Chapter 1568: Doomsday zombies (1)

Chapter 1568 Zombies of the End Times (1)

In the corner outside the wedding venue.

Xu You stared darkly.

She can't get in, so she can only stay here. In just half a year, the studio in her hands has lost everything.

Her father lost more than half of her property by her. In a fit of rage, he kicked her out of the house and cut off contact. She tried to seek help, but... no one was willing to help her.

She doesn't even know where she should go next.

The remaining money in her hand is only enough to live a tight life without starving to death, but now, she has to think about buying a bottle of water.

And this kind of life, she doesn't know how long it will take, maybe a long, long time...


【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

The    Charm Card has been upgraded to the seventh level of the Silver Card.

Snack Card is upgraded to Silver Card Level 3.

Wealth Gold Card Level 8 is upgraded to Gold Card Level 9, and you have Level 9 Wealth.

Because the Lucky Supreme Card unlocks new skills, before entering the next plane, a card will be randomly dropped, and the card will have a hint for the next plane. 】

The system sends out an automatic reminder.

Qiqi nestled in the space with her snacks in her arms.

It thinks this automatic reminder is perfect.

"Chacha, let's see what hints the dropped cards have!"

"Okay." Cha Cha nodded, her white and tender little hand stretched out, a dazzling golden light poured out of her palm, and the light gradually converged into the shape of a card.

Immediately afterwards, a card fell into the palm of his hand.

There are only two words on the    card: the end of the world.

Qiqi meows in surprise!

Like a little milk cat with fried fur.

"Ahhh! The end of the world!" Qiqi was a little shocked, and the whole cat walked back and forth uneasy.

"Chacha, the next plane is the end of the world. I may not be able to eat delicious food in the whole plane, what should I do?"

A batch of panicked.

It has just enjoyed human food, it does not want to say goodbye to food so soon

Cha Cha thought calmly, "Don't be afraid, before entering the next plane, let's prepare some food."

Fortunately, she has a lot of space.

Can store a lot of food.

But now it has left the previous plane.

"Qiqi, there should be a system mall, right?"

Qiqi was stunned and suddenly realized.

Little Paws patted his forehead, "Yeah, I forgot! We still have a system store, and according to our current level, the system store can definitely be opened long ago."

Since the host has never bought anything in the system mall, this mall has never been opened.

Under normal circumstances, many quest players will buy life-saving items from the system mall in order to clear the customs. Their hosts are very powerful, and the quest is smooth, so naturally they do not need these.

Now hearing the reminder, Qiqi immediately opened the system mall.

"There are all kinds of goods in this system mall, spanning across the six realms, as long as you can afford the money, you can buy anything, even the magic weapon of the fairy family, but the premise is that there are enough wealth value!

Moreover, the most important point is to abide by the rules of the system mall and not to destroy the balance.

For example, the magic weapon of the fairy family cannot be purchased and used in the plane of the end of the world. There are rules in the world. "

Qiqi's eyes glow, and with the system mall, there is no need to prepare food.

The system mall can be opened anytime, anywhere.

Simple, fast and convenient.

Chacha hummed, and had a basic understanding of this system mall.

"Then can I order?"

Seven-seven, "...It doesn't seem possible."

"Then what else can you buy?" Cha Cha asked with a soul.

Qiqi raised her small paws to cover her face, and said no more.

Chacha said lightly, "Since there is a system mall now, then we don't need to prepare food in advance and go directly to the apocalyptic plane!"

"it is good."


When Cha Cha opened his eyes, he subconsciously frowned.

The strong **** smell makes people uncomfortable.

She glanced at random, and there was obviously a fierce battle around.

There was also a memory in my mind at this time.

Original main leaf tea.

is the heroine of this plane.

Even in the last days, you should live your life smoothly.

However, the female supporter of this plane, Mu Chongyang, was reborn.

Wood Chongyang lives again and has memories.

Before the end of the world, he took the opportunity to steal the original owner's necklace. The original owner's necklace was actually a storage space.

Wooden Chongyang used this necklace to hide a lot of food, water and some necessities in advance.

In the end times, food and water are very important.

Mu Chongyang also knew that the original owner's boyfriend would make a breakthrough in the last days.

Coincidentally, Qian Tang, the boyfriend of the original owner, once chased after Mu Chongyang. After Mu Chongyang was reborn, he deliberately hooked up with Qian Tang whenever he had the chance.

For Qian Tang, what you can’t get is the best.

Besides, this person who can't get it is still wandering under his own eyes every day, which makes him even more itchy.

One to two to go.

Although the two have not officially hooked up yet, they are always ambiguous, ambiguous, and ambiguous.

Pity the original owner, foolishly kept in the dark.

The original university life was suddenly destroyed, the end of the world came, and everyone was in danger.

On the day of the end of the world, Mu Chongyang deliberately abandoned the original owner because he knew the time, and stayed with Qian Tang himself.

Qian Tang fled with Mu Chongyang.

And the original owner also met Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang easily because of the halo of the heroine.

Three people walk together.

Wooden Chongyang is a **** and a lotus, so the original owner is naturally not an opponent.

Always quarrel with Qian Tang because of Mu Chongyang.

Qian Tang broke up with the original owner in a rage.

When she woke up, Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang had already abandoned her.

The original owner could only walk alone in the apocalypse. Later, he was bitten by a zombie, awakened his ability, and joined a small team with his ability.

He has a good temper and strength, and he quickly gained a good relationship in the squad.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

The original owner met Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang again.

Mu Chongyang joined the original owner's squad by virtue of his superb rank. Gradually, the incident repeated itself, and the original owner was discarded by the squad.

was discarded one after another, and the original owner was not heartbroken, but blackened.

After all, she is the heroine favored by God. Even if she was robbed of some things by the heroine, she is still the heroine. After being besieged by zombies again, she opened up new skills.

She found that she could control some low-level zombies.


The original owner embarked on the road of revenge.

Looking for opportunities along the way, ordering the zombies to solve Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang successively...

But unfortunately, when she was commanding low-level zombies for the last time, she met the Zombie King, and she didn't save her life, so she got rid of it.

Chacha is a bit stunned for this plot.

The original owner is amazing!

I also know that blackening means that I finally let it go and put myself on it, which is a bit of a pity.

Qiqi also sighed.

The original owner is six six six.

Just finished receiving the plot.

heard the voice of a man.

"Yecha, have you found food?"

Immediately afterwards, a young man came over, followed by a young woman.

Oh, this is the dog man and woman.

Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang.

Chacha shook his head, "I didn't find it."

In the timeline at this moment, Qian Tang and the original owner haven't broken up yet, they should have just embarked on the journey of the end times.

(end of this chapter)