Chapter 1673: Killer Relentless (6)

Chapter 1673 Killer is ruthless (6)

Cha Cha looked at Ying Wu who rushed over.

unhurriedly waved the whip in his hand.

The whip slapped Ying Wu with a slap.

Yingwu was hit and fell heavily to the ground.

She raised her head in disbelief, and even one whip made her vomit blood?

how is this possible……

Yingwu only felt that her suffering over the years seemed to be in vain.

It’s okay to be beaten by the sky.

A wild girl who just popped up now can actually hurt her?

She looked down at the wound from the whip, her clothes were torn, her skin was ripped open, she gritted her teeth and struggled to get up, hatred flashed in her eyes.

No matter who she is, she cannot stop her from killing King Jin.

Her mission this time must be completed.

No one can stop her!

Ying Wu shouted sharply at the killer who besieged King Jin.

"At all costs, take King Jin's life!"

Chacha, "..." Tsk, that's really embarrassing.

No one can stop her from saving King Jin.

Those killers were all intent on killing all of a sudden, King Jin was the one they wanted to kill regardless of their lives.

Seeing that King Jin couldn't hold it anymore.

Cha Cha jumped in front of him lightly and blocked everything for him.

She controlled the force when she used the whip.

did not directly take the lives of these people.

But now it seems that if they don't take their lives, these people will keep biting and not letting go.

Her eyes turned cold.

The whip in his hand turns into a murder weapon...

Ying Wu saw that the situation was wrong and ran as fast as possible.

Yingwu's light work is very good, so there is the word Ying in the name, and she herself is charming and moving, so that's why the name Yingwu.

Cha Cha didn't go after Ying Wu.

went to see King Jin calmly.

The killers around him have all died.

She just shot hard, killing without blinking. I wonder if King Jin would think she was cruel...

It was like this when we first met.

was something she didn't expect.

The smell of blood permeating around is getting stronger and stronger.

She frowned, "You..."

The words have not yet fallen.

King Jin slammed down in the direction of Cha Cha, and she subconsciously reached out and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He rested his head on her shoulder and looked weak.

Cha Cha stretched out a hand between his nose and snorted, "..." It's okay, he's still alive.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

took another look at his injury.

Nothing serious.

But very weak, and he still has toxins in his body.

Cha Cha stared at him for a while, seeing his eyelashes trembling slightly, thinking that he should still be somewhat sensible.

"Aren't you King Jin? Where are your people? Where should we go?" she asked.

for a moment.

The person who fell on her shoulder opened his eyes slightly, raised his finger and pointed in one direction.

At this moment, his face was morbidly pale.

It looks bad.

Chacha was a little worried.

for fear that something will happen to him.

She put her arms around his waist and walked in the direction he pointed.

didn't go very far.

A group of people hurried over.

The leading man saw King Jin and immediately knelt down.

"I am late, please forgive me."

The voice of    fell.

His eyes suddenly fell on Cha Cha.

's eyes were obviously vigilant, "Who are you?"

At the same time, I was secretly surprised.

How could the lord be with a woman?

The prince obviously hates the touch of women the most.

But now, the two are clearly very close.

Qing looked at this scene in confusion, but did not dare to reach out and grab the prince from her arms.

Chacha didn't answer in a hurry, and tilted his head to look at King Jin.

King Jin slowly walked away from her shoulders.

"She saved this king, and is the savior of this king. Let's deal with the corpse behind."

King Jin commanded in a low voice.

As if this sentence exhausted all his strength.

He fell weakly on Cha Cha's shoulders again.

Chacha, "???" always feels that something is not right.

Isn't he King Jin?

Why does it fall on top of her at every turn?

Is    so weak?

Or, did the fight just now consume too much?

Qingli watched his prince fall into the girl's arms as if he had no bones.

He thought for a moment.

I think the prince probably doesn't hate this girl.

He suppressed the shock in his heart.

stepped forward and said, "Since the girl is the prince's savior, she is a distinguished guest of my Prince Jin's mansion. My prince is very weak now, why don't you join the carriage with you. After the prince recovers, you will definitely thank him."

After saying this, he quietly glanced at the prince.

Seeing that the prince did not move, nor did his mood change, Qin Li breathed a sigh of relief.

seems to have guessed correctly.

He smiled and stared at the girl in front of him.

Chacha hesitated.

His guards gave her a chance, she had no reason to refuse.

She nodded, "Hmm."


took King Jin to the carriage.

Qingli left some people behind to deal with the bodies of the assassins.

He was the leader of the team and continued to go to Xiangguo Temple.

on the carriage.

Cha Cha glanced at the decoration of the carriage.

In addition to tea and snacks, the carriage is also covered with thick fleece blankets, and the four corners of the carriage are also inlaid with huge night pearls.

It looks very rich and luxurious.

If you repay her, give her some silver taels, she can also accept it.

As for making promises?

Progress should not be that fast.

As she thought, she reached out and touched the plate of pastries.

It looks like it should taste good.

It tastes even better.

She quietly looked at King Jin lying on the carriage, her eyes were closed, her handsome face was pale and bloodless.

Just now, the guard gave him medicine, but it seems to be getting better so quickly.

She thought for a moment, then put her hand on the pulse of his wrist.

for a moment.

Cha Cha sighed.

exchanged some pills from the system mall.

and put it in front of King Jin.

gave him good medicine, she should be fine with a few cakes, right?

Just took a bite.

Chacha heard a meow.

Chacha, "..." Yeah! Forget Qiqi!

It was still shrunk in her arms, a small mass.

After    Qiqi climbed out, she let out a grieved meow.

Cha Cha hurriedly handed it a piece of cake.

In an instant, Qiqi forgot what happened just now.

It is lying on the blanket

Big eyes fell on the man.

When he was with Cha Cha, he actually slept? ? ?

Qiqi rushed over, stretched out his small paw and stepped on his face.


There was an eerie silence in the carriage.

Chacha forgot to swallow the pastry he was biting, and stretched out his hand to retrieve Qiqi.

"..." Bear boy, not afraid of death!

Qiqi, "Meow?" What happened? I'll help you wake him up.

Chacha, "..." is not necessary, I think your paws may not be able to be kept.

Chacha hugged Qiqi and looked at King Jin with trembling.


He opened his eyes.

After    his eyes touched the stupid cat, his eyes were cold.

Qiqi couldn't help shivering.

I don’t quite understand why this sudden change of situation is for.

Chacha, "...It's not intentional, the little milk cat doesn't understand words, it's naughty, or you step on it, but... maybe you'll kill it with one foot, let's forget it..."

These words Chacha said are a little guilty.

Just now, King Jin was lying there weakly, not fainting or falling asleep.

She estimated that he was closing his eyes and resting...

Qiqi who made a big death, the cat's body shook.

slid into Chacha's arms.

(end of this chapter)