Chapter 1600: Demonic Sorceress (6)

Chapter 1600 Demonic Demon Girl (6)

Cha Cha threw the whip he took to Liu Ying.

"Left Protector, you lost."

The crisp and indifferent voice brought many people back to their senses.

Only then did someone step up to help the left guardian who vomited blood on the ground.

Liu Ying gritted her teeth and looked at her hatefully.

Chacha said again, "I hope that the Zuo Hufa can be willing to admit defeat."

Liu Ying snorted, her chest hurting badly.

and the whip that was slapped on his body was even more painful.

This time, she underestimated Shen Cha.

Next time, she must kill Shen Cha!

Cha Cha turned around and was about to leave, wondering if Fen Xiu had prepared breakfast for her.

Just took two steps.

Liu Ying weakly opened her mouth.

"Stop, you haven't gone to apologize to the leader!"

chacha, “…”

is injured, still thinking about it?

Are you still persistent?

She looked back at Liu Ying.

"Then the left guardian means, you took me to wait outside the leader's courtyard while you were injured?"

Liu Ying didn't say anything and acquiesced to her words.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ying took out a brown medicine bottle from her arms, poured out two pills, and swallowed it.

She tried to regulate her internal breath.

However, there was another pain in the chest.

Internal interest chaos.

I'm afraid this injury is more serious than she imagined.

Liu Ying turned her head to one of them and said, "Go to the right protector and ask the right protector to take her to see the leader."

Cha Cha rolled his eyes silently.

See the leader, see the leader, see the leader!

The teacher didn't wake up yet, so she went to dismantle the leader's bed!

Soon, the right protector Qingmu appeared.

Liu Ying said a few simple words before leaving.

Qing Mu's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on Cha Cha.

seems to be a little curious about her.

Yuecheng, he knew it.

I didn't expect it to be related to her.

And he injured Liu Ying at a young age.

Cha Cha also looked at Qing Mu, the right protector of the Demon Sect, with a handsome appearance and a cold look, and there was no superfluous expression on his face.

A follower like    is probably the standard for a male lead follower?

Face paralysis, high martial arts, or a piece of wood.

She followed Qing Mu to the outside of the sect master's yard again. Cha Cha touched the belly of the protester, and slowly took out a few pieces of cake from her arms.


was taken from Qiqi’s hand in space.

Shiqi looked at the sudden decrease in the number of pastries.

Look at the poor host again.

Alas, send a tea table and cakes!

How can Chacha go hungry!

It will be distressed!

Chacha quickly ate a few cakes, and Qing Mu, who was next to him, stood there all the time, without any words, with a complete facial paralysis. For this, Chacha was very satisfied.

Don't talk nonsense or stop her from eating.

looks much more pleasing to the eye than Liu Ying.

Almost another stick of incense passed.

The leader finally opened the door.

It looks like he must have woken up.

Chacha pinched his eyebrows, it was really hard to wait.


Qing Mu led her over.

At that time, the leader was standing with both hands.

"The leader, the matter between Jiang Yumian and Yuecheng's daughter... You should already know that the person behind your subordinate is the party involved."

Chacha looked up.

Beautiful eyes, instantly lit up.

Yue Ze, the leader of the Demon Sect.

She thought it would take a few more laps to meet her, but she didn't expect that Yue Ze was someone.

A trace of doubt crossed her eyes.

tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

The question is, why did he save the original owner so coincidentally?

After saving it, he threw it into the Demon Sect and never looked at it again.

Yue Ze's voice was cold and thin, "Come here."

Cha Cha snorted and took two steps in front of him.

Yue Ze frowned, seemingly dissatisfied, "Come here a little more."

Cha Cha took a few steps forward in confusion, and didn't stop until he came to him, the two of them were very close.

Yue Ze stared at her for a while.

The two looked at each other.

Yue Ze calmly retracted his gaze.

He looked at Qing Mu, "When is the Demon Sect afraid of passing a mere Yuecheng?

A mouth full of benevolence, righteousness and morality is nothing but a layer of hypocrisy. "

Qing Mu understood in seconds.

The meaning of    is that Shen Cha will not be blamed for this matter.

Yue Ze, "Is there anything else?"

Qing Mu, "...Liu Ying competed with Miss Shen. She lost and suffered a little injury. It may be inconvenient these few days."

Yue Ze raised his eyebrows and looked at Cha Cha.

Then, he said again, "Go back!"

Qing Mu, "Yes."

Qing Mu turned and left.

Cha Cha blinked and left.

As he took a step, someone grabbed his wrist.

She turned her head in astonishment and met that handsome face.

The eyes are dark and deep, and the ends of the eyes are a little seductive.

"Anything else?"

she asked tentatively.

Yue Ze squeezed her wrist and didn't let go, "Yes."

Chacha, "???"

Yue Ze, "Am I good-looking?"

Chacha looked at him in a daze, "...good-looking." What's the problem?

Yue Ze hummed, "You're also pretty."

Chacha, "???"

Just...the two of them compliment each other?

And they are still very unwilling to praise each other...

is like an act of confusion.

Suddenly, Yue Ze let go of her wrist, "You can go back."

Cha Cha nodded and turned to leave without any nostalgia.

She felt that this leader... was strange.

Forget it, I don’t want to, let’s go back to eat first.

Waiting for Cha Cha to return to her room, Fen Xiu was waiting outside.

As soon as he saw her, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Miss, you are so amazing! You actually defeated the Zuo Hufa, and now the whole demon religion has spread all over the world, and everyone admires you very much!"

Chacha hummed.

is not too concerned about this.

"Where's the meal? Ready?"

Fenxiu, "It's ready, the servant will bring it here."

Today's meals are quite a few more dishes, and you can see that a lot of thought has been spent on it.

When Chacha was eating, Fenxiu was very attentive.

looked at her like a little fan girl.

Chacha, "..." Hey, she really didn't plan to be so famous.

However, the opponent took the initiative to give her the opportunity, and she could not tolerate it.


Fenxiu ran over and told her.

Liu Ying's injuries are quite serious, and I am afraid that she will not be able to get out of bed for several days.

Chacha oh.

Don't blame her, Liu Ying brought it on herself.

During the competition, Liu Ying gathered enough strength to kill her.

Of course she will fight back!

Then, as soon as she turned her head, she found that Fenxiu seemed to admire her even more.

Chacha, "..." Well, I'm a little embarrassed.

But that's fine, once this happened, probably no one else from the Demon Cult would come to find fault.

As for Liu Ying, he has to lie down for a few days anyway, but these days can be clean.

It's just right, she can take advantage of this time to rest. In a few days, she will also go to Yuecheng. At that time, even if Liu Ying wants to find fault, she will not be able to find her.


Wait a moment.

seems to have forgotten something very important.

What's going on?

Forget it, don’t think about it for now.

Qiqi, […] You forgot about Yue Ze.

However, Qiqi didn't mean to remind her.

It thinks that Koshizawa will probably come to the door on his own.


Late at night.

Cha Cha just lay down not long ago.

I felt a small movement in the room.

She has always been very sensitive to voices. She closed her eyes, and her hands under the quilt were ready to attack anyone.

Could it be that Liu Ying's people are taking revenge on her?

In the darkness, someone walked to the bed, and as soon as he sat down, he was punched in the face.

The weak voice came, Chacha felt a little familiar, he took out a night pearl to illuminate it, and then looked at the person in front of him in shock.

"..." is over, typo.

Yue, Yue Ze...

(end of this chapter)