Chapter 1469: I'm a vicious female partner (6)

Chapter 1469 I am a vicious female match (6)

"You want to quarrel with me over Su Cha?"

Mu Ye looked at Du Ruo.

Du Ruo immediately laughed angrily when he heard his words.

"If you understand it like this, I can't help it."

She is stating the facts, but he always does. He is in the school now, and he will leave the school and enter the society in the future. If he still hates the rich second generation like this, he will fall into trouble sooner or later.

Mu Ye snorted coldly, as if he was so angry.

He glanced at Du Ruo, turned his head and left.

Du Ruo, who stayed where he was, "..."

She looked down at her feet, even more angry.


Before Chacha returned to the classroom, Qiqi in the space began to communicate with her.

After all, she was at school, so she couldn't take a cat to class.

The    space is the safest place.

Qiqi was eating snacks and opened his mouth in doubt, [Chacha, this development doesn’t seem right. 】

"Huh? What's not right?" Cha Cha asked, she didn't like Mu Ye very much, even extremely disgusted.

She felt that Mu Ye could not be regarded as the second male lead in this plane, he should be regarded as cannon fodder, after all, this brain can't survive the opening song in Gongdou drama.

Qiqi explained, [Mu Ye and Du Ruo are quarreling now because of you. 】

Chacha, "???"

"This plot development is very correct! Taking Mu Ye away from Du Ruo always has to destroy their relationship first. Now the two are quarreling because of me, which means that the mission is in progress!" Cha Cha didn't think there was any problem at all.

Qiqi was stunned for a while while chewing on the snack, always feeling that something was not right. He glanced at the automatic judgment of the system and did not indicate that there was a problem with the task.

That means there is no problem with this development.


But shouldn't it be that Mu Ye has a good impression of Chacha, and Du Ruo dislikes Chacha?

Why is it reversed now!


Forget it, anyway, the system didn’t remind or issue a warning, so let’s do it for now!

After   Chacha arrived in the classroom, it didn't take long for him to see Mu Ye.

She frowned.

She and Du Ruo are not in the same class, but this class is two classes together.

If Du is injured in his foot, he should be able to come to class.

And Mu Ye appeared here alone.

Qiqi just said that Mu Ye and Du Ruo had a quarrel, so... Mu Ye shouldn't have left Du Ruo alone in the infirmary, right? ? ?

She got up and walked in front of Mu Ye, "Where's Du Ruo?"

Mu Ye glanced at her and rolled his eyes angrily, "What's your business?"

Chacha, "Did you throw her in the infirmary?"

Mu Ye's expression was obvious, but he didn't answer.

Who made Du Ruo quarrel with him?

should let Du Ruo learn a lesson, so as not to always quarrel for irrelevant people.

Chacha's pretty face froze, and he gave Mu Ye two words, "Scumbag!"

She turned and left the classroom and went out to find Du Ruo.

Cha Cha's voice was not loud, and the two classes came together in the big classroom. The students at the back didn't hear what they were saying. They only knew that the school flower took the initiative to talk to Mu Ye, and then the school flower ran away, suddenly a bunch of them. The classmates laughed.

Some people even directly and boldly guessed whether Su Cha fell in love with Mu Ye, was rejected, and left sadly.

After all, even if Mu Ye has a girlfriend, he is still very popular among freshman students, and many girls have confessed to him before.

The voice of the discussion gradually became louder, and Mu Ye also heard it.

However, he did not explain it aloud.

Let these discussions gradually develop in another direction.

Mu Ye was still sitting there reading quietly, as if nothing in the outside world could disturb him.

The word "cold" was written all over his body.

And this little episode actually caused the girls who came to class to look at Mu Ye a few more times.

"Ow, I think Mu Ye is more handsome!"

"Yes, yes, Su Cha was mad at him!"

(end of this chapter)