Chapter 1557: I am a vicious female supporting role (94)

Chapter 1557 I am a vicious female match (94)

Mu Ye looked at these announcements with satisfaction.

Under the leadership of the Navy, many passers-by began to feel sorry for him.

This progress is almost as he expected.

I believe that in the future, his reputation will definitely be reversed.

As for the rest of the show.

Don't blame him for stepping on it, you can only blame those people for not acting well without his efforts.

If he had worked hard, would it still be like this?

Mu Ye sat on the bed with his mobile phone contentedly.

Hope this time, he can turn over.


Dream is always beautiful, but reality is cruel.

the next day.

Mu Ye was awakened by the knock on the door before he woke up.

He got up unhappy, rubbed his eyes, and the first thing he did was look at his phone.

There were several calls from Xu You on the phone, he sneered, but luckily he turned the phone to silent before going to bed last night.

No matter how Xu You called, he would not wake him up.

I just didn't expect that someone would come to look for him.

Mu Ye simply washed his face and changed his clothes. The door slammed quickly, as if he was in a hurry.

At the same time, the people outside seemed to be certain that Mu Ye was at home, and slammed the door over and over again.

Mu Ye sighed softly.

has a confident smile on his face.

He knew that the person who came must be Xu You. Except for Xu You, no one else would look for him at this time.

He walked over and opened the door.

For the next second, he froze in place.

Outside the door, in addition to Xu You, there are several tall bodyguards.

Xu You made a gesture.

Several bodyguards rushed in immediately, Mu Ye subconsciously wanted to run, and instinctively sensed the danger, but unfortunately, before he could move his feet, he was pressed against the wall by a bodyguard.

Xu You walked in slowly, and the bodyguard closed the door.

Mu Ye couldn't hide the panic on his face, he pretended to be puzzled, "Xiaoyou, what are you doing?"

Xu You sneered.

"What do I do, don't you know?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Mu Ye continued to play stupid.

"Do you dare to say that things on the Internet have nothing to do with you? Stepping on the entire crew and setting up a good character with dedication and hard work? What you think is quite beautiful, do you really think this kind of thing can be done without knowing it?

As long as I spend more money, those marketing accounts will sell you without hesitation. "

Xu You looked contemptuous, she was simply being smart!

When she woke up in the morning and saw that the score of Jianghu's drama on a certain software was only a few points, she was about to explode.

was also at that time, and realized that those comments last night were probably not the navy, but the real audience.

She was so angry that she hurriedly opened the Jianghu drama, and then she saw that all the barrages were full of complaints. After searching the Internet, except for the navy army she bought, there was no praise...

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, she can realize that something really went wrong with the show.

was thinking of a solution.

Who would have thought that the mobile phone automatically pushed Mu Ye's marketing draft...

After Xu You read it, he investigated again and was so angry that he wanted to kill Mu Ye.

At this time, stepping on the whole drama is obviously giving her a chance to get angry.

Mu Ye was exposed, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

He retorted, "Mr. Xu, if you don't want to spend your time on me, I'll find a way myself, is this wrong? Besides, I'm stepping on someone else, and I didn't mention you. You don't have to do this to me, right? "

"You're right, and it really suits my mind, but, unfortunately, I'm in a bad mood right now, and you just happened to be in trouble, so you can only blame yourself for choosing a bad time.

Furthermore, the drama "Jianghu" is my favorite, and it's also a drama that I put a lot of thought into. You stepped on the whole drama, aren't you hitting me in the face? "

Xu You felt that Mu Ye had to be taught a lesson. Only the more tragic the lesson was, could Mu Ye be honest and peaceful.

Province will do things without her consent in the future!

"Give me an arm!" She said coldly, her eyes full of viciousness.

Hearing this, Mu Ye struggled for a while, but he couldn't get away. He was not the bodyguard's opponent at all, and his strength was disparate. His face was squeezed against the wall, and his face was a little hideous.

"Mr. Xu, listen to me, I really didn't mean it, you give me a chance, give me a chance to make money for you..."

Xu You burst out laughing.

"Mu Ye, there are many people who want to make money for me, you are just one of them.

What are you doing, do it! "

"no no!"

Mu Ye shouted in a shrill voice, and the clicking sound of his arm was drowned out.

The bodyguard released him, and he collapsed to the ground.

Xu You walked towards him slowly, half squatting in front of him, the smile on the corner of his mouth extremely bright.

"Don't worry, after raising it for a month, it will return to normal." She said slowly, "However, have you remembered the lesson this time?"

Mu Ye's face turned pale and whispered.


With fine sweat on his forehead, he panicked to the extreme.

Xu You hummed.

She stood up and added another sentence.

"In order to keep your memory deep, in the next year, you can go back to school to continue your classes, read more books, and gain knowledge. Don't always be disobedient and cause me trouble."

Mu Ye was shocked, of course he knew what this sentence meant, "I, I know I'm wrong, I don't want to go back to school, I will work hard, President Xu, don't worry, I..."

"Okay, I have no patience, do as I say, go back to school, don't accept announcements for a year, don't hype, don't make movies... Of course, you can also choose to sue me to terminate the contract, but the premise is that you have to pay liquidated damages.”

Xu You dropped these words and left without looking back.

She wants Mu Ye to understand that she is the one who controls his fate now.

As long as she doesn't like it, he can't be hot.

Not to mention a place in the entertainment industry!

Mu Ye collapsed as he watched Xu You's figure leave, his eyes were red, and he never thought that things would turn out like this.


The passerby who eats melons was looking at Kua Muye's draft with great interest, and when he looked at it, he suddenly realized that the draft was gone.

Huh? What about the press release?

clicked in again, and found that many manuscripts were deleted.

Irresponsible conjecture of squinting passers-by: Mu Ye, this fool, must have offended people!

Tsk, it can be regarded as a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, yet dares to step on the entire crew. There are so many people in the crew that one spit can drown him.

However, I have to say.

"Jianghu" was not well done, but the development in reality is quite interesting...


eight pm.

"Fairy Demon" started broadcasting.

Chacha didn't buy any navy, because she knew that even if there was no navy and no hot searches, the show would still explode!

The broadcast method is: every Saturday and Sunday, two episodes are broadcast respectively, and members watch four episodes in advance.

Du Ruo Liuhan and others' fans anxiously stood in front of their mobile phones. After passing the drama "Jianghu", they were a little panicked, afraid that they would be ridiculed by the group after the show was broadcast.

There are not many fans of Su Liang left, but his black fans are excitedly gearing up, waiting for the show to play, take screenshots and make fun of it.

They even thought about the way to laugh.

The acting skills are spicy, the emotional expressions are not in place, the service is not enough, the special effects are worth a penny, the plot is messy, the editing is random in the later stage, etc...


This plane is a bit long, but it’s coming to an end, and a new plane can be opened soon~

(end of this chapter)