Chapter 1565: I am a vicious female partner (102)

Chapter 1565 I am a vicious female match (102)

Two days later.

Su Liang left the hotel with tea.

Work in the studio still needs her to handle.

When Su Liang returned to the hotel, he met Lin Yue.

Lin Yue glanced at him arrogantly, his eyes full of disdain.

As if he was about to soar.

Su Liang passed him silently, his expression as usual.

In his opinion, Lin Yue was about to hit rock bottom.

When Lin Yue and Jiang Xue met, they looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them turned around.

Just when they thought it was difficult to get into a big company, people from Chenxing Entertainment took the initiative to find them.

Chenxing Entertainment has a very good development prospect, and even now, it has a place in the circle.

It was like a pie from the sky for them.

In the past two days, I have been very active in discussing the contract with the people of Chenxing.

Xu You was holding the contract between the two of them.

It is impossible to let go easily.

Unless Chen Xing is willing to help them pay the liquidated damages, the liquidated damages may be a large amount to them, but for Chen Xing, it is definitely nothing.

However, the two are not famous now.

Chenxing may feel that it is not worth it.

So they have a good attitude to express their wishes to the people of Chenxing and the concessions they are willing to make.

Today is the day Chenxing replied to their news.

After filming at night, they made an appointment with the man at a restaurant near Hengdian.

Now, just waiting for the afternoon to finish work.

They went to the restaurant and waited for an interview.

It can be seen that Chen Xing is also very sincere.



Lin Yue and Jiang Xue went to that restaurant together.

Then he was taken to the box by the waiter and waited quietly.

About ten minutes passed.

The door of the box was finally opened.

Lin Yue and Jiang Xue are looking forward to coming with joy.

But the next second.

Time seemed to come to an abrupt end.

Lin Yue Jiangxue looked at the person who appeared in disbelief.

Xu You? ? ?

Why is she here?

The two stood up a little uneasy, their eyes flashed with guilt.

"Mr. Xu, what a coincidence."

Jiang Xue called out tentatively.

Xu You's face was calm, no anger could be seen.

She pulled up a chair and sat down, staring at the two of them with a half-smile, "Unfortunately, I'm here for you."


Lin Yue and Jiang Xue froze at the same time.

Lin Yue, "Mr. Xu? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Xue, "If you have something to do, Mr. Xu, just give your order, and go all the way to the vicinity of Hengdian..."

Xu You waved his hands, his eyes were sharp, "No no no, how dare I tell you? I'm just a little boss of a studio. My temple is small, and I can't hold the two of you.

Jiang Xue's face instantly turned pale.


It was clear that he knew about them and Chenxing.

This is to settle accounts.

She calmed down for a while.

tilted his head to look at Lin Yue, trying to take Lin Yue as the backbone between the two.

Although Lin Yue's face was calm, there was still a bit of panic in his eyes.

"Mr. Xu, you are joking. We have today because of the opportunity you gave us... We thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

"Huh!" Xu You looked at him coldly, raised her hand and slapped it on the table, "It's already this time, so what are you talking about? You two are really amazing!

went to find Su Cha behind my back, was rejected by Su Cha, turned his head, and has something to do with Chen Xing again?

For a company as big as Chenxing, you guys are quite ambitious? "

At this moment, the last layer of window paper between several people was also pierced.

Jiang Xue took a step forward.

seems to not want to bear it any longer.

"Yes! We are connected with Chenxing, but so what?

It’s not because you are incompetent.

If you had half of Su Cha's ability, you would have made me and Lin Yue a hit!

Look at Su Liang, look at Du Ruo, and Liu Han and Zhuang Yan, which one is not the most popular now?

And what about us? There is nothing, no popularity, no fans, no works and no resources, and even the only drama, Jianghu, has become a black history for everyone.

As long as you have a little heart, you will not fail to keep people!

Let me tell you, not only Lin Yue and I are going to run away, but other artists in the studio have long wanted to run away and are all looking for a home. "

Jiang Xue said it without hesitation.

When she first followed Xu You, she had countless expectations.

But in the end, every expectation came to nothing.

Every time there is no good result, but those who choose Su Cha have developed better and better, and their life is like a hang-up.

She couldn't compare with those people at all.

She hates! She is jealous!

Xu You laughed out of anger, what a good Jiang Xue, is he quite capable? It can make her so angry that she wants to rush over and kill her directly.

However, she held back.

She asked back, "Isn't it just jealousy after all? But Jiang Xue, don't forget, you abandoned Su Cha and wanted to step on her and follow me.

I also gave you a chance, you didn't take it, do you blame me?

Jiang Xue, you lost from the beginning.

But this path is yours to choose, it has nothing to do with me. "

Jiang Xue gritted her teeth, she was stabbed to the point of pain at this moment, of course she knew that the result was her own choice, but she hated it!

That sense of powerlessness eroded her sanity.

"I fought with you!" She almost roared.

Xu You responded quickly, raising his hand and slapped Jiang Xue directly.

Seeing that Jiang Xue was about to rush up, Lin Yue stretched out his hand to hold her and reminded, "The people from Chenxing will come soon."

If the people from Chenxing see the fight scene, it's not good...

Jiang Xue, "..."

She looked at Xu You angrily.

The eyes are vicious.

Xu You blew on her newly made nails without caring at all, and the bright burgundy showed more maturity.

"Do you really think you can go to Chenxing? It's pretty beautiful. Your contract is still in my hands. As long as I don't let go, Chenxing won't be able to sign you."

"We can have a lawsuit!" Jiang Xuen said angrily, and his sanity barely recovered.

Lin Yue's face turned pale.

Xu You seemed to hear a big joke.

"A lawsuit? Yes, I'll accompany you at any time.

Tsk, look at Lin Yue's expression, you haven't thought of what he thought of until now, and you still want to fight with me? What a dream!

Even if there is a lawsuit, I can drag you out for a few years!

I am dragging all the good years, are you angry? hate it? Want to cry? idiot. "

dare to betray her, she will make them cry without a place to cry!

Jiang Xue was stunned.

stood dumbfounded.

Lin Yue's mood is complicated, ups and downs, like falling from the sky to the ground...

How did it become like this?

He subconsciously wanted to admit his mistake, but unfortunately, Xu You turned his head away without giving him a chance.

Lin Yue and Jiang Xue stood there, at a loss.

This result was obviously something they didn't expect...


Su Liang listened with satisfaction to Chen Xuan telling him about this time, the plan was very successful, the two people were solved perfectly, and by the way, he could see the good show of dog bites dog.

Chen Xuan hung up the phone, feeling that he had misunderstood Su Liang before.

This is where the cold system is, this is also a man who eats people without spitting bones, and easily solved Lin Yue and Jiang Xue.

And I haven't gotten my hands dirty yet.

(end of this chapter)