Chapter 1458: Mozun please be gentle (72)

Chapter 1458 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (72)

Shura looked at Chacha seriously.

"Do you want to get back to normal?" he asked.

The voice is gentle.

Cha Cha turned his head to look at him in astonishment, not quite understanding the meaning of his words.


Shura, "Will I give you the magic energy?"

In the past, he was wrong, he dug a hole for himself, I hope she doesn't care.

Cha Cha was stunned.

quickly reacted.

hurriedly shook his head, "No, I said I don't want your devilish qi, I, I really don't want your devilish qi."

The little girl was a little flustered.

She remembered this very clearly.

Not only that.

Chacha continued, "I won't eat you, and you don't want to eat me, okay? We have such a good relationship now, you can't scare me casually."

If you scare her, she will go.

She slowly squeezed another piece of crane meat and put it in her mouth, but this time, she suddenly felt that the crane meat was not fragrant.

She looked at Shura who said nothing, a little scared.

looked at him aggrievedly.

"You won't scare me anymore with your own words... You can't talk without counting."

The little girl lowered her head and reached out to hug the beast. For her, the only thing that can give her a sense of security now is the beast.

Shura's heart twitched.

"I'm not... I didn't want to scare you, I just told you this matter very seriously, I was wrong before, I shouldn't have said that.

But it's different now, our relationship is so good, I'll give you a little bit of magic, it's nothing, don't be afraid, okay? I'm sad……"

He lowered his head, as if he had been abandoned.

Chacha, "???"

She reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "I blame you wrong, don't be sad."

It turned out that he didn't scare her, he wanted to help her.

She misunderstood and he was sad.

was her fault.

The little girl actively admits her mistakes and has a good attitude.

Shura, "..." It seems that pretending to be good is very useful in front of little girls.

He said nothing more.

's slender fingers with well-defined knuckles tightly held her little hand, and strands of demonic energy slowly penetrated into her body.

Cha Cha stared at him blankly, at a loss.

is inside the body.

seems to suddenly have a power, even the eyes are a little clearer, as well as the brain.

Before the whole person was like a fog in front of him.

At this moment, the fog is gradually being blown away...

Although the pace is slow, Chacha feels a strong change.

She looked at Shura with glowing eyes.

It turned out that his demonic energy could really make her return to normal.

After a long time.

Asura felt that the little girl couldn't hold so much demonic energy in her body, so he slowly took away some of it. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the little girl who was looking at him eagerly.

Suddenly, my heart softened in a mess.

He couldn't hold back, and reached out and rubbed her little head.

"Good boy, after a few repetitions, you will be able to return to normal, are you happy?"

"Mmmm!" The little girl nodded happily, "I'm very happy."

"Well, it's good to be happy." As long as she is happy, then everything he does is meaningful.

Qiqi looked at their interaction and felt sad.

It's a single beast, is it easy?

Eat dog food every day...


It was sad and stuffed a few pieces of crane meat into its mouth, and the fragrant meat entered its stomach, and it felt its own happiness! ! !

Although I have no love, I have crane meat!

Crane meat can make up for what it lacks in love! ! !


Seven Seven, "..."

Not only do I have no love, but I also have no crane meat.

I have nothing.

I am me, the lonely me, the single me, the me who eats dog food every day...

The sadness is beyond repression.


Qiqi: I'm so miserable.

(end of this chapter)