Chapter 1533: I'm a vicious female partner (70)

Chapter 1533 I am a vicious female match (70)

Shen He thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

Moreover, there are really few bosses like Xiao Su who directly spend money on every artist...

He has no other ideas, just hope that after these people become popular, they will not be ungrateful.


In almost three days, the next itinerary of several people has been decided.

Su Liang and Liu Han went to shoot a variety show.

Du Ruo went to participate in the strongest question bank challenge, as a scholar, she can! ! !

Han Ye and others also have their own shows to shoot.

The day before Du Ruo went to participate.

pitifully came to Chacha's room.

"Will you go to my game?"

Du Ruo held the ticket in his hand and waited eagerly for her answer.

Chacha, "..." I do want to agree, but this development doesn't seem right, "How many tickets do you have?"

The    program will distribute audience tickets to the contestants.

"I have two, one for you, and one for Brother Shen, but Brother Shen wants to go to the recording scene of a variety show with Su Liang and Liu Han. There are more entertainers there, and Brother Shen is worried about an accident. ."

Du Ruo sighed, there was nothing he could do, the time just happened and they bumped into each other.

Chacha hummed, "Okay, I'll take one ticket, and as for the other, you can give it to the man who wants to repay your life-saving grace with your own body."

Du Ruo, "...Chen Xuan? But he's annoying."

She had never seen a man who talked so much nonsense.

She wants to develop her career, and he has to come over and talk to her about his relationship! ! !

Why does she want to fall in love?

Isn't    a good career?

Cha Cha fell into deep thought, "..." Do you think the male protagonist is annoying? Is there something wrong with the relationship between the two?

She thought for a moment.

"You give him the ticket, and I'll have a good talk with him later."

"Okay!" Du Ruo stuffed a ticket for Cha Cha and left happily.

Chacha is going to watch her game!

Oh yeah!

Cha Cha stood at the door, silently staring at the departing figure, feeling complicated.

I hope Chen Xuan, the male protagonist of this plane, can be a little smarter and chase Du Ruo in another way.

Qiqi stretched out his small paws to tear the snacks, "Chacha, your second side quest hasn't been completed yet..."

was suddenly reminded, Cha Cha was stunned.

She slapped her forehead sharply, "Yeah, I almost forgot about this."

However, it feels like it should be fast.


The day that Du Ruo participated in the strongest question bank challenge competition.

in the audience.

Cha Cha sat with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan exudes a strong sense of coldness all over his body, he is obviously very hostile to Cha Cha.

Chacha, "???" Did I do something?

"I'm very happy that Chen always takes time out of his busy schedule to watch my Ruoruo's game."

The little girl said something official.

Chen Xuan is the president of Chen Xing. After all, he is the male protagonist of the plane, and his identity is quite suitable.


Chacha remembered one thing.

Chenxing's entertainment company seems to have approached Du Ruo, hoping to sign a contract.

Oh, is she considered an artist who robbed Chenxing?

A little bit of hostility seems normal.

She tilted her head and thought carefully.

Chen Xuan sneered.

"Mr. Su is humble. As the owner of a wealthy studio, I am also shocked to come to watch the artist's game!"

Chacha, "If it's the first time the game will be broadcast live, I should come to see her."

Chen Xuan, "Don't Mr. Su feel that his relationship with the artist is too close?"

He carefully looked at the little girl in front of him.

What is so good about this tea? It's worth Du Ruo talking about every day...

Chacha's little head turned, suddenly realized a problem, looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief, "You shouldn't turn over the vinegar jar, right?"

(end of this chapter)