Chapter 1582: Doomsday zombies (15)

Chapter 1582 Zombies of the Last World (15)

Qian Tang and Mu Chongyang breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the person behind was Mo Xue.

When Luo Jiming got in the car just now, they also breathed.

I'm afraid there will be other changes.

Now seeing that Mo Xue got in the car, Qian Tang started the car without hesitation.

Luo Jiming's squad followed closely.

Originally, all the way was smooth.

However, not long after driving, Qian Tang suddenly accelerated.

Luo Jiming, who was following behind, frowned and subconsciously accelerated.

In this case, Luo Jiming easily lost his mind.

He felt that Ye Cha didn't let him get on the car just now, but now he suddenly accelerated, it was clear that Ye Tea table wanted to get rid of them and no longer go with them.

But it is agreed that we will walk on this road.

How can you say that you will change?

Luo Jiming said to his brother who was driving, "Follow them closely, you must not be left behind by them!"

at the same time.

Mo Xue felt something was wrong.

whispered, "Brother Qian, is the speed too fast?"

Qian Tang ignored her.

Mo Xue was a little embarrassed and didn't say anything.

Lu Li squeezed Chacha's wrist and gave her a wink.

is wrong, very wrong.

Chacha calmly returned his eyes: I know.

From the moment he got into the car, Qian Tang was not quite right, and Mu Chongyang was pulling the seat belt tightly, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to see her nervousness.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Mo Xue, who was shrinking beside him, "What are you doing so far away from me? I don't eat people."

Mo Xue, who was suddenly named, "...Sister Ye is very gentle and cute, not scary at all. I'm just afraid that if I get too close to Sister Ye, I will not be able to control my admiration for Sister Ye."

Chacha, "???" Xiaobaihua is too good at talking!

She opened her mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Since I can't control my admiration for her, then... just keep shrinking there!

It doesn't affect her anyway.

Lu Li frowned and waited for Cha Cha's next sentence, but found that she didn't say any more.

Lu Li was stunned. It turns out that she also likes to hear these nice words.

Then he will tell her about it later.

Will she let him take a few more bites?

As soon as Cha Cha turned around, he gave Shang Lu Li an eager look.

Chacha, "???" Wait, what are you thinking about?

The thinking of zombies and humans should not be on the same level, she could not guess his thoughts.

is a little confused.

was stunned.

The fast-moving car suddenly stopped.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes, and almost instantly, a small purple thunderbolt broke through the car door.

She carried Lu Li and Mo Xue with both hands.

Dodged and left the carriage.

The speed was too fast to think about it, Mo Xue didn't understand what happened, the whole person had already left the carriage, and then flashed to the side, and then was thrown to the ground.

At the same time, a violent collision sounded.

Mo Xue looked up, only to realize that Luo Jiming's car was going too fast, and he didn't expect that the car that Qian Tang was driving would suddenly stop and hit it straight.

The front and rear of the two vehicles were badly damaged.

If they hadn't left the carriage, Mo Xue felt that she might be half dead now.

She tilted her head to look at Leaf Tea.

would like to thank her for saving her life.

But he found that Ye Cha was talking to Lu Li gently.

Chacha, "Have you been hurt anywhere? I've been pulling your arm, is there any injury?"

Lu Li, "I'm fine."

"..." Mo Xue looked down at her situation, and suddenly felt that dog food was stuffed into her mouth at no cost.

Luo Jiming got out of the car in a panic to check.

A person in their car was injured.

Qian Tang also walked down at the right time, and there was Mu Chongyang who looked scared.

Qian Tang took Mu Chongyang to Chacha, "Boss, are you all right? Are you all okay?"

Cha Cha snorted, "Thanks to the two of you, nothing happened."

Qian Tang could naturally hear the irony of this sentence.

"There was a problem with the car. This situation is not what I want to happen. I really didn't know such a thing would happen. Fortunately, you are all right. Otherwise, I really have no excuses."

He bowed his head in annoyance.

It seemed annoyed.


For Cha Cha, Qian Tang's acting skills are not very good, and there are many flaws.

"Why does this happen?" Luo Jiming came over at this time, "Someone in my team was injured."

His eyes wandered back and forth between Qian Tang and Ye Cha.

The driver was Qian Tang, but the eldest among them was Ye Cha.

Chacha looked at Luo Jiming with a smile.

"I didn't let Qian Tang speed up, and I didn't let Qian Tang stop suddenly. Why does this happen? You should ask the client Qian Tang carefully, what do you think?"

Ye Cha said so, Luo Jiming had no choice but to see Qian Tang.

"Is something wrong with the car?" he asked.

Qian Tang nodded uncertainly, "It should be like this."

He said while looking at Cha Cha.

This kind of behavior, on the contrary, seems to be instructed by Ye Cha, but he dare not say it.

Luo Jiming was quickly led astray.

"Miss Ye, I admit, you're really amazing, and I really want to go with you, but even if you don't want to go with me, you shouldn't do it like this, right? If something happens, we will get in the car. What about people?

After all, we are not enemies, are we? "

Luo Jiming mistakenly thought it was Ye Cha and asked Qian Tang to throw them away on purpose.

Seeing them chasing after him, he made Qian Tang stop suddenly, causing a car accident.

Chacha glanced at Luo Jiming.

"The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't have one. You can ask Mo Xue if I have communicated with Qian Tang."

Luo Jiming turned to look at Mo Xue.

"What did you see?"

Mo Xue shook his head, "They really don't have much communication."

Luo Jiming, "Even if there is real communication, Miss Ye, do you think Mo Xue dares to speak out? She is very afraid of you."

Mo Xue hurriedly explained when Luo Jiming misunderstood.

"Brother Luo, there is really no communication. It is indeed Brother Qian who stopped suddenly."

If it weren't for the speed of leaf tea, she would really die.

Mo Xue looked at Qian Tang in fear.

Qian Tang still had a firm look on his face, determined that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Chacha, you know each other, why do you..."

"Don't talk!" Cha Cha looked at Mu Chongyang impatiently.

These two really thought she didn't know anything?

Planning to treat her as a fool and trick her by the way?

Push this on her?

This abacus is really loud, but she just doesn't have any interest in continuing to play with them now, so let's solve it as soon as possible!

"Since things have developed here, let's do a good calculation."

She raised her chin slightly, and her eyes fell on Qian Tang, quite domineering.

"Whether it's intentional or not, you two know better than anyone else, do you really think I don't know anything?

If you want to plot against me and want my life, it also depends on whether you have that ability! "

The    plan was suddenly revealed, and Qian Tang's expression changed slightly.

"I can not understand what you say."

If there is no evidence, how could he admit it? ? ?

As long as he bites to death and refuses to acknowledge the account, Ye Cha can't do anything to him.

(end of this chapter)