Chapter 1572: Doomsday zombies (5)

Chapter 1572 Zombies of the Last World (5)

Qian Tang never thought that if he ran so fast, he would be overtaken by zombies.

Seeing the zombies getting closer and closer to him.

Qian Tang's eyes were dark and unclear.

Mu Chongyang held Qian Tang tightly in fear, for fear that she would be bitten by a zombie if she took a single step.

In addition, the two of them have been running for a long time. At this moment, they are already exhausted, and even Qian Tang is struggling.

Just when the two were thinking about how to escape from these zombies, the zombies who were just one step away from them suddenly stopped, not knowing what happened.

Qian Tang was overjoyed and pulled Mu Chongyang to speed up again.

Even if he is exhausted at the moment, the chance to escape is right in front of him, and he will never miss it.

Even Mu Chongyang has a little more strength.

The two fled desperately.

And the group of zombies didn't catch up.

Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang found a corner to rest, and they didn't care about anything else, they lay directly on the ground and gasped.

Exhausted, exhausted!

In this situation, if they came several times a day, they would have to die of exhaustion without being eaten by zombies.

Mu Chongyang lay there dizzy, thinking in his heart that Qian Tang's strength was too weak. If Qian Tang's strength increased greatly, he wouldn't be able to deal with this group of low-level zombies.

However, in the original plot, Qian Tang's strength has grown rapidly.

What went wrong?

Mu Chongyang is habitual, raising his hand to touch his necklace.

In the next second, I felt cold all over.

She stroked her empty neck in astonishment.

suddenly sat up from the ground, "Necklace! My necklace!"

Where did that space necklace go?

Mu Chongyang hurriedly lowered her head to look for it. She searched all over her body and couldn't find the necklace. Her face was pale, and fear flashed in her eyes.

Qian Tang knew which necklace she was talking about. The one she wore around her neck was so precious that he didn't let him touch it much.

But no matter how precious a necklace is, it is not worth mentioning when compared with life.

He lay there and comforted, "If you lose it, you will lose it. Anyway, we escaped successfully. I will buy one for you later."

"You can't buy it!" Mu Chongyang roared, excited.

That's a space necklace. It's just that one. It's very precious. What he said is simple, buy another one? Ah! where to buy?

Not to mention, that necklace has already recognized the owner, and she also stored a lot of food in the space necklace.

Qian Tang was a little speechless.

Isn't it just a necklace?

He glanced at Mu Chongyang, saw that her face was ugly, he didn't say anything, turned his head and continued to rest.

Mu Chongyang quickly calmed down, recalling what happened along the way, she pushed Ye Cha, and then ran away frantically.

She can be sure that when she came out of that warehouse, the necklace was still around her neck, so... it is likely that it fell from her neck during the escape.

But now, it is unrealistic to ask her to go back and look for it.

It was not yet dawn, there might be zombies everywhere, and she didn't dare to go back.

can only focus on Qian Tang.

"Qian Tang..." She called out cautiously.

Qian Tang hummed, very perfunctory, he didn't even look at him, he just escaped from death, and he had no interest in caring about that necklace.

"We can go back..."

"Impossible!" Before he could finish speaking, Qian Tang interrupted him.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Running back and dying for a useless necklace? Are you crazy?"

He can protect Mu Chongyang, but he wouldn't do such a stupid thing to die for the necklace, and he's not stupid.

Mu Chongyang gritted his teeth, knowing that he was right.

She lowered her head and quickly thought of another way.

The    necklace is definitely something to go back and find.

However, if she can't find a suitable reason, he will definitely not agree to go back.

And to make Qian Tang willingly accompany her back to find the necklace, probably only in the face of great interests, he will agree.

Mu Chongyang stumblingly said the preciousness of the necklace.

"Qian Tang, that necklace is not an ordinary necklace. It is an heirloom of my family, passed down from generation to generation."

Qian Tang, "Yeah." There was no ups and downs in his mood.

Are heirlooms useful in the last days?

Not even a little bit of food.

Still want him to risk his life to find the necklace?

Wood Chongyang is whimsical?

He can tolerate the usual petty temperaments, but in the face of life-threatening matters, he can't get used to her.

Seeing that Qian Tang still had no response, Mu Chongyang finally took out his trump card.

"That necklace... that necklace can be recognized as the owner, and it can also be used as a small space."

"What did you say?" This time, Qian Tang was no longer calm.

He sat up suddenly and looked at Mu Chongyang in astonishment.

"What does it mean to be a small space?" Is that what he imagined it to mean?

Mu Chongyang briefly explained.

Of course, it is important to emphasize that this necklace has been recognized as the owner, and even if it is picked up by others, it will only be an ordinary necklace.

In this way, Qian Tang can be prevented from stealing her necklace.

Qian Tang narrowed his eyes.

To hide such an important thing from him?

He stared at Mu Chongyang with a wrong expression.

Mu Chongyang quickly performed a second face change for him.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? I didn't tell you about it, I hid something from you, but you are not me, you are Ye Cha's boyfriend, I just don't tell you!"

Willful jealousy was played to the fullest by Mu Chongyang.

Qian Tang looked at the crying woman with pear blossoms and rain, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face, this was indeed his fault.

He quickly understood Mu Chongyang's thoughts.

At the same time, I thought about the value of this necklace in my heart.

"It's my fault, I should have broken up with her earlier, so you are my righteous girlfriend, Chongyang, you have to believe me, the person I like has always been you.

Let's rest for a few more minutes, and I'll accompany you back to find the necklace, okay? "

The role of space necklaces in the end times is too great.

Be sure to get it back!

Mu Chongyang likes him very much, as long as Mu Chongyang is always by his side, it means that the space necklace belongs to him.

Qian Tang mustered up his courage with a firm look in his eyes.

Go back and fight the zombies, he can!

However, for the sake of safety, and the two of them were physically exhausted, they decided to go back to look for the necklace when it was almost dawn.

At present, there is a high probability that no one else will appear in this city, and even if someone else picks it up, no one else will use it. It looks like an ordinary necklace, and it will not be occupied...

the next morning.

Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang walked back according to the route last night, looking for the necklace very seriously.

at the same time.

Chacha, who was sleeping in the space, also woke up leisurely.

She stretched herself on the big bed, and patted Qiqi, who was soft beside her, and licked the cat, it was comfortable!

"Mu Chongyang and Qian Tang are back again." Qiqi reminded.

"Huh? You're back? That's probably to find that space necklace."

Chacha slowly got up from the bed.

While washing, he muttered, "It's a pity, even if they find it, they won't be able to find that necklace."

"Oh, I don't know if the group of little zombies brought them happiness yesterday!"

(end of this chapter)