Chapter 1537: I am a vicious female partner (74)

Chapter 1537 I am a vicious female match (74)

Shen He's task has been assigned.

He devoted his attention to contacting the marketing account. The last batch of marketing accounts had a good relationship with him, so he directly sent those photos of Xu You.

at the same time.

Cha Cha made a call to Father Su without any hassle.

"Can you give me the contact information of some lawyers?"

Father Su responded immediately.

directly sent the contact information of the lawyer used by his company.


Just when passersby were eating melons and discussing the rich studio, intimate photos of Xu You and other men were suddenly released, and everyone who beat them was caught off guard.

Those passersby who were eating melons immediately smelled the blood of gossip when they saw the new melon. This kind of gossip attracts more attention!

And the most important thing is that Xu You's photos are all high-definition photos, you can clearly see that the person in the photo is Xu You, as for the man, hehe! It's not Mu Ye anyway.

With more and more photos.

The people who eat melons suddenly realized.

Wow rub, exciting!

It turns out that Xu You brought a lot of green hats to Mu Ye! ! !

Melon-eater netizens swarmed Xu You and Mu Ye for a reply, and Mu Ye's fans went crazy to tear Xu You.

Muye fans:

【You bitch! How dare you green my brother! 】

【I just said how could my brother fall in love so badly, I suspect you are persecuting him in the name of the boss! You are worse than Shen Yu! 】

【Come out, explain! 】

【Aren't you my brother's girlfriend? How can you do such a thing? 】

【I announce that you were kicked by my brother! ! ! ! 】

Occasionally someone who eats melons will pass by, and he will reply with a smile.

[Actually, it's possible that your brother has always known about it, but he didn't dare to refuse. 】

[Hee hee, did you forget what others said when eating melons before? It is said that Xu You is the gold owner of Mu Ye. If it was not revealed, how could Xu You and Mu Ye say that they are lovers!

Wow, overturned! It's just money transactions! 】

【Sorry, I seriously thought about the solution, and found that this seems to be a dead end that cannot be solved... 】

【Choose one of the green hat and the gold master! 】

Shen He watched the current development with satisfaction.

It is estimated that Xu You has already fainted.

Tsk, you can't blame them for being ruthless, who made Xu You mess around first?

has dragged their rich studio into the water, if they don't fight back, it will be too useless.


Xu You was wearing pajamas, staring angrily at the comments on the phone, and in a moment, the phone was smashed to the ground by her, and it was torn apart!

Mu Ye was on the side, and he didn't dare to let out the air.

I was afraid that Xu You would abandon him if he was unhappy.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, the rich studio is really hard to deal with!

Xu You didn't expect that they still had so many photos in their hands. She didn't understand. Since there were photos, why didn't they release them before?

Is it possible that it can still be counted to today? ? ?

However, now is not the time to think about that.

She hurriedly contacted the team to find a way to suppress the photo issue. As for this matter, they could only take a non-response attitude.

After waiting for a long time, the people who eat melon will forget about it.

As for Mu Ye?

is too useless, let’s talk about it later.

Xu You's idea is indeed very good, but now that technology is advanced, her photos have long been known to the whole Internet, and this popularity... I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress.

Seeing that Xu You's incident climbed the tail of the hot search, the team quickly contacted the hot search.

has been staring at the hot search Shen He, and quickly reported the situation, "Mr. Su, Xu You's team has withdrawn the hot search, and wants to reduce the popularity."

(end of this chapter)