Chapter 1619: Substitute Storm (3)

Chapter 1619 Stand-in Storm (3)

Gu Qingchen returned to the villa at night.

asked the maid about Xu Cha.

Seeing that Xu Cha still had no intention of admitting his mistake, Gu Qingchen snorted coldly.

He was so upset that he directly stopped the water in the bathroom.

Not only that.

Even the electricity in that room was cut off.

In a closed room with no water and electricity, and there was no food or drink, he wanted to see how long Xu Cha could last.

Chacha looked at the lights in the room that suddenly went out.

blinked in confusion.

for a moment.

She realized that it was Gu Qingchen's **** again.

Cha Cha, "Calm down!"

Don't panic.

She got up and stared coldly at the monitor in the room.

picked up the lamp and smashed it on the monitor.

at the same time.

The monitoring screen made a sizzling sound.

Then it was black.

The servant frowned and told Gu Qingchen about it.

Gu Qingchen didn't have much reaction.

"Wait for her to admit she's wrong."

Even if there is no surveillance, the woman can't escape.

A closed room, can it possibly disappear out of thin air?

When Gu Qingchen fell asleep at night, he felt very tired.

Blame that **** dream.

Late at night.

Gu Qingchen fell asleep.

This night.

He went to the room with the piano again.

And the cat that sits gracefully.

Sitting high, looking down at him coldly.

is like a living monitor.

Gu Qingchen didn't know what happened to him.

He was forced to sit there and play the piano, and it kept playing, and when it stopped, the cat would roar.

He seemed unable to stop.

I do not know how long it has been.

The scene in front of me flashed.

There is no piano in front of him, he is standing in a bathroom.

was forced to drink the water in the bathroom.

He didn't even know why he was doing it, as if he couldn't control his body at all.

Drinking and drinking, suddenly there was darkness in front of me.

The water is gone.

The electricity is gone.

There is no light at all.

He subconsciously wanted to escape.

However, no matter how much he groped, he could not find an exit from this small bathroom.

He was eager.

Indistinctly, fear came to mind...

The next day.

Early morning.

Gu Qingchen abruptly sat up from the bed.

He woke up from the dream, sweating profusely.

Another nightmare.

Gu Qingchen wiped his sweat, got up and went to the bathroom, he wanted to wash his face.

But I don't know what happened.

He just turned on the tap.

The    action is like uncontrollable hands together to take water from the faucet, then bring it to the mouth and drink it.

Gu Qingchen's eyes were full of horror, "!!!"

This is so similar to last night's dream!

He tried to stop.

But the hands are repeating the same action as if uncontrolled, fetching and drinking water.

Gu Qingchen's pupils dilated, as if someone was controlling his behavior. He didn't know what happened to him or why it happened.

For the first time, he felt the fear of the unknown.

what's next?

In the dream last night, he would be trapped in the bathroom next time, in darkness, unable to go out. Could it be the same in reality? Or was he still in a dream and didn't wake up at all?

The next moment.

Gu Qingchen, who was drinking water, suddenly turned dark.

Can't see anything.

plunged into darkness.

He fumbled to get out of the bathroom, but the bathroom door was tightly closed and could not be opened.

Gu Qingchen was sweating finely on his forehead.

He tried to call for help.

He urgently opened his mouth to call out.

However, he could not make a sound.

Gu Qingchen, "!!!!!!"

In a panic and panic, Gu Qingchen passed out and fell to the ground with a thud.

at the same time.

Chacha, "???" Is this faint?

Can't stand it?

Dogs are not very good!

The original owner was tortured by him for a long time!

Gu Qingchen can't take it anymore after the second day?

Tsk, she was so disappointed.

Cha Cha was lying on the sofa.

After    destroyed the surveillance, she stayed in the space, no one could see her anyway, and no one would go to that room.

Gu Qingchen woke up an hour later.

He opened his eyes and found himself collapsed in the bathroom.

The scene before he passed out suddenly played out in his mind like a movie.


is almost an escape instinct.

He got up from the ground, opened the bathroom door, ran out, gasped for breath, went all the way outside the bedroom, stood in the corridor, saw the servants and bodyguards, and then he regained his senses.

The servant and the bodyguard looked at each other.

I don't know what happened to Mr. Gu?

is so embarrassing.

Gu Qingchen came back to his senses, reached out and touched his stomach, he could feel that his stomach was still very bloated, obviously because he drank too much water.

So what just happened was not a dream.

He himself woke up in the bathroom.

Gu Qingchen called two bodyguards into the bedroom and asked them to check the bathroom door lock and the circuit problem in the bathroom.

The result came quickly.

Whether it is the door lock or the circuit, there is no problem.

"Impossible! Substitution, check again!" Gu Qingchen was furious.

There must be something wrong with the door lock and circuit.

Otherwise, the scene just now cannot be explained at all.


No matter who came to check, there was no problem with the bathroom door lock and circuit.

This made Gu Qingchen have to wonder if there was a problem with his own spirit...

Gu Qingchen contacted the family doctor and gave himself a comprehensive examination. Except for getting angry, there was no problem.

Gu Qingchen, "!!!"

Gu Qingchen didn't go to the company because his mood was not right.

He didn't sleep well at night, and he struggled for a long time in the morning. In the afternoon, he sat on the sofa in the living room, and fell asleep after sitting for a few minutes.

Then he dreamed of the piano again.

He was playing the piano again.

The servant didn't leave the dream until the servant broke the glass and woke him up with a sound.

Gu Qingchen pinched his eyebrows, looking tired.

He may need a psychiatrist.

Gu Qingchen used the fastest speed to contact the best doctor in Ancheng.

Cha Cha burst out laughing.

"He actually knew that he had a mental problem?

Actually, he should find another psychiatrist. "

Qiqi nodded his cat's head in cooperation.

"Chacha, when are we leaving this villa?"

Chacha thought for a while.


Why leave!

Anyway, we don’t have to worry about eating and drinking in the space villa, just wait. "

is just the price of this little bit, far from enough.

At best, a little interest has just been recovered.

It's early!

How miserable the original owner was!

For Gu Qingchen, it was just the beginning of a nightmare.

Qiqi shuddered unconsciously.


The host is a little scary.

also blamed Gu Qingchen for his own death.

After talking with the doctor for more than an hour, the doctor gave a suggestion: maybe the pressure was too much, and there was hallucination.

Gu Qingchen felt that the feeling was too real, not like an illusion, but he couldn't explain the problem that the bathroom door lock and circuit were intact.

Maybe it's really an illusion, right?

He himself was a little unsure.

Since Xu Wei left, his mood has not been very good.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense.

After Gu Qingchen left the doctor, he did not return to the villa.

invited some friends to the bar.

(end of this chapter)