Chapter 1603: Demon Sorceress (9)

Chapter 1603 Demonic Demon Girl (9)

Chacha blinked, a little surprised.

The progress of this plane is so fast?

She walked over and reached out to help Yue Ze undress.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was knocked down by Yue Ze.

"what are you doing?"

He frowned at her, a little surprised.

Cha Cha looked puzzled.

"Didn't you ask me to wait for you to take a hot spring? Don't you need to take off your clothes when you go to the hot spring?"

A bit of displeasure appeared on Yue Ze's face.

"Don't you know how the word shy is written? I asked you to wait for me to soak in the hot spring, and you are in a hurry to help me undress?"

Chacha is even more puzzled.

"Then what should I do?"

Yue Ze, "I'm not you, how do I know what you should do?"

Cha Cha looked at Yue Ze who was a little confused.

gave him a friendly-looking smile.

Next second.

She kicked the person into the hot spring while Yue Ze was not paying attention.

This is also not possible, that is not possible, there are many things to do.

Well, it's still as simple and neat.

Yue Ze, who fell into the hot spring, stared at her for a while, "How dare you."

Chacha, "It's all taught by the leader."

Yue Ze snorted coldly.

This time, it stopped a lot.

Leaning there quietly and soaking in the hot spring.

After a while, Yue Ze suddenly said, "There is a small wooden hut not far from the hot spring. There are my clothes in the wooden hut. You can go and get a set."

Chacha responded and walked in the direction he pointed.

Although the wooden house is not big, it has everything and is exquisitely furnished. It should be specially used for Yueze to rest. After soaking in the hot spring, you can lie down in the wooden house for a while.

is quite enjoyable.

She took a set of clothes from the closet, and without delay, she quickly returned to the hot spring and put the clothes aside.

Yue Ze said lightly, "Turn around and don't look back."

Cha Cha thought for a while, since he wanted to change his clothes, it would be more appropriate for her to change.

"Then I'll wait for you at the cabin." She suggested.

"No!" Yue Ze refused without thinking.

He said again, "What if you run away?"

chacha, “…”

I think you are really weird.

She pursed her lips and turned her back to him.

A rustling voice came clearly in my ears, and at the same time, Yue Ze's reminder, "Don't look back!"

"I won't take advantage of you..."

Cha Cha whispered.

Those who didn't know it thought she was a cute little girl.

Makes it like she's a bad person.

The sound of    gradually disappeared.

Cha Cha, "Are you okay?"

Yue Ze, "Don't move."

Cha Cha, "Good."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cha Cha was suddenly pushed by someone.

She slipped and fell into the hot spring.

Cha Cha stood in the hot spring in shock, looking at Yue Ze in shock, "???" The little head was full of question marks.

This is revenge? ? ?

Yoshizawa squinted, "Is it comfortable in the hot spring? The sect master allows you to soak in my special hot spring for a while, so don't thank me too much, after all, not everyone can enjoy this treatment."

After saying this, he turned and left.

added another sentence before leaving.

"Although I'm not a decent person, but I shouldn't watch it, and I won't watch it either."

Immediately, Yue Ze left the hot spring.

Leaving Cha Cha alone inside, stunned.

There was no one around, Chacha released Qiqi from the space.

"Qiqi, what do you think he thinks?"

Qiqi, "Meow Meow Meow." I think he is like a child who hasn't grown up, immature, likes you and wants to bully you, probably to get your attention.

chacha, “…”

Qiqi's words seem to make sense?

However, this hot spring is really comfortable.

Every part of the body seemed to relax a lot.

means that the clothes are wet and sticking to the body, which does not feel very good.

However, this feeling is barely negligible.

Speak up.

If Yoshizawa changed her method to let her soak in the hot spring, she would probably be very moved and very happy.

And now... She just felt that he was a little bit of a nuisance.

is like he cares about you, but he wants to play a prank.

Chacha brewed for a while, took clothes from the space, changed into clean clothes, and then left.

But he didn't want to, and saw Qing Mu at the entrance.

Qing Mu seemed to be there all along.

Seeing her coming out, he said, "The sect master has ordered that after Miss Shen comes out of the hot spring, she needs to go to the sect master's Yueyunyuan, so don't delay."

Cha Cha, "Well, thank you."

Yueyunin should be the name of Koshizawa's residence.

I didn't notice it before, but now I know the name of the yard.

Moon Cloud House.

When Chacha walked in.

Yue Ze is sitting under a peach tree.

In this season, the peach blossoms are not yet open, and it looks a bit lonely and cold.

"Master." She called out.

Yue Ze glanced at her, got up and entered the room, and leaned back on the soft couch.

"Bump me on the leg."

Chacha didn't know what he was thinking or what he was going to do, so he said, "Okay."

She walked over and beat his legs with neither light nor heavy force.

Yue Ze said dissatisfiedly, "The force is lighter."

Chacha, "...then I'll be heavier."

After    beating a few times, Yue Ze said again, "The force is heavy! Are you trying to break my leg?"

Chacha, "...then I'll be lighter."

Yue Ze, "Did you not eat? Are you weak? Are you mad at me on purpose?"

Cha Cha, “………”

She stood up abruptly, her tensed face wrinkled, "I just didn't eat!"

Yue Ze paused and said in a good mood, "Oh, then you accompany me to dinner."

He just thinks the way she frys her hair is cute.

Otherwise, it’s not fun to be expressionless all the time.

He teased a few words, the little girl's face changed very quickly, very interesting, fresh and agile.

So, Yue Ze didn't think there was anything wrong with his approach.

Cha Cha accompanies him to dinner with his eyebrows pinched.

I don't know what happened to him. If she keeps tossing, she thinks she might not be able to resist being beaten.

Children do not obey how to do?

Just a beat.

Still not obedient?

Then fight again.

Cha Cha secretly glanced at Yue Ze, as if thinking about where to start.

Until he met Yuesawa's dark eyes.

She paused.

Oh, almost forgot, this is her man.

can not fight.

Forget it, stop fighting.

He acts as a demon again...she will continue to cooperate.

Besides, he used to dote on her very much.

Thinking so, Cha Cha smiled sweetly at him.

Then help Yueze with the dishes.

Attitude changes directly.

"Sect Master, eat more. You are in charge of every day, and you have to deal with magic things every day. It must be very hard, and you need to add more nutrition."

Yue Ze frowned at her.

"??? Being so nice to me all of a sudden? Are you calculating something? Are you trying to get my attention on purpose? Or do you want me to care about you?"

Chacha smiled softly, "You think too much, you are the leader, and I am the one who serves you. Of course, the leader must come first in everything."

Yue Ze carefully observed her expression.

After confirming that there was no flaw, he became even more suspicious.

Her attitude just now was not like this.

is obviously a little cutie who is on the verge of frying.

Now I don't fry anymore... I always feel that something is wrong.

(end of this chapter)