Chapter 1551: I am a vicious supporting actress (88)

Chapter 1551 I am a vicious female match (88)

Because Su Liang suddenly announced his relationship.

Many fans lost their fans. Not only did fans think that he was trying to hug the gold master's thigh, but even passers-by who eat melons felt that Su Liang was trying to hug the gold master Su Cha, so he would recklessly announce his relationship.

Some people even wondered if Su Liang wanted to force the palace.

Deliberately announce the relationship, forcing Su Cha to admit his boyfriend.

For a while, there were different opinions.

The people who eat melons are waiting for melons to eat with the mentality of eating melons.

Even Director Yuan's new movie received more than half of the attention.

During this period, Xu You and Mu Ye were the happiest.

Who would have thought that Su Liang would choose to dig his own grave?

Announce the romance? It's downright stupid.

Xu You took the opportunity to buy a wave of navy soldiers to splash dirty water.

There is a scuffle on the Internet.

Su Liang's fans lost fans, turned into black fans, turned passers-by, etc., and there are few real fans left.

Even if he wants to fight, he is not an opponent of so many people.

Su Liang is very bad on the Internet.

The popularity of    also dropped overnight.

Compared with the day before, it can be described as the contrast of heaven and hell.

Shen Hechou plucked out handfuls of hair after another.

was so frightened that Chacha hurriedly sent snacks and comfort.

"Don't worry, I have plans for this."

She will not watch Su Liang's career ruined.

But by no means fighting back now.

Fortunately, Su Liang's mentality is better, but it is not affected.

For him, Su tea is more important.

No one can understand that Su Cha is true love but also salvation for him.

It was she who rescued him from that dark place and gave him a chance. She was cute, smart and gentle, and he couldn't take his eyes off her every move.

The matter has come to this point, Shen He can only continue to believe in President Su.

He believed that President Su could really turn the tide.

Cha Cha gave a few more words of worry, "However, the last few days must be a low period, and you all have to be prepared."

"Okay." Shen He responded.

Su Liang's fan support club chose to disband after this incident, which means that Su Liang's fans will be headless in the future.

Although there are not many fans left now.

Chacha thought for a while, "I'll handle this matter."

She opened a trumpet and became the person in charge of the support club.

At the same time, another lottery was held to encourage the remaining fans not to give up.


That night.

Director Yuan informed Su Liang and Du Ruo again and went to audition three days later.

Shen He was a little surprised.

"Didn't you audition? Why are you still auditioning?"

"It is estimated that Director Yuan has not yet decided on the candidates. Letting them audition is also for final confirmation."

Chacha spoke slowly and his eyes fell on Su Liang.

Du Ruo and the others were all right, but she was a little worried about Su Liang.

Although Su Liang has a good mentality, he must have been affected more or less by the relationship.

Su Liang seemed to feel her worry.

His eyes were firm, "I won't regret my choice." He just wanted to tell everyone that they were together.

Cha Cha nodded in relief, "That's good."

Don't be influenced by the outside world on your emotions and judgment.

Du Ruo clenched her small fists with an unhappy expression on her face. She really did not expect that Su Liang would come to this trick!

It's all right now, everyone knows that Su Liang has something to do with Su Cha...

Not happy.

Chacha waved his hands and asked them to go back to prepare.

Several people went out and went back to the apartment.

Shen He sighed, it's nice to live in the same apartment building.

I wanted to have a meeting, but I ran over in a minute.

After the meeting, you can go home and sleep after walking two steps out of the door.

Su Liang justifiably stayed in Chacha's apartment.

He was slightly nervous.


Suddenly, the rapid ringing of the mobile phone interrupted him.

Chacha glanced at the phone, "..." My dad's video call!

Father Su called.

guessed that Father Su wanted to ask her about her relationship.

Cha Cha stretched out his hand and motioned for Su Liang to sit across from her.

She pressed answer.

Father Su's face appeared on the phone.

"Daughter, I heard that you are in love?"

Chacha, "'re pretty quick with your news!"

Father Su lowered his head, showing a bit of sadness, "It's normal, probably the last one in the world to know. Alas, my daughter is in love, I still saw it on my mobile phone, it's because I failed too much."

Chacha was a little embarrassed, and quickly said something nice to coax Father Su.

Father Su said while wiping away his tears, "I know, you are very busy now, you have your own career, and you also have your own boyfriend, my father, I can't keep up with your pace... You dislike me It should be..."

chacha, “…”

Although at this time, I should cooperate with you to be sad, but my father's acting skills are not very good!

Inadvertently glanced at Father Su's white hair.

She sighed helplessly, and said, "I don't dislike you, I'll go home to see you tomorrow."

After finishing the sentence, she added another sentence.

"I'll take my boyfriend back to see you tomorrow, okay?"

Father Su snorted.

"Then bring it here! I want to see what that little white face looks like, and he actually kidnapped my daughter! I don't live with him!!!"

Cha Cha has black lines all over his head, "He's not a little white face, he's my boyfriend."

Father Su, "You're just talking nonsense. The one named Su Liang is not too old, just like you. In my opinion, he's just young. Looking at the photos, he looks quite white, and his face looks good. You Say it yourself, is it a little white face if you add it together!"

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, then looked at Su Liang on the opposite sofa in astonishment, as if it really fit the three words Xiaobai face.

just feels weird.

For fear that Father Su would say something that shouldn't be said, he quickly hung up the video call.

Cha Cha took the phone and tilted his head to look at Su Liang.

I silently pondered the three words Xiaobai face: young, white, and good face.

Well, nothing wrong.

Su Liang was not annoyed, and looked at her in a good mood.

"What does uncle like? To see him tomorrow, always prepare a little gift."

Cha Cha was seriously thinking.

Suddenly, she said, "He likes me and the land."

Su Liang, "..."

"I'm kidding you!" Chacha teased Su Liang madly.

"As long as your heart is there, it's fine, others are very good, don't worry about him embarrassing you!"

Cha Cha got up and sat beside Su Liang.

"However, his speech is often annoying."

The two chatted for a while, Su Liang remembered picking things, and returned to his apartment not long after.

Cha Cha stared blankly at the departing figure and fell into doubt.

"???" just left?

Don’t take the opportunity to stay?

Cough cough... Cha Cha went to wash up with a blushing face, and seemed to be thinking crooked.

the next day.

Su Liang prepared a lot of things early, and went to Shen He's place to ask about various precautions and experience, etc. Shen He, who is still a single dog, looked bewildered.

"Who are you going to see?"

Su Liang, "Meet my future father-in-law!"

Shen He, "..."

Seeing your parents so soon?

This progress... so fast.


If you sprinkle dog food in the morning, you have no heart!

Shen He touched his heart and felt once again how unfriendly life was to him.

(end of this chapter)