Chapter 1584: Doomsday zombies (17)

Chapter 1584 Zombies of the End Times (17)

After half an hour.

Chacha saw Mo Xue's cooking skills.

looks pretty good.

She stared at a few fragrant dishes, which looked good, but didn't know how they tasted.

Chacha rushed to Lu Li and waved, asking him to come over and have a taste.

Lu Li came to her side awkwardly.

He couldn't tell the specific taste of the food.

However, in order not to spoil her interest.

He can cooperate with her to taste it.

Chacha handed Lu Li a pair of chopsticks, and then took another pair himself.

Mo Xue stood quietly on the side, waiting for the evaluation.

She is very confident in her cooking skills.

She can't do anything else, but in terms of cooking, I dare not say that she is excellent, but she can definitely give a passing score!

Chacha put down his chopsticks and his eyes lit up.

looked at Mo Xue with satisfaction.

"not bad."

Mo Xue was a little excited, "Then can I follow you in the future?"

Chacha, "Well, let's follow first."

She glanced at Lu Li, turned her head and reminded, "However, it's best not to use your thoughts in front of me and Lu Li. Be honest and don't be a demon, I guarantee you will be fine."

"Of course, Sister Ye, you are so powerful, how could I dare to be a demon?"

Mo Xue's voice was gentle, and each mouthful of Sister Ye.

She's not like Mu Chongyang and Qian Tang. It doesn't matter if the big guy doesn't hug his thighs, but she still wants to kill the big guy?

Isn't    just too long for life?

Lu Li frowned and pulled Cha Cha, staring at Mo Xue fiercely.

"Don't get too close to her."

Leaf tea is his!

Mo Xue, "..." Alright, I'll get out of the way, I'll continue to show off my cooking skills!

Cha Cha smiled and grabbed Lu Li's wrist.

"You scared her."

Lu Li retorted, "No." He didn't do anything, how could he scare people?

Don't think that he can lie to him if he can't keep up with her thoughts.

"Then let's continue eating?" Cha Cha picked up the chopsticks that Lu Li had placed on the table and handed it to him again.

Lu Li looked at the table full of food, and when he thought that it was made by Mo Xue, he was not very happy.

When he was unhappy, his little temper also followed.

"Don't eat." He is a zombie, he doesn't want to eat human food!

Chacha was a little confused.

"How about a snack?"

She took out a small snack from her pocket and handed it to him.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't refuse, she tentatively asked, "Let me tear it apart for you?"

"Hmm." Lu Li snorted.

Small snacks, she only gave him.

means he is unique.

is unique in her heart.

took the snack, Lu Li couldn't help reminding, "You can only give me the snack."

Chacha grabbed the snacks and became even more confused, "??? What?"

Lu Li looked at her in disbelief

Don't you understand what he means?

"I said you are not allowed to distribute snacks to other people!" This is a privilege only he can have.

Lu Li's voice suddenly increased, and Mo Xue's hands when cutting vegetables trembled in shock, almost cutting himself.

Cha Cha was stunned, and quickly realized what Lu Li meant.

Think back to Lu Li's performance just now.

Oh, got it.

Lu Li was jealous.

Tsk tsk, little zombies are still jealous!


Chacha nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I'll only give you snacks in the future, you are the most important one in my heart, okay?"

Qiqi, "..." Cha Cha, you have changed.

Love words come when you open your mouth.

And he is especially good at coaxing people.

Lu Li seemed a little embarrassed and nodded, "Well, you can't lie to me! If you lie to me, you know..."

He lowered his voice and added to Cha Cha's ear, "I will eat you!"

Chacha, "..." Am I pretending to be afraid? Or cooperate?

Forget it, let's cooperate...

"Mmmm, I'm super scared!" Cha Cha cooperated with less heart.

Even so, Lu Li was still very happy.

Mo Xue, who was cooking not far away and ate a mouthful of dog food, "..."

Her future life may become cooking + eating dog food...


After dinner.

Cha Cha touched his belly with satisfaction.

I’m exhausted.

Next think about the future.

Now there are only three of them left.

There are no vehicles around, but Chacha still has his own plans. The distance is long, so he definitely cannot walk, and he still needs a car.

Chacha thought about it.

bought a car in the system mall.

And let the system place the vehicle not far from you, otherwise, a car will appear out of thin air, which is kind of... scary.

Mo Xue simply packed up the tableware.

Cha Cha calmly stuffed everything into the backpack until there were still tables, chairs, pots and other slightly larger objects left in the open space, Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Mo Xue.

Mo Xue was stunned for a moment, then turned to look elsewhere.

is very observant.

For Cha Cha, Mo Xue and her had just met, so she couldn't even tell her the secret of her own space, and she didn't know if Mo Xue would stay peaceful in the future.

If she was really at peace, she wouldn't mind letting Mo Xue know the secrets of the space.

As for Lu Li.

Sorry, she double standard.

Lu Li is her person, and of course his treatment is the best!

Chacha was Lu Li's face, and put all the things into the space without hesitation. In Lu Li's opinion, these things just disappeared out of thin air.

Lu Li looked at her in astonishment.

It seems that he does not understand what just happened.

However, it was only for a moment, and Lu Li's expression quickly returned to normal.

Although she didn't hide it, he felt very happy, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Pack these things.

Tea belt Lu Li, and Mo Xue, came to the place where the car was.

That was a brand new off-road vehicle.

At a glance, Mo Xue knew the origin of this car was not simple.

They did not leave the city, and yesterday, Luo Jiming and Qian Tang had already searched the surrounding area.

This place is not far from where they rested last night. It is impossible for Luo Jiming and Qian Tang not to notice, so...

It is very likely that it was made from leaf tea.

Mo Xue was shocked.

I must honestly not be a demon in the future.

Fighting against such a powerful boss is simply a pit in his head.

Mo Xue has a very deep understanding of her own situation, so she volunteered to say, "I can drive!"

She can be an emotionless tool man!

Cha Cha looked back at her, "Do you have a driver's license?"

Mo Xue nodded, "I have a driver's license! I got my driver's license when I turned 18. Maybe I'm not very skilled, but I'm definitely a licensed driver!"

"Well, then you pay attention to safety, drive slowly, don't be in a hurry." Cha Cha reminded.

There will be no zombies on the road anyway.

There is no shortage of supplies.

The tea belt landed and left the car, and Mo Xue acted as the driver to drive.

Chacha, "Go ahead and I'll tell you the general direction."

She plans to find a suitable place and build a base, so that she and Lu Li can return to their normal life, and at the same time, some surviving people can also live such a life.

Even if it is to benefit the surviving human beings.

And once you have a base, you will be the king of your own, own your own territory, and make your own decisions!

This feeling is so cool!

(end of this chapter)