Chapter 1579: Doomsday zombies (12)

Chapter 1579 Zombies of the Last World (12)

at the same time.

Chacha also took out a small snack and handed it to Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't answer.

shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

Chacha, "Then close your eyes and take a good rest."

She took back the small snack and ate a little by herself.

Without food and water, Qiantang and Mu Chongyang were unable to hold on.

But he didn’t dare to ask for it.

Qian Tang sighed, "I'll look around to see if there's anything I can eat."

"I'll be with you." Mu Chongyang answered and stood up to follow him.

Mo Xue suddenly said a word.

"Didn't your boss have something to eat? Let her give you some!"

Qian Tang, "..."

Wooden Chongyang, "..."

Both of them were silent.

Mo Xue suddenly remembered something.

Qian Tang is Yecha's ex-boyfriend, and Mu Chongyang is also Yecha's good sister, so how can he become a little follower now?

Chacha's meaningful eyes fell on the two of them.

Qian Tang, "I didn't find the supplies, it's my problem."

Wood Chongyang softly echoed.

Cha Cha took a bite of the small cookie, "You two can only go to one, and the other will stay as a hostage for me."

She also wants to watch a play! What if the two of them run away together?

Qian Tang's expression changed.

Mu Chongyang sat down with a pale face.

"I'm waiting for you here." She showed a miserable smile.

"Well, I'll be back soon." Qian Tang turned and left.

Mu Chongyang sat there alone, looking a little pitiful, Luo Jiming didn't quite understand why this happened.

He walked over and stood beside Mu Chongyang.

"Aren't you and Qian Tang her sidekicks? Even if you have done something wrong to her, you won't be treated like prisoners, right?"

Mu Chongyang didn't say a word, lowered his head and said nothing.

Luo Jiming continued to look at Chacha.

"And you, even if you were betrayed by your boyfriend and sister, you can't be so preoccupied with it, right?

Now is the end of the world, life is the most important thing, can't you put aside your feelings? It's dangerous to let Qian Tang leave alone, and you still have food in your hand..."

Chacha looked at Luo Jiming confidently.

's pretty eyes blinked.

"What you said may also make sense, but I just like to be fussy. They betrayed me and offended me. I have the ability to take revenge, so why not take revenge?

Is it possible that I was betrayed by them, and I still greeted me with a smile? Tell them: Forgive you, we will still be friends in the future?

What dream do you have? If the knife doesn't stab you, don't know the pain, don't bother me! "

At the end, the little girl was a little irritable.

Patience has also lost a lot.

She is the most annoying kind of person who doesn't know anything and runs over to persuade you to be generous and kind.

The members of Luo Jiming's squad saw that their boss was being treated like this, and stood up, with a faint intention to do something.

Cha Cha squinted and sneered.

"What? Want to fight?

Do you know how I made the two of them be obedient? "

She raised her hand casually.

A purple thunderbolt rumbled down.

Between the lightning and flint, you can clearly see the power of this lightning.

And the place where the lightning struck has collapsed, dust is flying, and it is a ruin.

Luo Jiming's squad was stunned, "..."

Time seems to stand still.

What the hell?

This little girl is so young, so powerful?

This is too heaven-defying!

Lightning-type abilities have such power!


After half a minute.

Luo Jiming's team sat down quietly and continued to eat.

What happened just now?

No, nothing happened.

Luo Jiming looked at Chacha with bright eyes.

"Would you like to join my squad? I'll make you the vice-captain!"

Thunder-type abilities!

is actually such a powerful thunder-type ability.

Luo Jiming could not wait to grab her back to his team immediately.

In the face of absolute strength, other things become less important, Luo Jiming forgot what he just said.

Chacha’s rejection of disgust.

"Not interested in."

Luo was neither angry nor angry.

Just sit down and continue talking.

"Our team is planning to go to the Sunshine Base. I heard that the base is officially established and it is very safe. Their base needs people with abilities.

Even if you don't want to be the vice-captain of our squad, we can hurry and go to the Sunshine Base together.

It is safe there and we can live in peace. "

Luo Jiming's intention to win over her is self-evident.

Such a powerful ability.

If you can keep walking.

No need to worry about encountering zombies again.

The power of her thunder-type ability can instantly kill any zombie!

And he believed that no one would refuse to go to Sunshine Base.

But the next second.

Cha Cha refused again.

"I'm not interested. Also, you talk too much, and I don't want to have too much communication with you."

She looked indifferent.

Luo Jiming wanted to say something, but was so frightened by her expression that she didn't dare to say a word, and walked back to the team honestly.

Mo Xue looked at the dry food in her hand.

suddenly felt that it was not fragrant at all.

If only she had such a powerful ability.

I don't know if this ability... can be transferred to others.

A complexion flashed in her eyes.

"Boss, shall we continue to be with her?" Someone asked in a low voice.

This power is too terrifying, if Yecha is not happy and a thunder strikes, wouldn’t they have to finish the game?

That little girl doesn't look like a good person.

It is impossible to guarantee that nothing excessive will be done.

Luo Jiming nodded, "Continue to follow her, we have to walk with her."

Because, she is really amazing.

In the face of this kind of strength, no one will not be tempted.

Chacha glanced blankly, and quickly retracted his gaze. These people have different thoughts.

She tilted her head and reached out to touch Lu Li's face.

Hey, Lu Li is better.

looks good and obedient.

Cha Cha leaned against Lu Li.

"I squint for a while."

Lu Li opened his eyes and nodded, "Yeah."

Qian Tang came back soon after.

I don't know whether to say he was lucky or what to say.

When   Qian Tang came back, he brought some food.

Mu Chongyang was very happy and changed his gloomy look.

When the two were eating together, Mu Chongyang whispered about the Sunshine Base.

Qian Tang immediately had a new idea.

The two looked at each other.

Understand the meaning of the other party in seconds.

They can persuade Luo Jiming to go to the Sunshine Base with Luo Jiming, but they need to find a way to avoid Ye Cha and Lu Li.

Only then can they both be safe enough.

The two ate something.

Qian Tang took advantage of the tea break and motioned Mu Chongyang to go to Luo Jiming's place and have a good chat with him.

And asked Mu Chongyang to tell Luo Jiming that the two of them had the ability of thunder and space necklace respectively.

Although the space necklace was lost, it would be found sooner or later. They knew very well that only by showing their weight would they have a chance to let Luo Jiming take them with them and avoid Ye Cha.

Mu Chongyang chatted with Luo Jiming for a while.

Luo Jiming did not agree immediately.

But gave them both a high look.

The two of them were also hidden.

However, compared with leaf tea, the gap is still too far...

If possible, he still hopes that he can win over leaf tea.


Happy Dragon Boat Festival~

(end of this chapter)