Chapter 1464: I'm a vicious female partner (1)

Chapter 1464 I am a vicious female match (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

The    Charm card has been upgraded to the sixth level of the silver card.

Snack Card is upgraded to Silver Card Level 2.

Wealth Gold Card Level 7 is upgraded to Gold Card Level 8, and you have Level 8 wealth.

At the same time, the Lucky Supreme Card unlocks new skills. 】

Chacha blinked, "What is the new skill?" She had never heard of it before.

Qiqi smiled mysteriously, [New skills are new skills, you will know when the time comes. 】

The fluffy white spirit beast strode on his calf in the Chacha space.

【Chacha, although I didn't look like an adult, but I have a real body, can I appear by your side in the future and eat, drink and have fun with you? 】

Chacha thought for a while.

"It seems that you can, you can disguise as a little milk cat."

Qiqi, […] Little milk cat? It doesn't fit its image.

It is in the heaven, and it is a spiritual beast that the immortals are afraid of.

A spirit beast disguised as a kitten... not happy.

Little claws scratched irritably.

Wuwuwu pretending to be wronged in Chacha's arms.

Chacha, "...Then you are disguised as a wolf dog?"

Qiqi was silent for a moment, and a head emerged from her arms, "Then I'll still be a little milk cat."

"Well, you are a little milk cat, but you have to remember that when you enter a new plane, you can't communicate with me. We will continue to communicate with consciousness. If you let others know that the little milk cat can talk, it will be a big problem. !"

Seeing that Qiqi seemed to be unconcerned, Cha Cha continued, "The little milk cat who can speak human words will be taken to the laboratory for anatomy research!"

Qiqi shuddered instantly.

"Then, then I don't speak, I, I speak cat language."

Chacha looked at Qiqi in embarrassment, "But, I don't understand cat language!" You speak cat language, I don't understand.

Qiqi, "It doesn't matter, I can help you light up the skill of cat language, and then you will be able to understand it."

Chacha nodded, "Mmmm."

The small white paws are placed on Chacha's forehead.

The pale golden light lingered, and all of them entered Chacha's body within a moment.

Qiqi, "Meow meow meow." Then we enter the next plane!

Chacha, "!!! I can really understand what you say."

Qiqi, "Meow meow, meow meow meow." Yes! Congratulations to Chacha for mastering a foreign language!


Cha Cha stood in a pink room full of girlish hearts, a little confused.

She looked down at the kitten at her feet.

was stunned for a moment.

"Qiqi?" She called tentatively.

Little milk cat, "Meow." It's me!

Qiqi opened his claws and jumped into Chacha's arms easily.

"Why do I feel that there is no danger around here?"

Such a calm scene made her a little surprised. In the past, she would encounter all kinds of things as soon as she walked through it.

Seven or seven nodded his head.

"Meow." There's really no danger.

"Meow Meow Meow." But this time the plane is a little different from before.

"Meow Meow." Chacha, come on!

Chacha listened to the cat's language quietly. For a while, her mood was a little complicated. Unexpectedly, she also had a day to talk to the little milk cat.

"So what's different this time?"

Qiqi, "Meow Meow." This time, your role on this plane is a malevolent female supporter.

Cha Cha, "???Vicious Female Supporting Actress? Sounds like a challenge."

Seventy-seven, "Meow." Vicious female supporting roles are basically the existence of promoting the relationship between the male and female protagonists, so your task is to suppress the female protagonist and promote the relationship between the male and female protagonists. However, vicious female supporting roles usually do not end well, so you have another task, that is, while suppressing the female lead and promoting their feelings, you can continue to live happily in this plane.

(end of this chapter)