Chapter 1449: Mozun please be gentle (63)

Chapter 1449 Demon Lord, please be gentle (63)

Chacha went to Tianhou's place.

Shura followed and guarded outside the palace of the Queen of Heaven.

In this regard, the Heavenly Emperor did not say anything.

Since you are willing to guard outside the palace, let’s guard!

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about safety.

two days in a row.

Since the Tianling incident happened.

The celestial world is almost abnormally calm.

Almost all the immortals felt that there was going to be a big problem in the heaven.

is like the calm before the storm.

It seems calm, but in fact it is dark and turbulent.

this day.

Cha Cha was bored playing with Qi Qi at the entrance of the hall.

The four princesses approached.

I haven't seen you for a few days.

The fourth princess seems to have a little more tenderness.

is a little less hostile.

Cha Cha paused and tilted his head to look at her.

"What's up?"

The fourth princess nodded, "Well, I have something to do, how has my sister been in the past few days?"

There is unstoppable kindness between his eyebrows and eyes.

However, this expression, for Chacha, only feels disgusting.

Inexplicable, I just feel that the performance of the fourth princess is very acting? And the acting is not enough.

"I'm fine, but fourth sister, why did you come here all of a sudden?" She glanced down at the beast, and then felt relieved.

Although the beast is not as powerful as the big beast, it is more than enough to deal with a fourth princess.

"I'm here, naturally I have something to tell you, these few days, I've been thinking about it alone, and I'm ashamed to say it, and I feel more and more that the things I have done are very wrong.

I did a lot of wrong things. Thanks to that day, my mother scolded me to wake me up, plus a few other sisters solved it, and some of these misunderstandings, I really had trouble sleeping and eating, so I found a Chance, I want to apologize to you. "

Chacha hummed, "Since you know you're wrong, then forget it, I don't care about you, anyway, it's over, I've taught you a lesson, even if we're even!"

Qiqi was a little shocked.

is over.

The host may not be able to distinguish between good people and bad people.

is likely to be deceived by this white lotus flower.

A little panic.

I always feel that this white lotus is going to do something again.

It quickly became vigilant, and the fluff all over its body stood up, in a state of readiness.

The Fourth Princess glanced at Qiqi and smiled.

"The spirit beast next to Cha Cha doesn't seem to like me very much, but it doesn't matter, the previous thing was my bad, and it was also my fault. Be more vigilant, and it should be."

Qiqi, "???" How come your special rank has become higher?

Calm, don't panic.

With it there, the white lotus can't lift the storm.

Cha Cha lowered his head and touched the beast's head, "My beast and beast has been working hard to protect me, you don't have to think about it, maybe it just thinks you're not a good person, so it's vigilant."

The Fourth Princess was caught off guard and choked.

Her complexion changed and quickly returned to normal.

"So I don't look like a good person?" She laughed self-deprecatingly.

Chacha stared at her seriously for a while.

"It's a little bit like a good guy."

Four Princesses, "..."

Good gas!

But be calm.


She has to hold back, she can't lose her temper casually, she still has tasks, she can't let Tianling's plan fall short.

She smiled, "It doesn't matter, no matter whether I look like a good person or not, anyway, I will try my best to be a good person."

She glanced at the spirit beast inadvertently.

The coldness in my heart almost overflowed.

She remembered clearly that this white spirit beast was not a good thing.

followed the black spirit beast and slapped her around. In the end, she was covered in bruises... She always remembers this grudge!

Emperor Tea!

White spirit beast, black spirit beast!

They are all her enemies! ! !

Therefore, she and Tianling are in the same boat!

(end of this chapter)