Chapter 1610: Demonic Sorceress (16)

Chapter 1610 Demonic Demon Girl (16)

Su Chaoyu was affirmed and did not stay any longer.

Su Yue went back to rest.

After waiting all night, he didn't find the witch.

He pondered that the demon girl should not have the courage to run to the City Lord's Mansion during the day.

However, just in case.

He still left a lot of staff, after all, the witch is too cunning.

Su Yue just lay down and rested, and before closing his eyes, the guard of the city lord's mansion hurried over.

Su Yue's eyes lit up, "But that demon girl appeared!"

The guard knelt down with a plop.

"City lord, the son who gave advice to your subordinates... is gone."

The    guard trembled.

Originally there was no movement.

Until morning, when it was time for breakfast, they waited for a long time to see the young man come out.

I wondered if there was an accident. A few people went to knock on the door together, but no one answered the knock for a long time. After breaking in to have a look, I found that the room was empty.

Su Yue was furious.

sat up from the bed, walked over quickly, and kicked the guard to the ground, "Trash! It's all a bunch of trash! I've raised you for so long, can't even do this little thing?"

Su Yue paced back and forth in the room.

Thinking about it as we walked.

The advice given by that young man is clearly very good.

Even he thinks there is no problem.

Could it be because he was guarded by people, which caused the young master to be frightened? So you ran away overnight?

Or, if he was afraid that the plan would fail, he would ask him to settle the account?

In short, it's hard to say.

tilted his head and saw the guard still shivering there.

Suddenly, he was angry again.

"What are you still doing? Find a few people to chase after you!" Anyway, it's 50,000 taels of silver. If the plan doesn't work out, he can still get the silver ticket back.

If he can't catch Shen Cha again, then he will really be empty of money and man.

Su Yue angrily kicked the table beside him.

made a crashing sound.

Also take a break!

He carried the knife and left the room, with a bit of killing intent all over his body.

As long as Shen Cha dares to appear, he will kill Shen Cha!

The City Lord's Mansion is in chaos again because of Su Yue...

At that time.

Demon Cult.

Cha Cha and Yue Ze are resting, rushing to the road all night, first sleep, supplement sleep.

The elders of the    Demon Sect looked at the pile of snow-patterned silver, and their mouths could hardly close when they laughed.

Qing Mu followed the instructions.

divided 50,000 taels to several elders as the daily expenses of the Demon Sect.

There are still 10,000 taels. I took out a large part and distributed it to the brothers who followed down the mountain. The rest was used to buy wine and meat for everyone in the demon sect.

As for Miss Shen's 50,000 taels, she couldn't move.

The sect leader said that it was Miss Shen's silver tael, and no one was allowed to think about it.

After all, it was Miss Shen who used herself as a bait.

The    Demon Sect was very happy because of drinking and eating meat. Although they didn't know what happened, they knew they had to thank Shen Cha more.

Many people admire Shen Cha very much.

The words of praise and praise soon reached Liu Ying's ears.

Liu Ying was furious.

If it wasn't for Shen Cha hurting her, she would never have been able to lie on the bed for so long.

The injury has just turned a lot, and he is almost healed, and this news came again.

This was a blow to Liu Ying.

Liu Ying has been in the magic religion for many years.

More or less, there are some connections and some confidants.

She asked people to quickly inquire about the specifics of this matter. She didn't believe that there was any normal way to get hundreds of thousands of silver taels in such a short period of time.

The speed of his subordinates is very fast.

Qing Mu is naturally impossible to disclose.

Taking advantage of the fact that many people in the Demon Sect were drinking and eating meat, Liu Ying's confidant found one of the little brothers who went down the mountain with the sect master, poured a wave of wine, and easily got the words out.

Liu Ying knew what happened.

The hatred in his eyes grew stronger.

She really underestimated Shen Cha, how could she be so capable?

And cruel enough.

With a plan like   , unless you are very confident in yourself, or you make a wrong step, you will lose the whole game, and you will easily be caught by Su Yue.

A good one can't get a tiger without entering the tiger's den.

She will treat this opponent well in the future.

And now, she wants to give Shen Cha a great gift!

Su Yue baited hundreds of thousands of taels, and is probably still kept in the dark.

If she finds someone to reveal the news to Su Yue.

Probably from now on, Su Yue and Shen Cha will never die.

Liu Ying's work speed is very fast.

Otherwise, he would not be the left guardian of the Demon Sect.

That day, when Cha Cha and Yue Ze hadn't woken up, Su Yue had already received the news.

Su Yue looked at the anonymous letter in shock.

It turns out that these are all traps set up by the demon girl Shen Cha?

Even that son's suggestion is part of the witch's plan?


Su Yue was struck with some doubts about his life.

If it was really what the letter said, wouldn't he have been tricked by that demon girl for hundreds of thousands of taels? Not only that, but also being played around?

Who do you think he is? idiot?

The witch is too deceiving!


Su Yue hurriedly asked people to go to the bank to inquire.

Half an hour later, news came that all the banknotes had been exchanged for silver taels and taken away...

After getting a silver ticket, a normal person will not directly exchange it for silver taels. Even if they do, it is impossible to exchange hundreds of thousands of taels within two days.

Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, can that be carried on the body?

can only be said to be very premeditated...

The route was planned early.

Unobtrusively carried away the silver tael, and it was still such a large amount... It is definitely not something Shen Cha can do alone, she has a gang!

There are many, many accomplices!

Those demon disciples are all accomplices!

Pitted his accomplice of Yinliang!

Su Yue was out of breath and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Sorceress, I must kill you! Definitely!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yue fainted.

His anger attacked his heart, and he was stagnant in his heart.

the next day.

Su Yue discussed with those capable people in the City Lord's Mansion, and gave Shen Cha a battle post.

Ten days later.

The summit of Qingyun Peak, a showdown, regardless of life or death.

When Chacha got the battle post.

laughed out loud immediately.

"So shameless, let me single out a group of them by myself?

Sure enough, those who have no face and no skin are invincible in the world. "

It would be a pity not to kill someone like Su Yue.

Talk and talk.

Chacha should still be served.

After all, this matter has to be understood.

Su Yue, she will not let it go.

If it wasn't for Su Yue's orders, there would not be a massacre of the Shen family.

Su Yue and Jiang Yumian, none of them could run.

And Su Chaoyu, who is not innocent at all.

Everyone has the right to live, but one cannot live for oneself without depriving others of their lives.

Jiang Yumian lived in the Shen family for five years.

She didn't believe it, and Su Chaoyu didn't know anything about it.

In this case, the most innocent are the Shen family.

Saved the wounded and rescued in his life, but was killed by someone he trusted.

Yue Ze grabbed Cha Cha's wrist and said softly, "Since you are going to Qingyun Peak, then I will go to Qingyun Peak to protect you."

's voice was calm and calm, not giving Cha Cha a chance to refuse.

Such a dangerous thing, he doesn't trust her to go to Qingyun Peak alone.

(end of this chapter)