Chapter 1529: I am a vicious female partner (66)

Chapter 1529 I am a vicious female match (66)

【Ah ah! Crazy, you said so much, but put their information! 】

【Come, let me introduce you.

The one who sings is Zhuang Yan, who writes the lyrics and composes the lyrics and music. The most handsome and good-looking one in the MV is Su Liang, followed by Han Ye, the beautiful and pure one is called Du Ruo, and the one with flowers under the eyes is Liu Han, please praise me! praise me! 】

【This studio is really lazy, and so are the artists, so can't you just send them a picture to introduce them? Well, I will never admit that I want to take selfies with empty gloves! 】

Chacha flipped through the comments and looked at the comments below with satisfaction.

No way, in this MV, you need to have good looks and good looks, and you need to have strength and strength.

This night, whether it is Zhuang Yan or Su Liang, they are all skyrocketing fans.

The popularity of   MV has been high.

The fans are eagerly waiting for their response. After all, the MV is so popular, it always has to say something.

until noon the next day.

Chachacai asked them to post a few photos on their own Weibo. When recording the MV, everyone took a lot of photos just to wait for the present.

Except Su Liang posted one photo, everyone else had nine photos, nine grids.

As for Zhuang Yan, as the strength of this MV, he released another song. This time, the recorded video is very simple. It is only himself, and it is a video of him singing in the room.


The hot search at noon time went straight up.

The popularity of   , which had just weakened, rose again.

No one thought that a MV could attract fans like this.

Su Liang's comment area, a bunch of fans screamed.

【Little brother can't fall down with a cold personality! I climbed back from various Weibo and said that everyone is a nine-square grid, only the little brother has put one! 】

[Little brother, let me tell you, your behavior is cutting corners, and you will be dragged by your agent to the small black room to talk! 】

【emmm...Forget it, let’s lick the screen first! 】

【I think I'm going to buy this little brother, I can do it! 】

[At present, it is not a loss to start. 】

Zhuang Yan's comment area below is also a pile of praise and compliments. It sounds like that kind of strength.

But it’s a pity.

The fans organized a group to play for a day, and they didn't pick up their other works, which is very sad.

Among them, the little fans of Su Liang's family were the worst.

Others have nine photos, but they only have one, and even Zhuang Yan has two songs!

Heart stuffed.


The fans of Su Liang's family were about to give up, but they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Su Liang was not a rich studio before, but an artist of Star Entertainment?

and also stayed at Star Entertainment for a long time.

At this time, several former monsoon fans recognized Su Liang with sharp eyes.

【what! I remembered, I seem to have seen him, he and Monsoon seem to be Star Entertainment at about the same time! 】

This comment was quickly seen by more people.

Shen He, who has been following the development of online comments, frowned and was a little unhappy. Once this matter was brought up, it would definitely bring out that spicy chicken Shen Yu.

At that time, there will be unspoken rules or something.

Su Liang himself kept himself clean, and suffered a lot in Star Entertainment because he refused the unspoken rules arranged by Shen Yu.

If it were someone else, they might use this incident to hype, and take the opportunity to sell badly and arouse the sympathy of a bunch of people, thus forming a very favorable situation for Su Liang.

However, he felt it was unnecessary.

Bringing up this kind of thing will only remind Su Liang of the injustice and hardship she has encountered before.

is about Su Liang.

Shen He still asked Mr. Su for instructions.

Want to ask if this matter should be deliberately suppressed.

Otherwise, if things get bigger, Xiao Su will probably worry about Su Liang...

(end of this chapter)