Chapter 1515: I am a vicious female partner (52)

Chapter 1515 I am a vicious female match (52)

Cha Cha, the screenwriter and the director set a shooting location, which, by coincidence, was right next door to Xu You and his crew.

Shen He: Tsk, I met again.

It seems that when filming dramas in the future, I have to deal with a lot of things.

He subconsciously touched his little heart.

should not be a problem.

He believed he could solve it.

Hengdian side, the next thing is left to the director and screenwriter.

Cha Cha took Shen He away and returned to the studio.

There are almost ten artists in the studio now, so the manager will definitely hire a few more, and at the same time, they will need to hire another assistant for these artists.

chacha, “…”

She tilted her head like a salted fish that was exhausted to death.

Why did she take the career line?

Isn't it good to be a salted fish quietly?

From time to time, give Su Liang and Du Ruo money to be a gold master, isn't it good?

She sighed, feeling complicated.

Sure enough, not everyone can walk down the career line.

Like her, she just wants to eat and drink with Qiqi, but now, the career line has already started, so you must work hard to keep going!

Another three days passed.

The crew is almost ready to start the show.

Only the heroine has not yet picked a suitable candidate.

Cha Cha is slowly drinking milk tea and eating small snacks.

Shen He was on the side, a little anxious.

"The crew of "Jianghu" has been on for a long time. We haven't officially filmed yet, so are you in a hurry? The heroine hasn't been decided yet... Do you want to shoot other scenes first?"

Chacha looked at him incomprehensibly, "Why are you so anxious?"

She believes that the candidate for the heroine will come out of her own accord.

Shen He, you frowned, holding the salary of the agent, doing the work of the mother, "Time is money, when filming in Hengdian, you have to pay, and the entire crew also needs to be paid..."

"You seem to have a point, but I think the heroine should be coming soon. Let's wait a bit."

Seeing that Shen He was a little angry, she took out a packet of small snacks and handed it to him, "Don't worry, have something to eat."

Shen He, "..."

There is no way, Xiao Su is too good and soft, he can't bear it, he just took the snack without any prospects, eh? Does it taste good?

Just a few minutes later.

Shen He's cell phone rang.

was called by Zhuang Yan.

Shen He first asked about Zhuang Yan's mother's situation before getting to the point.

Zhuang Yan, "I have a friend, a woman, who likes acting since she was a child, but...she has a birthmark on her face, and many companies don't want her."

The experience is similar to his, all because of the problem of the face, unable to realize the dream.

And now, the owner of this studio is really nice.

He wanted the girl he knew to try it too.

Shen Heyi was overjoyed and looked at Cha Cha.

Is it possible that she is really the heroine who came to present this drama?

Shen He made an appointment with Zhuang Yan immediately.

Then, he called the screenwriter again.

That afternoon.

Several people met directly in the studio.

The person introduced by Zhuang Yan is called Liu Han. There is a red birthmark under the tail of her left eye. This birthmark does limit her appearance. However, it is not a big problem.

"Zhuang Yan said that your acting skills are good, so let's play a paragraph first, there is a script here, you choose a scene and act it according to your own understanding, don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if your performance is not good, I can give you one more chance. "

Cha Cha slowly handed over the script.

Shen He watched for a while.

His eyes gradually brightened.

The luck of Mr. Su from his own family... It's really good!

is the birthmark below the end of the eye, which is a bit sad.

If she didn't have this birthmark, this girl would have been signed by another company long ago.

(end of this chapter)