste...

(end of this chapter)