Chapter 1520: I am a vicious female partner (57)

Chapter 1520 I am a vicious female match (57)

In Jiang Xue's opinion, what does a rich studio have?

Besides money, what else?

And Xu You not only has money, but also contacts and resources...

With such a comparison, even a fool knows to choose Xu You.

Liu Han and Du Ruo were so angry.

tried to continue to argue with her.

Xu You stopped and interrupted the conversation, "Du Ruo, there is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, you fall by yourself, you can't drag others to fall with you.

Jiang Xue is good-looking and obviously has the momentum of fire. Why should I follow you to make an unpopular drama?

Besides, your crew still despised her.

So, I take her away, so I won't make you dislike it here. "

Jiang Xue's aura became even stronger when he heard this.

Du Ruo sneered and ignored Xu You.

Liu Han also died down and said nothing.

The frustration of the two of them couldn't be more obvious.

And Xu You was very happy to see them like this. After all, even Du Ruo was so angry, maybe Su Cha would be even more angry.

Xu You was in a good mood and made a sum of money to pay Jiang Xue's liquidated damages.

The action of swiping money was neat and tidy, and Jiang Xue almost became Xu You's little fan girl, "Sister Xu, you are really the kindest person I have ever met, thank you for saving me from the fire and water."

Du Ruo, "??? Save you from fire and water? Why don't you say that you are your reborn parents?"

Jiang Xue glared at her, "Aren't you just jealous? The drama "Jianghu" is sure to be a hit, it needs to be hot and popular, and the screenwriters are strong enough. Do you know how many screenwriters there are in the crew?

Look at your crew again, only one screenwriter follows... I'm afraid all the money will be thrown into the water.

Tsk, this President Su is still young, he should go back to study hard before he graduates, and not everyone can break into the entertainment industry. "

When she communicated with Xu You just now, she also learned from Xu You that Su Cha is the owner of the studio, and Su Cha didn't mention it in front of her, so she naturally didn't know.

After knowing that Su Cha, an ungraduated student, is the owner of a wealthy studio, her first reaction was that it was fortunate that she did not sign a contract. What's more, she was just a rich second generation who opened a studio and played casually.

Her future can't be all smashed into it.

Jiang Xue turned her head and called out to the little girl who usually talked to her, "Don't say that my sister didn't remind you, the owner of the rich studio is a little girl who is under twenty years old and hasn't graduated yet!

Put your future on her, dare you? "

Xu You also took the opportunity to add a few words.


A few minutes.

Several people on the "Xian Yao" crew were shaken.

They gathered up their courage and looked at Xu You tentatively.

They are all rambunctious and have no money. If President Xu is willing to help them pay liquidated damages, they will not hesitate to follow behind President Xu.

Du Ruo laughed angrily when he saw this scene.

"Huh!" The sarcasm in her eyes was too obvious, Jiang Xue retorted with a cold face, "What are you laughing at? Good birds choose wood to live in, this sentence is not just talk."

Xu You was in a good mood, but this time it was even better.

She generously took out her card and looked at the director, "Calculate the money, I have paid all the liquidated damages for these people."

Du Ruo, "..."

Liu Han, "..."

Among these people, one of them signed a contract with the studio. Shen He walked over without hesitation and handed the contract, "In one day, move your things out of the apartment building."

"Okay." The boy paused and accepted the contract.

Sorry, he didn't want to give his future to a little girl under twenty years old.

Shen He didn't say much. Young people, since they are not determined in their hearts, it is normal to suffer.

Soon, Xu You paid a large amount of liquidated damages.

She led people away from the "Fairy Demon" crew with satisfaction.

Cha Cha walked over without haste and looked at the money with a smile, "Tsk tsk, Xu You is really a big deal! I'll give you a bonus this month!!!"

(end of this chapter)