Chapter 1510: I'm a vicious female partner (47)

Chapter 1510 I am a vicious female match (47)

In a big box, there is a young girl and a middle-aged woman with elegant temperament.

When he saw him, he shook his head and said nothing. The next second, someone immediately handed over two hundred dollars.

Old Li immediately understood what this meant.

Thank you again and again.

grabbed the money and left the restaurant immediately.

As soon as he left the restaurant, he couldn't wait to share the news.

will really give you two hundred yuan! ! !

ten minutes later.

The restaurant was flooded with a lot of tricksters.

Anyone who can spare time is here.

Cha Cha sighed, "Sure enough, the charm of money is super."

No one can resist the allure of money.

If there is, it may be because of insufficient money.

The people who came here saw that more and more staff began to line up, and a long queue formed.

Although it is troublesome, Chacha enjoys it.

Even Du Ruo and Su Liang got involved, sitting next to Cha Cha, as if they were protecting the law.

Su Liang was very touching.

He understood this feeling better than anyone else.


Old Li returned to Hengdian, and he suddenly found that a young man who came with him the other day was still here.

He walked over and asked, "Why don't you go to that restaurant?" Almost all the people around were there, and there wasn't much the crew needed them at the moment.

If you are idle, you will be idle, so you might as well pick up two hundred yuan.

The young man shook his head, "I'm not good-looking."

Old Li sighed, "Young man, be more confident, you are not as good-looking as those stars, but you have a good voice, you can go and sing to them!"

Usually, this young man hums a song, which is very nice.

They all love to listen.

"This..." The young man looked gloomy, "Forget it."

He doesn't look good, so he won't join in the fun.

Seeing his stubbornness, Lao Li stood up, grabbed him, and took him directly to the restaurant, "Aren't you short of money at home? Even if people don't look down on you, wouldn't there be two hundred yuan left? Besides, I think this boss I really want to discover talents, otherwise why choose people from the tricks?

also throwing out so much money in vain, two hundred per person! Do you know how many people went there at this time?

Don't be afraid, have confidence. "

Lao Li did a lot of blah blah blah, and soon came to that restaurant.

Lao Li looked at the long queue and was a little confused, "Hey, there weren't so many people just now, I went in as soon as I came, come on, let's queue up! Don't run! Everyone is here. "

The young man was helpless, "Thank you, Uncle Li, don't worry, I will queue up here, you go back first."

Lao Li shook his head and rejected him directly, "That's not good, in case you run away!"

Young people just lack self-confidence.

Mingming sings very well.

Lao Li stood next to him and pulled him in line. When he saw the staff member who brought him into the restaurant before, he explained, "I didn't want to get the money repeatedly, I brought him here."

The two lined up here for a while.

Lao Li cheered him up in a low voice.

"Xiao Zhuang, don't be afraid."

"Yeah." Zhuang Yan (yan) nodded, Uncle Li is kind, he understands, and Uncle Li is right, two hundred yuan is also money, so it's earned.

Soon, they were there.

Old Li urged Zhuang Yan to enter the box, "Just go inside and stand for a while."

Zhuang Yan stood there expressionless.

The little girl in the box shook her head, and someone handed him the money. The moment he turned around and stepped out of the box, Lao Li was a little anxious.

Well, if you don't speak, how do people know that you sing well?

Lao Li stood at the door and grabbed Zhuang Yan and dragged him directly into the box. The staff couldn't stop him, he was stunned for a second, and quickly chased after him.

(end of this chapter)