Chapter 1598: Demonic Sorceress (4)

Chapter 1598 Demonic Demon Girl (4)


Su Chaoyu vomited blood.

Jiang Yumian dragged her injured body to hug her.

The rest of the Yuecheng disciples were also in chaos.

Today’s scene is almost over by now.

Jiang Yumian was injured.

The Shen Jiayupei that Su Chaoyu was wearing was also completely destroyed by her.

She is quite satisfied with the current situation.

In the next time, let these people rush to deal with things.

She should retreat too.

After all, someone like Jiang Yumian should be beaten slowly by hanging, rather than being beaten to death with a stick. That would be too cheap for him.

Cha Cha Qing Gong is very good and disappears in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, many people's attention is on Su Chaoyu, so that even if Chacha disappears, no one pays attention.

Jiang Mu was the only one.

Jiang Mu ran out without thinking.

He had a lot to say to her.

Jiang Mu chased him in one direction for a long time. Although he didn't practice martial arts very much, under the supervision of Jiang Yumian, his Qinggong was not bad. After all, Qinggong was a life-saving kung fu.

If there is an accident, if necessary, run away.

Jiang Mu chased all the way out of the city.

Until he came to an uninhabited place, he stopped panting, his eyes full of despair, "A Yun..."

The whole person collapsed to the ground in a decadent and powerless state.

"Let's go back."

A faint voice sounded.

Cha Cha walked over slowly, looking down at Jiang Mu.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Mu raised his head at a loss.

She is still there.

But the distance between the two of them is getting farther and farther.

It seems that it is no longer possible...

Jiang Mu pulled the corners of his mouth hard to make himself laugh.

"A Yun."

After he finished shouting, he hurriedly looked around.

Afraid that it would be bad for her to be here other than he thought.

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

"Jiang Mu."

"Ayun, I'm here."

"I'm sorry." She said, her expression calm.

The original owner owes Jiang Mu an apology.

Jiang Mu looked at her, his eyes suddenly turned red.

bowed his head, helpless like a child.

"Don't say sorry, no, no..."

His brother slaughtered her whole door.

What qualification does he have to hear her say sorry?

Cha Cha tilted his head and didn't look at Jiang Mu again.

"Go back and stop chasing. In this world, there is no Shen Yun anymore."

Shen Yun was a scam from start to finish.

However, the original owner probably didn't expect that Jiang Mu was really moved, and even died for her.

Even if both of them can live well.

There will never be an ending between the original owner and Jiang Mu.

Between the two is a **** feud.

is a fresh life.

for a long time.

Jiang Mu said, "I will go back."

Cha Cha turned around and left.

Jiang Mu did not do any entanglement.

He just stood there for a long, long time...


At the foot of the Demon Mountain.

Cha Cha took a closer look.

The    Demon Sect is quite calm here.

And according to the original owner's memory, the Demon Sect has not done much in the past few years, and they have been very restrained in their work. Those decent people in Jianghu have never been shouting and destroying the Demon Sect every day.

It seems that between magic and decency, well water does not make river water.

This is quite rare.

And in the memory of the original owner.

doesn't seem to have any superfluous impression of that demon sect leader.

In three years, I have only seen a few times.

After the original owner was saved by the Demon Sect Master, he was thrown into the Demon Sect, as if he was an ordinary disciple, that's all.

Cha Cha entered the Demon Sect following his memory.

Then find your own place.

have to say.

The life of the    Demon Sect is quite good.

One glance at the furnishings in the room shows that the Demon Sect has not treated the original owner badly.

The Demon Cult more or less advocates force.

After practicing martial arts for three years, the original owner was not an important member of the Demon Sect, but he was many times stronger than ordinary people. There was also a maid by his side named Fenxiu.

Cha Cha ordered, "Go and prepare hot water, I'll take a bath."

Fen Embroidery, "The slave girl is going to prepare now."


Cha Cha took a nice petal bath.

The body is fragrant, and the mood is also much better.

at the same time.

Fenxiu is also ready for dinner.

The little maid is very caring, does things neatly, and doesn't talk much.

After the meal, Cha Cha lay down on the bed contentedly.

Now that things have developed like this, she pondered that Yuecheng should not be peaceful.

Take a rest for a few days, then go back to Yuecheng for a circle.

The next day.

It is not yet dawn.

Someone broke into Chacha's room.

Fenxiu followed with a panicked face.

"Lord Guardian Left!"

"Shen Cha!" A sharp voice sounded.

Cha Cha rubbed his eyes, sat up in astonishment, and looked at the woman who broke in.

I have this person in my memory.

The left guardian of the Demon Sect, Liu Ying, is superb with a whip in one hand.

However, Liu Ying doesn't like the original owner very much.

Probably because the original owner was rescued by the leader, and Liu Ying likes the leader, so he has always been very hostile to the original owner.

"Guardian Zuo is looking for me for something? Even if you are looking for me, you should knock on the door first. If you see something you shouldn't see, it will be bad, don't you think?"

Chacha said while tugging at the quilt on his body.

She looked at Liu Ying in confusion.

"Why didn't you go out? I want to change clothes."

Although they are all girls, they should be avoided.

Liu Ying, "..."

Fenxiu shivered and did not dare to make a sound.

This is the left protector.

Talking to the Guardian Zuo like this... I'm afraid it will offend the Guardian Zuo.

Liu Ying touched the whip on his waist neatly.

In the    religion, apart from the leader, no one dared to speak to her like this.

"Want to do it?"

Chacha's gaze followed.

"??? Is the Zuo Hufa doing things too freely? Can't help but break into my room, and can't help but say that he wants to do something to me? Do you think I'm easy to bully? Even if you want to do something to me, what is the reason?"

The    Demon Sect also has its own rules.

This left guardian is too unruly.

Liu Ying, "You shouldn't have enmity with Yuecheng! My Demon Sect and the rivers and lakes have coexisted peacefully for many years, but you offended Yuecheng's daughter and hurt Su Yue's most proud disciple!"

This kind of behavior will only bring trouble to the Demon Cult.

Chacha was a little surprised.

That's all?

She looked at Liu Ying in astonishment.

"So Zuo Hufa means that I can't be an enemy of Yuecheng? Zuo Hufa rushed in aggressively just to get justice for Yuecheng?

Left protector? Did you wake up or did I wake up?

If the Guardian Left thinks my behavior is inappropriate.

Then tell the sect master and expel me from the demon sect.

After all, I will continue to be an enemy of Yuecheng in the future, so I just took advantage of the present to get rid of me as soon as possible. "

Liu Ying squinted her eyes, and her face was unhappy, "You were rescued by the sect master, and the sect master will naturally not drive you out of the demon sect, but you made a mistake this time, and I will take you to the sect master to receive punishment!"

Such a big mistake, she doesn't believe that the leader will not punish Shen Cha!

Now Su Yue doesn't know that Shen Cha is from the Demon Sect.

If it happens in the future, once you know that Shen Cha is related to the demon sect, those famous and decent people on the rivers and lakes will probably attack the demon sect!

This kind of situation is something she doesn't want to see.

Cha Cha was speechless while holding the quilt.

"So, Guardian Zuo intends to let me go to see the leader in such a disheveled way?"

Liu Ying, "..."

(end of this chapter)