Chapter 1562: I am a vicious female partner (99)

Chapter 1562 I am a vicious female match (99)

Cha Cha moved to the door frame with a light expression, "If you have something to say, just say it here."

The guests at this hotel should all be from the crew. There are so many people coming and going, she doesn't want to make any scandals.

Lin Yue gathered up his courage and looked up at Cha Cha.

said seriously, "Mr. Su, I can do anything that Su Liang can do! Look at me, okay?"

Cha Cha was silent for a moment.

"Aren't you from Xu You?"

ran over and told her this nervously, not afraid that Xu You would hide him?

She has no interest in the artists under Xu You's hands, Xu You's vision is not good, she doesn't want to dig over and lose money.

However, it was obvious that Lin Yue and Cha Cha didn't say the same thing, and a gloom flashed across Lin Yue's eyes.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Xu, she already gave me to someone else, she doesn't like me at all, she treats me as a plaything, you should know what happened to Mu Ye.

Actually, from the first time I saw Mr. Su, I felt that Mr. Su was different from other people. Mr. Su, would you like to give me a chance? "

He looked up and looked at her with burning eyes.

Chacha met his eyes, and his heart thumped violently.

This Lin Yue... doesn't seem right?

She tilted her head and asked in astonishment, "What do you mean?"

Lin Yue gritted his teeth, feeling a little sad.

"Mr. Su, don't you understand my heart for you?"

's sudden confession made Chacha panic.

"!!!" She didn't mess around with people!

It was Lin Yue who ran over by himself!

Cha Cha quickly calmed down and rejected him, "I have a boyfriend."

Lin Yue didn't give up, as if he had given up.

"President Su, I know you have a boyfriend. I mean, I don't want to work hard, I want to be President Su's person, I want to be unspoken by President Su..."

Cha Cha was so frightened that his body leaning against the door frame trembled, "???" Boy, don't talk nonsense!

I have never been an unspoken entertainer.

She exhaled and scolded with a cold face.

"I'm different from Xu You. I'm not interested in unspoken rules for anyone. It's your own business if you want to be unspoken. Don't bother me, understand?"

Cha Cha squeezed his little fist.

If he doesn't leave, she can only do it.

Lin Yue, who was rejected, was very sad. He looked at the indifferent girl in front of him in confusion.

Obviously, when she treats Su Liang, she is very gentle and caring.

"Su always thinks what's the difference between me and Su Liang? I can work hard to become better."

Cha Cha sneered, a bit of irony in her pretty eyes.

"Su Liang is Su Liang, you are you, no one can replace Su Liang, I suggest you focus on your acting skills instead of thinking about these evil ways all day long."

If you don’t have a little spiritual energy, don’t you know how to work hard? Thinking about finding the gold master every day, even if it can be popular, it will not last long. It is the most important thing to improve one's own strength.

I have the intention to work hard to please the gold master, why can't I spend time on improving my strength?

Lin Yue did not give up because of these words.

always felt that he was rejected because of Su Liang.

"I can really work hard to become better, you give me time, I will..."

Chacha glanced at him impatiently.

took a step back and slammed the door shut.

She stood behind the door with a dark face.

If it weren't for this place, which was not suitable for hands-on work, she would have taught Lin Yue a lesson long ago.

She gave him chicken soup so patiently, yet he still thought of letting her unspoken rules?


Chacha poured a glass of water unhappily, but fortunately he didn't let Su Liang see it, otherwise Su Liang would have trouble with her again.

As soon as he took a sip, the door was opened.

It was Su Liang who came in this time.

Cha Cha took a look at Su Liang and saw that his expression had not changed, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wait, she didn't do anything to be sorry to him, why is she guilty?

Su Liang saw her drinking water and quickly handed over milk tea, "Are you in a hurry? I should hurry up."

Chacha shook his head, "You're already fast, sit down and rest."

Su Liang bought many cups of milk tea at one time.

"Are you going to send it to Shen He?" Cha Cha pointed to the extra milk tea and asked.

"No, it's all for you, the taste is different, you can take a sip of each flavor." Su Liang said this, and he didn't think there was any problem at all.

If Shen He and Du Ruo want to drink milk tea, they should buy it themselves.

Shen He + Du Ruo, "..." Ha! dog man.

Cha Cha nodded obediently.

"Well, I'll take a sip."

After the words fell, I felt that something was not right.

"Then if I can't finish it, I'll waste it?"

Su Liang, "It's okay, give me what you can't finish drinking."

Cha Cha, "..." shy.

Chacha had just drank two sips of milk tea when the phone suddenly rang.

She turned on her phone and saw Du Ruo's message at a glance.

【President Su, I don’t want to work hard anymore. 】

Cha Cha saw this sentence, and his whole body shuddered.


Du Ruo was robbed of his cell phone by Lin Yue?


No, Du Ruo was with Shen He, and there was no abnormal sound coming from the next room, so... Du Ruo overheard her conversation with Lin Yue.

Cha Cha frowned, thinking quickly in his heart whether Du Ruo's behavior was a little bit wanting to be beaten.

Actually overheard her conversation with Lin Yue?

Su Liang's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"What is Mr. Su, I don't want to work hard anymore?"

Su Liang keenly captured the key information.

He didn't mean to see the content on her phone, or he saw it accidentally.

Cha Cha's body trembled.

"Du Ruo is talking nonsense."

"Did someone find you just now?" Su Liang asked tentatively.

Cha Cha's eyes flashed. did she answer?

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Su Liang also realized that she guessed right, someone really came to her while he was away.

"A young man?"

Cha Cha lowered his head and did not speak.

Su Liang exhaled, feeling a little resentful in her heart.

He just went out to buy a few cups of milk tea and was almost knocked into the corner?

Seeing that Su Liang was angry, Cha Cha hurriedly comforted her.

"I rejected him righteously, and taught him not to always think about finding a financial master, but to work hard to improve his strength. I have a boyfriend."

Su Liang looked at her with a half-smile, and suddenly said, "If you don't have a boyfriend, would you go and rule him?"

Cha Cha, "..."

This is a sending proposition.

"I will not rule anyone except you."

This kind of question, she will answer.

Even if    is not a standard answer, it is absolutely impossible to step on the thunder.

Su Liang squinted at her and didn't say anything else.

He reached out and put the milk tea away, then turned around and closed the curtains.

's gestures seem to have some sort of reckoning.

Chacha suddenly panicked, wait, Su Liang is so good, like a little milk dog, so her temperament is a bit cold, why did she suddenly become a little like... a fierce little wolf dog?

She subconsciously wanted to run.

But Su Liang moved quickly, stopped her and held her in her arms.

"I may need to stamp a few chapters, so that no one will hook up with you while I'm away."

Chacha sensed the danger, raised her little hand, and said seriously, "I really won't be seduced by other little white faces."

Su Liang ignored her and concentrated on taking advantage...

(end of this chapter)