Chapter 1577: Doomsday zombies (10)

Chapter 1577 Zombies of the End Times (10)

Mu Chongyang trembled with anger.

Soon, tears fell unsatisfactorily.

Qian Tang glanced at it and said nothing to comfort him.

The strong eat the weak.

Now Yecha is the boss, if Mu Chongyang can cry for snacks and milk, he might as well cry.

Unfortunately, Chacha doesn't believe in tears.

Especially after seeing Mu Chongyang crying, she was even happier.

If only Qian Tang would cry along with him.

Unfortunately, Qian Tang didn't cry, and most of his attention was focused on driving.

cried for a while, but no one paid her any attention, and Mu Chongyang stopped crying.

At this time, Cha Cha leisurely reminded, "I asked you to find supplies, but you found nothing, so now you have nothing to eat."

"Then why does Lu Li have it?" Mu Chongyang blurted out.

Chacha, "He looks good, I like him."

Mu Chongyang, "..." You don't want me to be your sidekick at all, I think you want to **** me off!


Cha Cha hooked her lips.

"Actually, you can learn from Qian Tang, look at him, he is always calm, even if he is really thinking about something else, he will not show it on his face.

Chongyang, you were not like this before, your acting skills...regressed. "

Chacha looked at her meaningfully.

Mu Chongyang groaned fiercely in his heart.

What does    mean?

Could it be that she knew that she deliberately hooked up with Qian Tang before?

is wrong.

Leaf tea is impossible to know.

No one knows about this except her and Qian Tang, and Qian Tang can't tell Ye Cha about the past.

Maybe I misunderstood...


It was quiet in the carriage.

Mu Chongyang did not dare to say a word.

Lu Li closed his eyes and rested.

Cha Cha quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

Because the end of the world is coming, this city is already an empty city, the prosperity of the past is no longer, only the desolation after loneliness is left.

Probably not only this city is like this, many, many cities may be like this...

Many wives and families are separated, and many people move forward alone.

This way.

Unable to hold on to his death.

After holding on, he gradually became cold-blooded and ruthless, used to seeing life and death, accustomed to seeing joys and sorrows, and a taste of human nature...


Almost an hour later.

Qian Tang was driving on the highway when he suddenly screamed in horror.

"Ahhh! Zombies! Lots of zombies!"

Hearing the sound, Cha Cha opened his eyes, but there was no sign of sleepiness in his eyes.

"Don't stop, slow down."

Chacha reminded.

Qian Tang didn't understand what she meant yet. The next second, thunder and lightning struck down one after another, and the zombies not far away disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

Qian Tang, "..."

Wooden Chongyang, "..."

Every time they wanted to be a demon, Ye Cha's strength kept them away.

That's a bunch of zombies.

is not a zombie.

A few lightning bolts smashed down, not even a bone **** was left.

Qian Tang breathed a sigh of relief.


at the same time.

He regretted it again.

If he had treated Ye Tea well at first, and he didn’t push Ye Tea into the zombie group last night, then probably, he should work hard and enjoy the sense of security given by Ye Tea.

A power like   leaf tea will definitely have many followers in the end times.

She is too strong.

But it's a pity...

He pushed Yecha into the zombies last night.

This means that it is impossible for him and Ye Cha to get along peacefully. One day, Ye Cha will know what he has done.

And Ye Cha, who knew the truth, would definitely not let him go.

Therefore, he can only find a way to get rid of the leaf tea.

It's all so powerful now, and it will only be more powerful in the future...

The gap between the two will become more and more obvious in the future.

"There seems to be someone ahead." Cha Cha suddenly made a sound, interrupting Qian Tang's thoughts.

Qian Tang took a closer look, and there were indeed people.

"Stop?" he asked.

Chacha, "Well, let's see what's going on."

Even if the person in front is a robber, she is not afraid.

Qian Tang stopped the car and pressed the window.

Only then did I realize that there were several men in front of me, and there was a girl who didn't look too old. She should still be a student and seemed to be discussing things.

Those people saw the vehicle stop.

immediately became alert.

One of the men stood in front, probably the eldest among them.

Cha Cha glanced through the car window.

Oh, this is the squad that the original owner joined in the previous plot.

After the original owner joined, Mu Chongyang and Qian Tang suddenly appeared, causing everyone in the squad to disengage from the original owner...

The man standing in front seemed to be Luo Jiming.

is the captain of this squad.

Luo Jiming had a few conversations with Qian Tang.

Qian Tang looked back at Chacha.

"They want to go with us."

Luo Jiming's stunned gaze fell on Cha Cha.

Is this little girl the boss of these people?

doesn't look like it!

The little girl is not very old and weak.

He doubted whether he was an adult.

Cha Cha thought for a while, "I don't have a problem, but there is only one car, how can you travel with us?"

The speed of a car is very different from the walking speed of a human.

Luo Jiming, "We also have a car."

Immediately afterwards, he was a little embarrassed, "It's just...not enough space."

Because of location issues, their squad sparked a quarrel.

Chacha glanced at Lu Li next to him.

"Only one place can be made up for you!"

Luo Jiming's face instantly showed a smile, "Thank you so much! One position is enough."

is only one position away.

You can't leave people where they are.

Luo Jiming saved a **** this road.

But they have no place in the car.

The car was very crowded, and even the trunk was stuffed with someone, and it was really impossible to sit down, and then a few people quarreled because of this problem.

The reason is also very simple, no one wants to be in a position.

And carrying a girl is equivalent to bringing a burden.

Fleeing for life is the most important thing in the last days, and it is not a relative, just a stranger, and she has always done her best to save her life.

In case of another life because of her, it would not be worth it.

Cha Cha moved to Lu Li's place. There could have been three people seated in the back, and one more person wouldn't feel crowded. It was just right.

After discussing, we decided to go on a road together again, and then find a place to rest.


Luo Jiming let the little girl get in the car.

Cha Cha took a look, then withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and pinched between his eyebrows, feeling a little irritable.

She seems to have made a mistake.

Originally planned to go with Luo Jiming to see how it would develop in the future. As a result, there was an extra girl. This girl... looks like Mu Chongyang.

No, the girl started talking as soon as she got in the car.

"Thank you brother and sister for letting me in the car, thank you so much, you are my saviors."

Wooden Chongyang, "..." White, white lotus? ? ?

Cha Cha replied coldly, "Who is your sister? Do I look older than you?"

The little girl explained aggrievedly, "...I, I'm just an adult." The tears in her eyes seemed to fall down in the next second.

is like a bullied little white flower.

Cha Cha, "Oh, I'm underage."

Xiaobaihua, "..." I can't continue with this.

(end of this chapter)