Chapter 1456: Mozun please be gentle (70)

Chapter 1456 Demon Lord, please be gentle (70)

Shura gave him a deep look.

"Did you not wake up?"

The Emperor of Heaven would be his father-in-law in the future.

Why did he want to take the position of the Emperor of Heaven?

Also, why did he attack the heavens? As promised, we can live in peace, without casualties, and continue to go back to the life before, where the well water does not violate the river water, isn't that bad?

Why fight and kill, why so brutal?

This world is beautiful.

Learn to enjoy!

We use love to dry the world.

Xiuhun was stunned by Shura's inexplicable words, and stood there a little dazed.

Asura was afraid that Cultivation would say some surprising words, so he simply expressed his opinion.

Xiuhun stood on the spot, at a loss.

"???????" Are you crazy or am I crazy?

Don't you want your grand plan?

You only want to see beautiful people and don’t want to be a country?

How can you do this?


Cultivation of the soul is self-closing.

Xiuhun turned around listlessly, looking sad.

said good grand plans and dominance.

is a liar.

Brother is a demon without a career.

I don't want anything for women...

After realizing that this is the truth, Xiuhun left in despair.

Cha Cha looked at the figure he was leaving, and couldn't help but ask Shura, "Is he okay? It doesn't look good."

Shura, "Don't worry, he's fine, he just wants to understand, you don't have to worry about him." It's enough to worry about me, and I only need to have one in my eyes.

"Hmmmm." She nodded.

The little head swayed and swayed, so obedient to death.

This time I came to the Demon World.

Chacha's mentality is very different from before.

Shura took her around the Demon Realm, which was considered to be another indication of her identity, which was equivalent to telling all the Demons in the Demon Realm that she was still the little princess he protected.

The demons, "..." Although reluctant, what can be done?

is guarded by Demon Venerable, they cannot move

Moreover, maybe one day, on a whim, Mozun will marry her as a concubine.

Alas, heartbroken.

is to cultivate the soul.

He was depressed for two days, and found that his brother didn't come to coax him, so he slowly went to find Shura again.

Well, he coaxes himself, he doesn't care about his brother.

When Xiuhun went to find Shura, he happened to catch up with Chacha and eat crane meat with the beasts there.

Shura sat there, looking at her with a smile.

Wipe her little hands from time to time.

looks serious and indulgent.

After finally calming down the spiritual cultivation, the mentality collapsed again!

Brother has never treated him like this! ! !

Xiuhun felt that he was very unhappy, so he walked over, aggressive, with a posture that he could roll up his sleeves and fight at any time.


Hearing the movement of Chacha, she looked up and saw Xiuhun, she tilted her head and smiled at him, "Do you want to eat crane meat together?"

The smile is clean and pure, the eyes are clear and smart, and the little girl is well-behaved and cute.

Cultivation of the soul only feels as if the soul has been severely hit.

He stood still, turning his head awkwardly to avoid looking at her.

Cha Cha picked two pieces from a large plate of crane meat and handed them to Shura, "Hey, you have one piece, he has one piece."

Asura snorted, got up and walked two steps, and shoved a piece of meat directly into Xiuhun's mouth, "It tastes good, you are lucky to catch up with this crane meat."

Cultivation of the soul, "!!!" Who wants to eat the crane meat she gave!

He is not a demon that can be bought with a piece of crane meat!


seems to taste okay?

He chewed.

His eyes followed the scent.

You can see the delicious little girl at a glance.

If she is willing to bribe him with dozens of cranes, he can think about it, and he will not oppose her in the future.

(end of this chapter)