Chapter 1489: I'm a vicious female partner (26)

Chapter 1489 I am a vicious female match (26)

At this moment.

Du Ruo said faintly.

"Brother Shen, you really look like a liar."

She didn't deliberately eavesdrop on them, but the conditions offered by Shen He were really good.

Even she subconsciously felt that Shen He was scheming.

Shen He was taken aback.

turned his head and looked at Du Ruo with some resentment.

This is not a condition he gave.

is Mr. Su! ! !

Let's just say, Mr. Su must have taken a fancy to Su Liang and covet Su Liang's beauty!

Shen He sighed and passed the news of his mission failure to Chacha.

chacha, “…”

I don't agree with such a good condition. It must be that Shen He didn't work hard enough. It doesn't matter. Anyway, she is going to the crew, and she will see Su Liang soon. When the time comes, she will say it herself.


When Cha Cha arrived at the crew.

Director Li just came out of the lounge.

When he saw Cha Cha, he immediately greeted him.

Whether it is Xu You or Su Cha, to him, they are golden thighs.

So he didn't reply to Xu You just now.

He didn't want to offend either of the two.

was planning to call Dad Su and ask her to come to the crew, and then ask her to discuss with Xu You. Coincidentally, Dad Su came before he called.

Director Li smiled and said things in a low voice.

Chacha snorted, without any extra expression, "Call Du Ruo, Su Liang, and Shen He over, we need to have a good talk with Miss Xu."

Director Li responded immediately, which was exactly what he thought.

Of course, the best result is that the two gold master fathers shake hands and make peace, so he is the one who benefits the most.

But this is obviously unlikely.

Director Li sighed and shouted.

Fortunately, in this matter, he doesn't need to make a decision to offend people.

Because there were so many people, Director Li found a more spacious place.

Du Ruo and Su Liang didn't understand what happened.

Shen He walked to Chacha, always feeling that the little ancestor was going to throw money again...

Xu You and Mu Ye arrived late, obviously pretending to be.

They stood on the other side.

Mu Ye glanced at Su Liang provocatively.

Su Liang's expression was light, and he didn't pay any attention to him at all.

So much so that Mu Ye was like a punch to cotton.

Good gas!

But it doesn't matter, he believes that it must be Du Ruo and Su Liang who were kicked out of the crew.

After all, these two have nothing to do with Su Cha directly. No matter how rich Su Cha is, it is impossible for these two people to spend money and spend money for no reason.

Xu You and him are different.

He is also Xu You's boyfriend now.

In addition, in the lounge just now, Xu You poured money without blinking, and he became more and more confident.

Xu You quietly waited for Su Cha to speak.

Director Li must have told Su Cha what happened just now.

And when she saw Su Cha's glance, she knew that this little girl had no experience, and she didn't look like someone who had been beaten by society.

The temperament on the body is too clean.

It is estimated that investing money is also a whim.

Therefore, Su Cha must be the first to speak when he can't hold his breath.

Next second.

The opposing little girl really opened her mouth.

Chacha is simple and straightforward, "12 million, Du Ruo and Su Liang stay in the crew, Mu Ye get out."

Shen He, "..." Ancestor! what happened? How come you get the money right away?

Du Ruo looked at Chacha with a bewildered face, what happened?

Su Liang stood to one side with cold eyes.

Xu You was instantly happy.

"Little girl, you invested so much money in this drama, do your family know?"

Chacha's tone is domineering, "Oh, I have money."

Xu You's anger was ignited.

"Director Li, I will pay 15 million, I ask Du Ruo and Su Liang to get out of the crew.

Now that this is the case, whoever has more money is eligible to become the largest investor in the crew, and the largest investor has the right to change actors. "

Frankly speaking, whoever pays more money will listen to whoever.

(end of this chapter)