Chapter 1503: I'm a vicious supporting actress (40)

Chapter 1503 I am a vicious female match (40)

Season fans are even more unscrupulous after the monsoon is clarified.

Many fans wrote a lot of comments in the comment area under the Weibo that broke the news.

Seasonal Powder:

【You have the ability to hack my brother, you have the ability to hit the hammer! 】

[My brother Ji has come forward to clarify, you are finished! 】

【Get out and apologize! 】

【You are shameless, your spam account is just for the heat! 】

【Be careful with lawsuits! 】

Season fans swept the entire comment area.

After five minutes.

That number suddenly began to drop its hammer.

And an organized strip of black material with a hammer.

Leng is sending a dozen black materials in a row.

Ji Fan, who was clamoring for the hammer, was dumbfounded.

looked confused.

A passerby who eats melons, "???"

【I wipe hahahahahahaha! Ask for a hammer! 】

【Get a number and eat melon! 】

【I moved my little stool and knocked up my little melon seeds. 】


Some season fans continued to refute not to be outdone.

accused those hammers of being fake.

Their brother is so good, how could there be so much black stuff?

The monsoon character set collapsed directly.

used to always say that he was very good to the newcomers of the company, but there is a black story that he yelled at the artists of the same company, and even started, and more than one person was scolded. This happened many times.

There is also a group of people who say that he has a high EQ, but in fact a group of people with a low EQ, when recording the program, the clips that were not released were also released.

Not only that.

There are also photos of Monsoon entering and leaving nightclubs many times, as well as photos of women entering and leaving the hotel together.

And the woman is not the same person...

This melon gets more interesting the more you eat it.

Season fans almost collapsed at the end.

The irrational fans insisted that the picture was fake, that someone framed Monsoon and could not see him being popular.

Reasonable fans are sad to lose fans.

There is also a part of the powder, and crazy back to step.

Spend money on you, buy endorsements and buy magazines, but you **** pretend it's fake, and you go to nightclubs, accompanied by many women...

Who can accept this?

And just now, Monsoon clarified these, saying that these are all false.

However, it didn’t take long for him to clarify that the hammer came.

The fans cried and cried.

After the monsoon reacted, it was already too late.

Usually there are a lot of black fans, but there is no evidence, so I can't really hammer it, and now...? ? ?

The company rushed to public relations.

But in this case, nothing can be salvaged...

The number of fans on Monsoon's Weibo and the super talk have all been removed on a large scale.

The crew of "Jianghu" was also implicated.

Shen Yu looked at the current development with a dazed expression.

This is so...hell wandering in heaven?

Mu Ye and Xu You were also a little stunned.

They are still waiting for Monsoon's cameo to add heat to the show!

In the blink of an eye, he was hammered?

Can you turn over in the future?

Xu You thought for a while, and quickly asked Shen Yu to find a way to clean Mu Ye. The monsoon was obviously over, but Mu Ye could not be implicated. His life had just begun.

Shen Yu knew the priorities.

Although he was very heartbroken, it was obvious that there was no way to save the monsoon.

I can only think of a way to keep the remaining fans who haven't left...

or maximum benefit.

Shen Yu thought about it for a long time, but still felt unwilling.

Monsoon is one of his proud artists.

It's better now, not only is the future ruined, but Monsoon may also face claims from many businesses.

At that time.

The monsoon is going crazy.

He did not know who he had offended.

Even those hot searches, he couldn't solve them.

After finally spending money to take down one, as soon as he turned his head, another hot search climbed up.

This is simply someone who is deliberately targeting him, or even trying to ruin his future...

(end of this chapter)