Chapter 1471: I'm a vicious female partner (8)

Chapter 1471 I am a vicious female match (8)

Chacha is not in the classroom.

Don't know what these people were talking about after she left.

Naturally, I don’t know what these people are thinking now.

She chatted with Du Ruo carefully.

She could feel that there was nothing wrong with Du Ruo's personality. After all, she was the heroine of this plane, not Mu Ye's.

And Du Ruo chatted with Cha Cha for a few words.

I also feel more and more that the little girl is simply a representative of people's beauty and kindness.

Sure enough, when you look at a person, you can't just listen to those rumors, you have to get in touch to know what this person is like.

Du Ruo exchanged contact information with Chacha.

In just two classes, the two became a mess.

is much closer than in the morning.

During this period, Mu Ye also sent a message to Du Ruo.

Unfortunately, she didn't ask how she got out of the infirmary alone.

instead asked her: why are you with Su Cha.

When Du Ruo saw this news, she got angry and blocked Mu Ye directly.

This kind of thing happens, is this the reaction that a boyfriend should have?

Because Du Ruo and Cha Cha are not in the same class.

In the next class, we will have to attend separate classes, not in the same classroom.

Du Ruo has a roommate who has a good relationship with her in the class. The roommate took the initiative to come over and help her go to the classroom where the next class is held.

As for Mu Ye, after he sent a message to Du Ruo, he saw that Du Ruo didn't reply to him, so he sent another one, only to find that he was blocked.

Mu Ye, who was originally unhappy, suddenly became angry.

Since he blocked him for Su Cha, he wanted to see if Su Cha could protect her all the time, without him, she would not be able to move an inch!

Mu Ye was still calm on the surface, but in his heart, he was waiting for Du Ruolai to bow his head and admit his mistake.


After   Cha Cha and Du Ruo were separated.

Soon a female classmate came over.

"Chacha, what's the matter with you and Du Ruo? Can you really get close to someone like Du Ruo, and then dig her corner?"

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked over.

This female classmate is a friend of the original owner, Su Cha.

Hmm... Barely a friend.

Because this female classmate just thinks the original owner is rich, so she compliments her and gets benefits from it.

However, Cha Cha is very curious, how could she have such an idea!

Although her task is to rob Du Ruo's boyfriend.

But now, after seeing Mu Ye's true face, she feels that this mission may still contain a mystery, and she doesn't necessarily need to rob Mu Ye.

Chacha looked at her and said suspiciously, "What are you talking about? How can you think like this?"

The    friend looked at her in surprise, "Chacha, don't you know? The forums are now spreading, saying that you fell in love with Mu Ye, but was rejected by Mu Ye..."

Cha Cha looked confused, "???"

How could she have a crush on Mu Ye, and she's not blind! ! !

After she took out her phone and flipped around.

The mood is very complicated.


Where is my spirit beast?

Close the door and put Qiqi up, and kill that shameless Mu Ye!


She sat in the back row of the classroom with her mobile phone in hand, her face full of unhappiness.

Look at what this post was written, she knows more about what happened than her client, what's really special is that except the name is right, everything else depends on editing...

Qiqi, [Chacha, please explain! Don't ruin your reputation! "]

Cha Cha waved his hand with a calm expression, "Don't panic, it's okay, it's not urgent, there should be a good show to watch next."

Since Mu Ye did not clarify.

I don't know what else is going to happen next.

Maybe she can take the opportunity to pass this mission.

Qiqi, [My brain is not enough! 】

Chacha blinked, and a bit of slyness crossed his eyes, "Qiqi, besides the literal meaning, my side quest has another meaning! We need to understand it in depth."

(end of this chapter)