Chapter 1453: Mozun please be gentle (67)

Chapter 1453 Demon Lord, please be gentle (67)

Tiandi frowned.

In addition to disappointment, there is some impatience in his eyes.

"It seems that thinking against the wall won't make you realize your mistakes. If so, then go to the ice cell for a few days."

She has no trace of remorse.

Unscrupulous for ends.

Even, cooperate with Tianling to kill his own sister?

You have done so much wrong, and you are still righteous?

Instead, he is still making excuses for his actions.

He sighed deeply.

took a look at Chacha, who was cheerful, and suddenly felt that it was okay for her daughter to be stupid.

As for Tianling.

Enchanted, you should repent in the ice prison.

Di Yan suddenly panicked when she saw that the Emperor was determined.

"Father? I am the princess of the heavens, I am your daughter, you can't treat me like this, you can't let me go to the heavenly prison!

And, I'm right, I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm here to eliminate harm to the heavens, Dicha has an affair with Demon Venerable, she betrays the heavens, she should be damned! "

Heavenly Emperor, "Why are you so obsessed?"

He waved his sleeve and sent her directly to the ice prison.

The cries of    also disappeared with her.

Di Yan did not expect that she was actually sent to the ice prison.

The ice prison is used to punish the immortals who have made a big mistake. Once they enter the ice prison, they will have to peel off their skins even if they die. Immortal family spells cannot be used in the ice prison, and all immortal spells are imprisoned. It is called Tiantian not, and the earth is not working...

How can the father be so cruel...

Without Di Yan's shouting, she was instantly clean.

Asura looked at the Emperor and spoke solemnly.

"Tianling, I've been trapped, he has fallen into a demon, as for how to deal with him, it's your heaven's business, and it has nothing to do with me.

Although there is no God of War in the heavenly world, my demon world will not attack at this time. I hope to live in peace in the future, I believe, you understand what I mean. "

He put his eyes on Cha Cha.

Tiandi, "..." My heart hurts so much, my home-grown Chinese cabbage with water and spirit was overwhelmed by a pig, whoever changed it would be unhappy.

He didn't answer with a dark face.

Shura didn't say anything more.

Leave with Chacha.

As for how Tiandi deals with Tianling, he is too lazy to care.

Anyway, Heavenly Emperor will not let Tianling go.

After all, Tianling has been enchanted now and will threaten the heavens at any time.

Unless he doesn't want the position of Heavenly Emperor anymore, he won't let Tianling go foolishly.

Tian Ling looked at the Emperor fiercely, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"This heaven should belong to me! If it weren't for me, could you, the emperor of heaven, be so stable???"

Heavenly Emperor, "..."

Forget it, I can’t chat today.

It is most convenient to send it directly to the ice cell for suppression.

He was too lazy to waste time with Tianling.

In addition to Tianling, he has to continue to deal with the rest.

After all, if the **** of war in the heavens suddenly has an accident, the heavens will also trigger a series of small events.

For example, the soldiers under Tianling's hands...

Another example, Shangxian, who has a good relationship with Tianling.

Tianling, who was locked in the ice cell, "???"

Am I the biggest villain?

I was solved like this?

Why did I just enter the ice cell?

The six worlds that I haven't messed up are turned upside down! ! !

Do not! I'm going to get out of the ice prison and continue to misbehave!


In addition to the original confinement of the ice prison.

There is another imprisonment on his body, which is very domineering.

And this confinement feels familiar to him...

is like Shura's hand.

He had fought with Shura twice before, and he was not familiar with Shura's power, but he had deeply remembered it in his mind.

Tianling screamed like crazy.

even cursed Shura.

He especially wanted to ask a question.

What does the Demon Venerable of the Demon Realm take care of in the Heaven Realm?

Are you sick!

(end of this chapter)