Chapter 1656: Game Love (16)

Chapter 1656 Game Love (16)

Chacha after going back.

did not rush to move there.

In the past two days, she opened another account to go to Xinghe's live broadcast room. Of course, she didn't give Xinghe another reward this time, otherwise she would be recognized by him again.

until the third day.

Galaxy took the initiative to contact Chacha.

Cha Cha watched the news of Xinghe with a smile.

Xinghe: My friend asked me to ask you, when will you move in?

Qiqi burst out laughing.

【Chacha is amazing! 】

Cha Cha covered his mouth and snickered, "It's normal."

You don't have to be active all the time in chasing someone, you can occasionally cool him for two days.

Well, this method also depends on the situation, otherwise it is easy to overturn.

Qiqi was in a good mood when he saw his host, and he was happy too, but fortunately, the host didn't take the initiative all the time.

Chacha replied to Xinghe: Tomorrow, I will move in tomorrow, I have something to do these two days.

This is indeed not a perfunctory Galaxy.

Xiao Hang is going to take down the live broadcast company where Xinghe is, and he has a lot of things to deal with. In addition, this company has to be handed over to Chacha, and Chacha has to follow some procedures.

Not too busy, but not idle either.

Galaxy quickly replied with a umm.

is as cold as he himself.

Cha Cha put away his phone and started to organize his clothes.

There are not many clothes in the hotel.

She didn't live here for a few days.

At that time, when I moved out of the apartment next to the school, I didn’t think much about it, I hurried out, and most of the rest was sent back to Xiao’s house by the bodyguard.

After all, she might have to go back to Xiao's house.


Cha Cha returned to Xiao's house unhurriedly.

Xiao's single-family villas are luxurious everywhere. At the same time, each villa area here does not disturb each other, leaving enough privacy.

Even if he lived here for several years, the original owner was not very familiar with the neighbors here, and some of them never even met.

Before, Xiao Hang's family did not live here.

Living near the Xiao family's old house, Xiao Hang was worried about the health of the second elder of the Xiao family.

A few years ago, the second elder of the Xiao family got better.

I am also idle, so I often travel abroad together.

On the contrary, the two old people are getting more and more restless, they don't go back to the old house very much, and they play happily abroad every day.

And Xiao Hang brought his family to the villa here, euphemistically called: change the environment and change the mood.

Actually, it was because Xiao Hang took a fancy to the villa here at a glance.

The family moved in.

After the second old man came back from abroad, he occasionally returned to the old house, and occasionally came to live here.

But usually, only Xiao Hang and his wife live here.

The older brother of the original owner started his business early and was considered a workaholic. In order to work, he bought an apartment directly near the company.

As for the original owner, the school is far away from here, and most of the time he lives in the apartment next to the school.

Chacha walked in.

The maid greeted respectfully.

Mother Xiao was sitting in the living room and flipping through a booklet.

see Cha Cha back.

Mother Xiao waved at her, "Chacha, come and see which of these sets of jewelry suits me. Hey, I'm almost blinded."

Mother Xiao is choosing from three sets of jewelry.

Cha Cha glanced.

"It's so pretty, I bought it."

Mother Xiao paused and responded quickly, "I think what you said makes sense."

She handed the booklet to the assistant next to her.

"I just bought all three sets."

After explaining to the assistant, Mother Xiao put her eyes on Cha Cha.

"Why do you remember coming back today? I heard from your dad, you know you worked hard? Are you willing to manage a company first?"

My daughter knows that working hard is a big happy event. It doesn't matter what happens in the future. Now, I must not undermine my daughter's self-confidence. We must encourage her!

"Just try it first, don't worry, I have the confidence to make money and not lose money!"

Cha Cha clenched his small fists and opened his mouth with promise.

Mother Xiao looked at her thoughtfully.

asked after a while, "What does that company do?"

"It's a live broadcast company. Do you know about live broadcast? The company will sign some co-hosts, and the host will broadcast live on the platform, singing, dancing, and playing games. They can perfectly show their talents. Recently, eating and broadcasting is also very popular."

Cha Cha sat next to Mother Xiao and explained in a slow and slow manner.

"If you are interested, you can also open a live account."

Mother Xiao felt a little helpless.

"You kid, I don't have any talent. What's the live broadcast?"

She can't sing and dance.

The game has never been played.

Can someone watch her live broadcast?

knew how to make her happy.

Cha Cha gave a suggestion with a smile, "You can live stream the life of a wealthy family! Your cloakroom, your jewelry box, your luxury mansion... Others will be envious."

Mother Xiao's face was full of helplessness.

It would be strange if she didn't know what virtue her daughter was.

However, he reluctantly gave a compliment.

"I can speak better than before.

Did you come back this time to get something? when are we leaving? "

Chacha, "'re really my mother. As soon as you compliment you, ask me when I'm leaving."

Cha Cha said while reaching out to help Mother Xiao peel the oranges.

Mother Xiao glanced at the upcoming sugar-coated cannonball, not at all bewildered.

"Could it be that you didn't come here to get something? You don't plan to leave?"

The action of peeling the orange paused slightly.

"I, I will sleep at home for one night and leave tomorrow."

Mother Xiao stared at her for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

"This time you are so motivated and hardworking, shouldn't it be for someone?"

chacha, “…”

The oranges in her hands were almost unsteady and fell to the ground in fright.

was silent for almost three seconds.

Mother Xiao sighed suddenly.

"Hey, my daughter who has been raised so hard will be hooked up by a pig who doesn't know what she looks like."

"..." Chacha really doesn't know how to answer this.

If you accept this, don't you indirectly tell Mother Xiao that there is such a person?


Even though she didn't answer, Mother Xiao guessed it.

"Is there any photos, let me see, the man who can hook up my daughter must be the best of the best, otherwise I won't agree!"

Mother Xiao is full of aura.

Confidence in his own daughter.

Chacha couldn't help but take a sentence, "Didn't you just say that person is a pig? Has he become a dragon and a phoenix again?"

Mother Xiao, "..." No, I can't talk anymore.

Goodbye daughter!

Seeing that Mother Xiao got up to leave, Cha Cha hurriedly pulled the person back.

"Hey, I'm just talking casually, I don't have his photo, and when I get a hold of someone, I'll bring him back to see you!

But don't worry, he is good-looking, has a good temperament, and is a good person. All conditions are good, but he may not be as rich as our family. "

Speaking of the last, Cha Cha is a little distressed.

Mother Xiao rubbed her head with gentle movements.

"Be careful yourself, don't be deceived, it doesn't matter if you don't have money in my family, as long as your character is fine, it's okay to be sincere to you, our family doesn't play the game of marriage.

Besides, our family is so rich, it is really difficult to find someone richer than our family. "

Therefore, money is not important.

Their family is not the kind of family that looks at money.

Whether it is a daughter or a son, marriage is not a deal.

She and Xiao Hang respect their choice.

Of course, the premise is that Chacha will bring people over and let her have a look with Xiao Hang. If there is no problem with the character, she and Xiao Hang will never say much.

(end of this chapter)