Chapter 1512: I'm a vicious female partner (49)

Chapter 1512 I am a vicious female match (49)

Come home from work at night.

After a tiring day, it’s time to take a good rest.

When    was leaving, he asked Shen He to count the remaining cash, and then discussed with the restaurant manager, and continued to book the venue tomorrow.

The restaurant manager happily gave her a discount.

Not only save money and make money, but also help his restaurant gain popularity and let more people know about his restaurant.

If the person chosen by the little girl in the future becomes a big hit in the entertainment industry, then his restaurant will follow suit.

Cha Cha took Shen He and the others away and returned to the apartment.

It was very late.

The screenwriter doesn't live with them either.

And the screenwriter is also alone.

Cha Cha thought for a while, and after asking the screenwriter's opinion, he took her back to the apartment together.

Anyway, there are many rooms in the apartment, this apartment is all hers!

If the screenwriter is willing to sign her studio, she can also give her an apartment.

The screenwriter stood in front of the apartment building, "..." sighed silently: It's nice to have money.

She couldn't help shedding tears of envy.

Since there were fewer people selected in the afternoon, Shen He was relatively relaxed in the afternoon. He took advantage of this time to check the information of Zhuang Yan and other people.

Among them, Zhuang Yan's family situation is the worst.

And it is estimated that you need money now.

Zhuang Yan's mother has been raising her in the hospital.

The property in the family has already been sold.

Shen He discussed with Chacha, and immediately called Zhuang Yan, saying that he could transfer a sum of money to Zhuang Yan first, and then talk about signing the contract when he was done with the business.

Zhuang Yan did not expect that when he was desperate and found a bunch of relatives, but no one was willing to lend a helping hand, he would meet a noble person...

Shen He directly transferred 200,000 yuan to him, and asked Zhuang Yan to take the money for the operation first, and then call him if it was not enough.

As for this money, it is not at all distressing to turn it around.

Well, Mr. Su's money.

Shen He looked down at the transfer record, always feeling that he was a little floating recently.

He was very distressed about money before.

Now that he has transferred out 200,000 yuan, he doesn't feel sorry for Mr. Su's money anymore.

He thought about it, maybe because he was bloated.

After seeing President Su's charm of money, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, one million... all become insignificant!

Tsk, looking at it this way, he really floated.

I don’t know east, west, north, south…

It’s the money that went down, I don’t know if I can make it back in the future.

Seeing that the screenwriter also intends to join the studio, Shen He panicked.

They are artist studios!

Why do screenwriters have to think of studios?

A batch of panic.

Fortunately, the screenwriter just had this idea.

And Mr. Su, who was very tired, did not continue to discuss the matter. Several people went back to their rooms to rest, and the screenwriter was assigned to another apartment.

Shen He pondered that this apartment has three rooms and a study room. In the future, the study room can be converted into a room, so that the four rooms can be used as a guest room.

After three seconds.

Shen He, "..."

I seem to be floating again. . .

Such an expensive house is used as a guest room?

waste! ! ! !

Shen He: Sorry, after following Mr. Su, the view on money is a little distorted.


the next day.

Several people finished breakfast and went to Hengdian again.

More people came today than yesterday.

Because there are really people who will be selected, it also attracts more people who want to try.

Even if he is running around, he still has a heart that wants to become a big star.

Chacha is very satisfied with this.

This time, I really saw a lot of good seedlings.

picked seven or eight people in a row.

Shen He was stunned at the time.

There is only one manager in the studio. Can he bring so many artists by himself?

Should we hire another agent next?

(end of this chapter)